Does President Obama get enough credit for saving the economy?


  • James - 11 years ago

    The main stream news media in this country does not live up to its responsibility to keep the people informed, and separate the rascals from the obviously biased individuals in our society who are the first to give lip-service to loud and garrulous pronouncements of patriotism when cloaking their evil deeds in that flimsy fabric, but when it comes to others they quickly deny that possibility exist. When the main stream news media is hesitant or just plain reluctant to report the truth from the lies it results in a misinformed citizenry who only get their news from such as Fox 10 which spews lies about death panels and birtherism. If these jug heads who daily disrespect and disparage their president were so patriotic, they would realize that they undermine the credibility of this country in the eyes of the other nations around the globe when it comes time to negotiate with them and shows us as a less credible and less desirable trading partner. Hatred is a disease which is seated in the brain and feeds upon its host until it is thoroughly consumed. If only the haters would realize that state of mind undermines their health and well-being. They would wake up one morning and find that throbbing headache has suddenly disappeared and the possibility of attaining Heaven is now real. Know for sure that life is short and our six feet under is one more step away. " For whom the bells toll, it tolls for thee."

  • luann molloy - 11 years ago

    He gives himself enough credit. I give O a lot of credit for doing everything in his power to destroy this country. Just saying.....

  • anna - 11 years ago

    I saw someone write about R govern RICK SCOTT a wealthy creepy racist doing big things in forida to screw minorities from voting PLEASE send people to watch this MAN??? and get his KKK outfit dry cleaned come on he is EVIL

  • anna - 11 years ago

    I may be wrong, but bailing the banks tosave our econmey sucked, I went threw hell bull trying to refiance ,lost it anyway, and the economey seems not to booming for the amount to cost, ,He could have used it $$different and let the big to fail ,fail, SIck to death of the rich getting richer and the rest of us clinging on for life , like when Bush sent people a check for $300.00 they spend more than that on lunch, but for the people , it was supposed to boost what ?,and obama he should have mailedall the screwed people who got scamed and lost homes ,which caused suicides for many ,couldhave come up with better then bailing out the theives and expecting them to help people, I'm not happy they took homes, the home got sold, but not to the original owners, cheap,they end up renting at more than rent price, SCREWED ,people have just gotten to used to it.BUt when they blow itscoming ,it will be very scary

  • Judith Friedman - 11 years ago

    We the people realize what Obama has been trying to do and we know who is responsible for the mess we are in. Congress is owned by the 1% and they are trying to do everything in their power to prevent good things to happen to the 99% of their constituents who are depending on them for their life changing economic fairness. They cannot relate as to how a fair salary with security changes familys' every day lives. They use filibusters to screw us from getting anything done. I am embarrassed, enraged and have gotten literally sick from aggrevating the past few years over what is going on (yes, cancer). I have three nieces who were orphaned at 10, 12 and 14. Know what Ronnie Reagan did to them in 1980? I know how families struggle.

  • Paul Wolff - 11 years ago

    He has spent most of his time doing triage on our economy. Everyone seems to think that with the bailout and other financial programs that we would return to a life of excess like we had. News Flash: It kept us from falling off a cliff into an abyss. Unlike the Bush administrations "go spend money", this was a little deeper and harder to sort out. Go watch "too big to fail" if you want to have an idea of how quickly all this happened, then come up with a better plan.

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Facts about Rick Scott Governor of Florida; Founded Columbia Hosp. 1987 (34). Started Hosp. Corp of America 1987, largest for profit hospital, Hospital/HCA. Resigned as CEO 1997, do to scandal, Medicare billing practices, Fraud, (14) fourteen Felonies filed, HCA paid $600 million in fines. Gov. Scott became Venture Capitalist 1998, Government settled fraud case for $1.7 Billion in penanty, (Medicare Fraud case), largest in history of this country. Ran for Governor in 2010, spent $75 million of his own money to get elected Governor, His net worth in 2010 was est., ($218 Million), in 2012 was est., at $83 million. Venture Capitalist are the ones who made Wall St. collapse in 2008, resulted in the economy going in the tubes. Rick Scott your honest american millionaire. Can we say off shore accts, foreign bank accts., True 1% republican member, White! Voted to take away your voting rights in elections in 2010 and 2012.

  • Caryl Ligler - 11 years ago

    I totally agree with the comments already posted. It saddens me that we cannot seem to see the big picture on anything.

  • Sheila - 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, he does not get enough credit for anything he does as far as I'm concern. It's better than when he took office. That's for sure.

  • LaVina - 11 years ago

    When President Obama does good, the Republicans scream "bloody murder" on him. When Prez Obama came to office, unemployment was on a freefall. Junior Bush was doing NOTHING FOR THE ECOMONY, he was wasted President who cares about the 1percent and no one else.

    President Obama should give all the credit for ecomony, especially for helping out the auto industry. But as long there are "ignorant and stupid" Republicans and Tea Parties whose intelligence is small as a pea, well it will continue. I give kokos to President Obama. He deserves all the credit, but it comes back to the color of his skin, PERIOD!!!

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    President Obama doesn't get any credit from the Republicans, they would just as soon he weren't around. By the way, those yahoos in the House who do nothing with their time but bring up Obamacare for the 41st time, they take a 5 week vacation after doing NOTHING all year long. Would we get by with this in any job we had??? No way, maybe it's time we threw the yokels out and let them find a job for $10 an hour with no benefits. See how they could live--not very long--we need to get behind President Obama and put people back to work so our economy will be better for all not just the 1%.

  • Mary - 11 years ago

    Ed you spent several weeks badmouthing Obama because of Syria. Now you say he doesn't get enough credit. How many people did you turn against him in the two weeks.?

  • Schramm - 11 years ago

    This morning as I was watching "Morning Joe," I did not hear one person say one positive thing about Obama. Even Mike Barnicle criticized him. I think Joe Scarborough is working to elect Republicans. I won't be watching Morning Joe.

  • G - 11 years ago

    If President Obama came up with the cure for cancer, the GOP would say he's trying to put certain Phamaceutical companies out of business.REALTALK!

  • LA coop - 11 years ago

    PBO is dam he does and dam if he doesn't. If he say's blue they (republican) say red.

  • Peter Gordon - 11 years ago

    Ed, Your opening segment analysis of the earnings disparity in the US was absolutely brilliant! Sensible, substantive, and compassionate -- just like you! If the Democratic strategists had any brains (which I question sometimes), they would simply clone you, bottle up your message, and distribute it to every household in America. So glad you're back - keep up the great work!
    ---PS - Come up to Maine and visit our little state sometime. It's full of reasonable, down-to-earth folks.

  • Jeannie Webb - 11 years ago

    He never gets credit for anything! Too many politicians telling too many lies. I trust him to always do the right thing. I think Righties feel so inferior to him, they have to make stuff up against him. He's my hero!

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    Of course not!!! The Re-thug-licans apparently are doing a very good job of BSing the American people with the crap they are selling. We MUST turn this around and take back our country from the scumbags who are trying to plunder it for the benefit of the rich and the super-rich--starting in 2014.

  • Jamie Kelly - 11 years ago

    let's discuss Sen. Ted Cruz....his given name is Rafael Edward Cruz. What doesn't he use it? He is saying we need 100 more Jessie Helms ???? with his given name would Jessie talk to him or whistle the Cuban national anthem until he cries? We need to call him out, Trent Lott lost his job, so should Ted Cruz

  • Sydney - 11 years ago

    No matter what this president does, he could single-handedly lift this nation out of poverty, put everyone back to work, educate everyone, bring jobs back to the US, fight crime, thwart terrorism...whatever, there will always be someone who hates his guts for just merely existing.

  • Rose Kunkel - 11 years ago

    If Congress would use as much energy as they do on repealing ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) We would be getting so much more. What a waste of time energy and money.

  • Georgiana Williams - 11 years ago

    GOP obstruction has prevented even more progress. How much more time can they waste trying to repeal the ACA???

  • pat - 11 years ago

    the most ridiculous part is that its congress that has obstructed EVERY progressive option he has initiated... why does he get the blame? people had better vote to change this congress in 2014 ---

  • CarmanK - 11 years ago

    President Obama is not allowed to get credit for any good deed as long as the FOX noise machine is shouting out lies. Restore "Truth in Reporting Act". Our country needs it.

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