Are Republicans afraid of Obamacare because they know it will be successful?


  • gobluedog - 11 years ago

    REPEAL ALL REPUBLICANS!!! ASAP!!! Get these suckers out of office!!!

  • Pete B - 11 years ago

    Are you kidding !! Obviously, ya'll havn't had the quote about your policy from your insurance company...oh wait ! you won't even be able to keep them !! Obama-care is going to literally Kill the healthcare industry...not to mention the seniors that barely can get by right now. Obama should be impeached !! He is making a mockery of the constitution...we are losing our constitutional roots that made this country great. Get rid of this clown !!

  • Anita - 11 years ago

    The GOP seems to think the way to create jobs is by killing off as many poor Americans as possible by way of starvation and lack of affordable health care. At the same time however, they want to deny women the right to birth control and abortion. Of course they are afraid of Obama-Care. It gives power back to people instead of the crooked double dealing insurance companies.

  • brenda janidlo - 11 years ago

    I'm sure the Republicans who oppose are afraid of Obamacare because it is working already and hasn't even been fully implemented yet!

  • Urena Claxton - 11 years ago

    But most of all they will do anything to make sure this President Barack Obama.

  • Deborah Juneau - 11 years ago

    I am just a nervous wreck!!! I lost my job in 2009 after 15+years of dedicated service to the company. I know it was because of my age and healthcare. I also lost my healthcare through the employer. I have high blood pressure and diabetes and there is no insurance company that will accept me. I have what is called a discount health plan. I pay $460.+ per month for myself. They pay nothing for my prescriptions, $75.00 for an office visit which actually costs $280. per visit and $75. toward lab work. I can't test my blood as needed because the test strips are too expensive and I now need to take insulin which I will not be able to afford. I pray on a daily basis for me to be able to sign up for Obamacare. I need it so badly. I don't want it for free, I don't mind paying. I just want to get what I pay for. I am 62 years old and can't get Medicare until I am 65.
    I am so worried that the Republicans will get their way and I will have to suffer until I can get Medicare. We need to get them crooked Republicans out of office and soon. They are doing nothing for this Country. I stand with the President 100%!!!!! The Republicans are just a bunch of Angry Old White Men angry that a Black man is running the Country. Imagine what would be happening if Romney/Ryan would have won the election. Why is it that the Republicans all seem to be a little dumb? President Obama has more brains than all the teabaggers in Congress. I hope that the Republicans NEVER win an election again, ever! They are liars, cheaters, and crooks. And I believe that Boehner is an alcoholic and should sober up a little bit!!!!

  • Tony Barnett - 11 years ago

    How can they be afraid of it? It's all conservative ideas!!! Individual mandates, health exchanges, the whole nine yards. The only reason they oppose it is because Obama has his name on it!

  • Acquetta Lewis - 11 years ago

    There is something wrong with a country that hates it's citizens so much, that they would deny food stamps to hungry children, deny social security to senior citizens who have worked their entire lives, and deny the disabled who need a medicare. The worst has come to America! Close down the government when you can't get your own way, take your ball and go because the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land. Deal with it!

  • Pat Conway - 11 years ago

    The Republicans have lost their minds to thinking evil, but the devil will not win, that's why they are afraid of Obamacare! We know that God is in charge, becuase God is always for the poor! That's why crazy has set into the minds of the Republicans, because they think they are the almighty God! They will soon find out that their 1% riches is not the power of the almighty God in Heaven!


  • Tim McKinney - 11 years ago

    wouldn't defunding the Obama care law be creating ANOTHER unfunded mandate like they did with no child left behind?

  • Bluedog - 11 years ago

    yes, they are afraid of the AFC Bill, they have been acting on hate for so long that they can't see the
    good that this bill have on many Amercians. And many of these recipients are their constituents. They
    have poured so much hate into this AFC Bill that they have their constituients voting aganist their on
    best interest. These, voters are led like sheep to a slaughter, because they are brainwashed by theis GOP leaders.Hate, envy, jealousy is blinding, and they the (GOP)are not able to walk clear, lighted pathy.

  • lois fehr - 11 years ago

    Thanks Ed.
    Keep up the good work you do.I do feel the Democrats have done a very poor job in
    explaining Obamacare. They need to point out that the Repubicans used the same tactics
    to stop S.S in 1935 and Medicare in 1965.People are simply not informed.Of course the
    Republicans are fearful that Obamacare once implemented will be a major success. It is
    unfortunate but racism is obviously the elephant in the room.How sad !Obama is such a
    well balanced,intelligent ,thoughtful leader for our country. How lucky we are to have his
    I am a white senior who lived in California during the reign of that poor excuse for a
    governor to say nothing of what he did as president.Yes,I speak of Ronald Reagan.He ruined
    our university system, shuttered the mental health institutions and did the bidding of his
    kitchen cabinet.Wish more people knew the truth.

    Lois Fehr

  • Edward - 11 years ago

    The right wing likes to keep their followers afraid of something at all times and they keep repeating things over and over and over again until it sinks in, kind of catapult the propaganda. Google "W" on that one. They don't want anything that isn't their idea to succeed. It's all about the almighty $.

  • Gary Cooper - 11 years ago

    Republicans like to use that little two letter word no it is the only power they use.
    Come next election the voters are fed up and it will be our turn to say no
    you will not be reelected.

  • Rosalie Olson - 11 years ago

    There are companies that hire people at Part-Time, Full-Time so they don't have to pay health benefits. Why are the Congressman getting health care when they only work part-time?

  • Sue - 11 years ago

    It is time the country is educated on the truth of Obama Care and not the lies the Tea Party have given the people. Our medias need to be responsible and educate the public.

  • jk - 11 years ago

    Ed, when are you going to get rid of those Obamacare attack ads, they are insulting to anyone who listens to your show. They should only be shown on Fix news.

  • Jim Speiser - 11 years ago

    Whoa! Ed! Great George C. Scott impression! Who knew?

  • Janis Smith - 11 years ago

    The Koch's New Right's will defend ALEC corporate Health Insurers till the end. Afterall, how do they keep corporate members in ALEC unless they get what they want?? It's not good enough for Health Insurance Industry that they no longer have to pay for abortions & contraceptives....they will cut out as much illness' etc as they can so that they maintain their High Profits....It's all about MONEY, POWER, GREED.

  • cathy - 11 years ago

    Keep ObamaCare! DEFUND CONGRESS! Give the American People Congress Healthcare!!!!!!!

  • trudy tizya - 11 years ago

    well.. what else is new? of course the GOP have nothing to offer in place of Obamacare.. so they have sarah pallin for advice, that figures too. they can have her and go fly to the moon. see what health care they can drum up.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    Republican pollster Frank Luntz said it all years ago when he told members of the GOP if the dems are ever allowed to pass healthcare reform the GOP will be out of power for years.

  • John Hoffman - 11 years ago

    Greg, your comment is well-written, easy to understand, and completely matches my feelings on the matter. I gleefully anticipate the Republican Party going the way of the Whigs.

  • Jeffrey Littorno - 11 years ago

    The Grand Obstruction Party know that the ACA is going to improve the lives of Americans. Otherwise, they would be thrilled to see it fail!

  • Greg Williams - 11 years ago

    Of course the GOP and the 49 member Tea Pottie minority are afraid that President Obama's ACA will be embraced.
    As a retired American who depends on SS and Medicare, I do however hope that the lunatic fringe in the GOP/TP succeed in a shut down of government. While it will hurt for a short while, it could well be the downfall of the GOP/TP and THEIR war on the middle class. Americans have been held hostage since January 20, 2009, when the GOP/TP's main raison d'ĂȘtre became saying NO to the first African American president.
    Thanks to gerrymandered districts, the GOP/TP, funded by billionaires, have been able to stab middle class America in the back.
    From McConnell's "seeing that Obama is a one term president to the GOP/TP's obstinate refusal to approve and fund President Obama's American Jobs Act to the GOP/TP's infantile refusing gun law reform 91% of Americans call for, the "Wrong for America" right wing special interest lackeys hve done great harm to our nation. Thanks to gerrymandered house districts, fringe elements of American society have been able to willfully hurt Americans, reverse progress and make the US look like fools on the world scene. Shame to those who vote for these troglodytes who hide behind a constitution they know little if anything about and for enabling the GOP/TP cabal who wage economic treason on the US.

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