Will any event ever change the way Congress views guns in America?


  • Colamaio Steve - 11 years ago

    Congress has no choice but to address the mental health of a gun owner. We don't hand guns to babies, why? Answer, " Babies don't have mental understanding. We don't hand guns to felonies, why? Because the mentality for a convicted felon is harm to others with no recourse. The right to bear arms as our construction dictates is only for protection against an enemy in a time of war. As I have posted on your commentaries in facebook I will again here. Number of guns and gun owners in the USA most estimates range between 39%-50% of US households have at least one gun (that's about 43-55 million) out of 350 million people in the USA alone. Don't take for granted that everyone of those gun owners are normal level-headed people. One can easily surmise at the least 1 million are in fact mentally disturbed. If we prefer to lighten the spoiled cake to 1/2 or 1/4 of a million gun owners, not counting illegal guns That is still a lot of mental bombs laying in wait to pop. Now everyone in the USA needs to be afraid because it now evident that the killing will happen again. It's just a matter of when and where. The right to bear a weapon I am for. The right to bear a gun, leave to the wars. Most who own a gun or rifle own it to kill not protect. Hunting in the early days of America was for food. Today it is for sport, and by being so this is a form of killing for pleasure, Which in my book is a non-caring mind on a timer to blow. What value does a demented mind place on a human life? 0! Point to ponder, would a gun owner be willing to under go a mental exam in order to continue to own a gun? Evidently humans can snap for little to no reason. More reason why congress needs to act as of yesterday, and they are late. Stop waiting for other innocent people to die. Act now and place mental health in front of owning a gun. If congress does not act swiftly, please step down from your higher then thow seat and let someone who can.

  • Angela Sambataro - 11 years ago

    I been watching the the right wing posts. They are so uninformed. They are calling the Navy Yard, gun free. And asking why the military can't have guns. They turned D.C. which really is not a gun free city but is called that, into all military bases are gun free. It amazes me how they get from a to z. And, oh yes, Obama wants to take our guns because that is what dictators do. I hate saying it but they aren't to smart.

  • Joanne - 11 years ago

    No event will change the way the current Congress votes, so this issue is in the voters hands. Vote against elected officials who don't value citizens lives. Your vote is powerful; use it! The 'Right to Life' folks ought to support everyones right to life. It is beyond outrageous that a gun owner would oppose laws that can save lives because they might be inconvenienced (by having to re-load during target practice) or have to submit to a background check. These attitudes tell you everything you need to know about an individual's character.

  • Miriam - 11 years ago

    Maybe if it's their own children or grandchildren that are being killed, they might do something. But even then I wonder.

  • Terry Nelson - 11 years ago

    I believe the Congress will change its views when we throw the bums out that are now there who have sold themselves to the corporations. This may seem like a steep hill, but the more extreme the Teabaggers get, the more it's going to backfire and they will eventually screw themselves out of office. Inequality is so bad that change is inevitable in my view. May take awhile but can't come too soon for me. Check out Represent Us for something concrete YOU can do right now.

  • elizabeth - 11 years ago

    The answer to this & so many more questions is--"Follow the money." Even Chris Hayes showed his naievte today by comparing this issue with a cure for cancer. We HAVE a cure for some cancers but physicians today make money on "treating," NOT curing. If politicians REALLY stood against the power of corporations (gun manufacturers), there would be no problem controlling these weapons. Blind people can get guns now? You don't find that too bizarre?

  • Marge - 11 years ago

    Nothing with change the current Congress - we the people must change the Congress in 2014 if we really mean what we say when we say we want gun reform.

  • John Mann - 11 years ago

    Something might change congresses mind but nothing will change the NRA mind and as long as they can pay for a vote witches bribery in my book there will be know new laws and that's a shame

  • Greg Williams - 11 years ago

    The only way this country will ever get meaningful gun laws is when the Tea potties and Republicans get reduced in size to "where we can drown them in a bathtub".
    Then we will also be able to get this country on the proper track and enter the twenty first century, rather than retreating to pre Civil War times as envisioned by CONservatives.

  • Robert BOYOMA SENDANYOYE - 11 years ago

    No. The Rep. will loose NRA in they campaign support and just they don't like President Obama. They have been trying to do ANYTHING,ANYTHING just to destroy, to create a mass movement against President Obama.

  • Delores Graham - 11 years ago

    They might have to look for a job and they like their salary and benefits. Seven Dollars an hour will not go very far in their household.

  • Ace Alcorn - 11 years ago

    They're afraid someone will take their guns. Who? The FBI, CIA, NSA, POLICE, MILITARY. Mostly repubs and gun lovers, the lot. Will they take their families guns too. WHO WILL TAKE THE GUNS?

  • rICHARD fAHRINGER - 11 years ago

    Yes,, when a gunman starts shooting up the halls of Congress with ammunition clips with excessive amounts of bullets

  • Nancy - 11 years ago

    There is no "event" that will cause congress to act on gun control. As long as they are the puppets of special interest and continue to be elected into office, they will have no need to heed to public urging,. however loud, to make tougher gun control a reality.

  • jean bishop - 11 years ago

    This Congress will never vote for anthing that is good for this country WHY they are bought and paid for by the NRA and big corporations

  • Shirley - 11 years ago

    The only way it will change is if something happens to a family member of the NRA which is so very sad
    they think it will never happen to them or there families god willing it wont happen to them but it will change if it happens to one of theirs

  • Vernon - 11 years ago

    They will not do anything as long as we elect greedy, selfish, bums to the Congress who have sold their souls to the NRA. Blood of innocents is on their hands!

  • Ed - 11 years ago

    Absolutely... It'll look just like the one that did the dinosaurs in. Think about it Ed, you come home and your kid is playing with matches on the living room rug. You'd take the matches away and make it perfectly clear why little Tommy shouldn't burn holes in the floor. The Republicans, NRA and other wing nuts would say "Way to go kid... do the job right though. Here's a flamethrower".

  • Beverly, - 11 years ago

    no, only if someone in their family is involved, then things will changem, big time.

  • Tina Hasan - 11 years ago

    I totally agree with Anna..They would not even vote for the background checks after SandyHook, so the tragedy yesterday will make absolutely no difference to the right..They are in the pockets of the NRA lobbyists!

  • JD - 11 years ago

    Most of Congress only cares about what personally affects them.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    I voted YES because hope springs eternal. There are rumors that some in Congress are rethinking their previous no vote because yesterday's shooting was close to home. It's good if they are but what I can't fathom is a Congressperson not caring to act after children were slaughtered because it happened a few States away but now that the shooting was a few blocks away it makes a difference?

  • Randy - 11 years ago

    it will only get worse, if they recall reps for voting to restrict some of this violence, no one will not vote for it again.

  • Anna Crabtree - 11 years ago

    I don't think that the Congress will ever change it's views, especially the right, even if a shooter managed to get into congress itself and start shooting. They have been bought by the NRA and as long as groups like that, including corporations, are allowed to fund election campaigns, I think it will continue that way.

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