Do Republicans have any idea how an average American lives?


  • Annyes - 11 years ago

    NO. nor do they care. The republican base are THERE to vote for them and accept that their leaders know what's best for them.

  • Annyes - 11 years ago

    NO. nor do they care. The republican base are their to vote for them and accept that their leaders know what's best for them.

  • Friend of Bill - 11 years ago

    Welcome back Ed: Most of these Republicans know what it's like as an Average American. They hire them all the time to do their gardening, laundry, housekeeping and cooking. They just don't want any of them to have what they have and live the same lifestyle. I have a very wealthy friend that lives in Beverly Hills , has a home at the beach and doesn't need anything materially. They recently filed for Social Security because they were afraid it wouldn't be there later on , or as they stated, 'I better get mine while I can " ! Now, they don't need it, but they'll take whatever they can for themselves and complain about everyone else that really needs it. People like "Ice Princess Palin" got a taste of money and power when the GOP picked her as VP Candidate. That's why she quit her job as Governor. Ted "Joe McCarthy" Cruz was always entitled. He couldn't even stand studying with people that went to a less prestigious college than he did. They are exactly what the 80's were all about. GREED !

  • Steve H - 11 years ago

    Ed; our Congressman don't have a clue how the average working man lives from paycheck to paycheck. Here a just a few Politicians who are not in reality, complaining about their merger $174,000.00 salary. The average working man on minimum wage job makes only $7.25 ( $14,862.50) before taxes and deductions, below poverty level. Our Congressman make $174,000.00 plus benefits, difference of $159,137.50. Reprs Steve Southerland, Repr Phil Gingrey; Repr. Sean Duffy; Repr. John Fleming all can't live on $174,000.00 salary compared to minimum wage. Totally removed from reality. Rep. John Fleming, R-La, owns restaurants (subways), income was $6.3 million, can't feed his family on $600,000.00 net income, plus salary from congress. This is Domestic Terrorism plain and simple. OMG, Morons. Mr Boehner, you got no balls.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Ed, congrats. You are more effective than some cult leaders. Ed lemmings, do yourselves a favor and at least try to think for yourselves, huh?

  • Kimberly - 11 years ago

    In reality - yes; they know, but they have zero sensibility to anyone outside their circle.

  • Kathy Houser - 11 years ago

    This is why Republicans won't ban guns, they know we will all need to protect ourselves from starving Americans fighting each other for food! What is wrong with these people! I don't know about you but I wasn't brought up this way. Turn your back to people in need. It's just wrong.

    I don't get the Republicans, don't they realize we all have to live in the same country, together, why not create a healthy, safe, caring environment for all? Because if we don't we will all pay for it in the end.

  • Bluedog - 11 years ago

    The gop, wants to make you believe that they want to get rid of big government, save the budget.
    But what they want is full range of the treasure, so that they can steal as much for each of them and their
    families. While they take from the poor,the elderly, disabled and mental challanged.To give more to the rich and coorperation. such as the kock brothers, exxon,wall street, chamber of commerce.But the God that they say they are serving will be their judge, and exacter of justice. Win he exact noone can challange Him, because he Is God and before Him their is no God formed.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    The Republicans need and should be voted out of office in every state, they have no heart towards the poor, the senior citizens, women, and every other minority in this country. They have no idea how hard it is to make ends meet. I agree with the response, make them work for $4 an hour, or better yet take away their health care, cut their pay and see how fast they would vote for helping those less fortunate. These Republicans need to be voted out of office!!! Especially those like Ted Cruz, oh by the way he was born in Canada, he was born in a foreign country, don't matter that his mother was American.

  • Karen Hirsh - 11 years ago

    Somehow we need to eliminate all health plans for Congress and all paychecks. I live in a Republican County in Florida but I don't see any of them turning down benefits such as Social Security and/or VA benefits. Before they are elected all candidates should be required to live in a low income area in their county for at least a month. Maybe then they will become more compassionate altho I doubt it.

  • Rhonda Welk - 11 years ago

    I can say the Republicans are all about themselves and how to do things to put more money in there pockets. I think a requirement or new law should be made for those politicians who control those decisions. They should have to live on food stamps for a month and live on a budget of poverty wages. Rent, food, electricity, gas, clothes for kids, etc. Work 80 hours a week or even have to go job hunting. Then they each make a report when in session of how well that worked out for them. Republicans it's not all about you. I'm ashamed to say we have heartless people like this in this country. I also want to see on tv one of them to spend time with a family who has to work 80 hours and week, and try to make ends meet, and you tell them face to face that not getting food stamps will lead to being self sufficient. Really? Some of you politicians need quite a reality check. I'm not talking about that those who abuse the program, I am talking about those who actually use the program the right way. Maybe the extra money you save from this program can go into the oil subsidies for the top 2%. Some of you people think your salary is not enough money!!!! Shame on all of you!!!!!

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    This is a ridiculous argument that is and has been instigated as a tactic! It is the only thing the repubs know how to do any more. Delay, obscure, hide the lie, smokescreen, deny, you name it we'll do it repub party! It is pathetic and hurting so many people in the process. And I just have to throw out a Big Thank You to the Koch Bros whose money has funded so much of this debacle! These men were born in my home state of Kansas, headed east and never went back except to get some money from daddy. They are the wealthy scumbags of the earth, along with a few others and two of those "serve" on The SCOTUS and are entirely responsible for implementing Citizens United! Impeach the 2 SCOTUS creeps and vote these irresponsible, greedy repub Idiots OUT!!! ~:/

    BTW to Bob Henson-go away, you are a troll and lost forever!!! ~:/

  • Kenneth Wadzinski - 11 years ago

    Great to have you back ED, Tea-Publicans don't have a clue, My Father walked along the railroad tracks to the county seat (20 PLUS miles away) & traded his Gas Stamps for a sack of bones to feed his family during the FIRST (Hoover) GOP depression, We know what it's like to TRUST in the Tea-GOP BS.

  • Acquetta Lewis - 11 years ago

    John11:35 states, "Jesus wept". The only time the New Testament tells us he wept. Today, if the SNAP vote goes the way I believe it will, America will weep. Weep at the sadness that our do nothing congress will bring to bear. How can people we send to Washington to represent us, take food out of the mouths of children. And by the way, Rep Gingrey, what kind of doctor are you?

  • Williams - 11 years ago

    Get Ready to VOTE OUT THE HOUSE OF CONGRESS REPUBS THEY ARE SICK, EVIL, PEOPLE, it is time for the new generation of good people to change the world and make it a better place. What would JESUS DO SURELY NOT WHAT THE WICKEDT REPUBS ARE TRYING TO DO. BUT THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER WITH THEIR VOTE!!!

  • Susan mattucci - 11 years ago

    This is disgusting!! Republicans have no idea how the average American lives! WHY should they?? They are making mega bucks a year, can afford to go on vacations, eat in elaborate restaurants with their KIDS and family!! There are poor American hungry families in all the 50 plus states!! Why dont they cut thier own damn pays, see how it is to live on no insurance or insurance that charges outragouse co-pays and lets not forget about medications people cant afford!! Oh right Republican eliterates LETS just cut food stamps so u will have millions of hungry poor American children looking like they just came out of Ethiopa with swollen bellies cause thier poor parents cant afford to feed them!! Why not stop sending OUR American money to help out third world countries!! The thanks we get from that is more killing of American people!! Republicans make me sick! Cuts in medicare cuts in social security cuts in medicaid hmmmmmm now cuts in food stamps!! I feel sorry for the poor I really do!!

  • BOB ALLEN - 11 years ago



  • leon - 11 years ago

    The republican brand has major mental issues .The only voice they listen to is inside of their head.The republicans have a lot in common with the navy yard shooter.They are insane.The voice they are listening to is not the voice of God but the Devil.Shameful.

  • Paula Gilw - 11 years ago

    How come no one talks about the income inequality of our corporations and large business. Walmart employees earn minimum wage Under $8.00 an our, they work 40 hours a week and still need food stamps to feed their families; while the executives make millions of dollars.. The only ones benefiting from the increased productivity are the stock holders and the Execs!!

  • Cindy A. Shuee - 11 years ago

    No, they don't or they forgot what it is like to be Poor or Middle Class. I would love to make a $174,000.00 instead of $20,000.00. Why don't they live on my Salary and see if they should cut Food Stamps. Since they want to attack the Poor and Middle Class; then the Poor and Middle Class shouldn't pay taxes.

  • Patricia Compton - 11 years ago

    Republicans haven't a clue, especially about the price of food. I bought a small bag of seedless, organic red grapes at the grocery store this morning. It priced out at $9.17. Thankfully, with the store bonus card, it came down to $5.70, but that is still way out of reach for most families making the median income. This is why we must support SNAP, so that families can buy some healthy food.

  • dan - 11 years ago

    The extreme GOP are completely out of touch with reality! Oh yeah, those votes to defund The Affordable Health Care Act...not their healthcare but yours. The less you have, the more you pay them, plus all the waste.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    The Re-thug-licans are so completely out of touch w/the American ppl that they have NO idea how the rest of us live--and they do NOT care--PERIOD.

  • Paul Gibson - 11 years ago

    Next vote that those that vote NO in the House should bring up. All Yes voters salary for the next year is $4/day. No keeping the rest in reserve for them to collect later.

  • Nicolette Velazquez - 11 years ago

    Military families depend on food stamps. Our Soilders work hard and do not get paid enough to survive daily life. Shame on you Republicans.

  • Patty Williamson - 11 years ago

    HELL NO they don't. You forgot to say that they even took away my rights to SS in the wind fall tax as a civil Service postal employee but EXEMPTED THEMSELVES.

  • M. J. - 11 years ago

    Why don't we register those people and let them know they have to get up and go vote. We have to do more than preach to the choir. We need to get them to vote. The power is in the voting booth. I am not poor but I can't stand how the Republicans treat poor children after they come into this world. I changed my political persuasion from Republican to Independent. I refuse to vote Republican again. Shame on the Republicans who let Cantor, Cruz, etc., do this to hungry little children.

  • Jennifer - 11 years ago

    This is not the America that I know and love. We must support those that need us the most.

  • Nicolette Velazquez - 11 years ago

    Repuklicans are never going to give a f&*k about poor, never have, never will.

  • Tina Hasan - 11 years ago

    They are absolutely CLUELESS! and they are getting WORSE! I get very angry every time I hear this BS from these extreme Republicans! I wish the the Navy Shooter went to the Republican House on Monday instead.

  • Collectorfrosty - 11 years ago

    Republicans are a disgrace. That are not real Americans and should be deported.

  • DonnaJoy - 11 years ago

    The GOP just do not care about other people who need help. It is just plain sicko.

  • Chusk - 11 years ago

    You should have had a third choice: He// no

  • Annie - 11 years ago

    Isn't it funny how Republicans care so much about the unborn until they are born. After they are born, the Republicans don't give a "DARN" about how hungry the children are.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    If they do they hide it well.

  • Bob Henson - 11 years ago

    Mr. Shultz does not take a back seat to any one when it comes to demagoguery. His ignorance is eclipsed only by his arrogance.

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