Are you sick of Republicans wrapping themselves up in religion?


  • theresa - 11 years ago


  • judy - 11 years ago

    This is not new to me.

  • judy - 11 years ago

    I am Native American this is new to me.

  • anne - 11 years ago

    these people use the bible to hide behind to cover their own shame.

  • Ms. Dan'i J Howard - 11 years ago

    I have been a Christian all of my life and I seriously wonder who wrote their Bibles and did they distribute them to all of them. Jesus ministry was to take care of the poor and down-trodden. He visited their homes, he fed the multitudes and healed the sick. I truly wonder how they sleep when they get through saying the things they do.

  • Gerry Orton - 11 years ago

    With as sick of it as I am, it's a good thing Obamacare is coming on line.

  • Gerry Orton - 11 years ago

    With as sick of it as I am, it's a good thing Obamacare is coming on line.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    I believe that Jesus also said "That which you do unto the least of these, you do unto me....and make sure that the government does it, because Caeser is sooooo efficient and effective in what he does." Not. And Jesus also criticized busy-bodies, which would include the sinecures in our government and the demagogues that discourage critical thinking. You Ed lemmings would drink the Kool-Aid if he told you to, wouldn't you?

  • James - 11 years ago

    The devil is a liar, and that's how I view Republicans and Conservatives

  • Gordon Hilgers - 11 years ago

    Given that social welfare programs are essentially Christian initiatives, the religious right rejecting this efficient and effective approach shows us one thing: They're more interested in their taxes than they are about the poor and vulnerable.

  • Phil Brandt - 11 years ago

    Republicans have become so entrenched with ultra-right wing fanatics, bible thumpers, and Tea baggers, its scary. Republicans have allowed themselves to be hijacked into a Party of irrelevance. They no longer represent anyone but theirselves. Their greed has gotten the best of them and it is time to oust them hook, line, and sinker. At this point, I have to say, there are NO good Republicans.

  • Donna Bergman - 11 years ago

    The Republicans claim to be so religious is a false one. NO TRUE Christian would EVER vote to take food away from hungry children and needy adults! Jesus commanded His followers to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. He also commanded His followers to love and care for widows and orphans and to share whatever we have with the poor and needy. The wealthy Republicans and/or the Tea Party are NOT true Christians! They only CLAIM they are! Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to Heaven! It all boils to this: the wealthy LOVE their money a lot more than God! And the LOVE of money is the ROOT of ALL evil!

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Ed; Eric Cantor is suppose to be Jewish? Where do the jewish people think it is alright to take food assistance away from school lunches, working poor, the sick, disabled, Our Veterans, Senior Citizens who get their only meal from Meals on Wheels program. Take away 30 million people's healthcare, just because you can. Which Jewish faith would do this! The republican House voted for the 43rd time to defund Obamacare and failed. The voted to defund the food stamp program (snap) for $40 Billion dollars over 10 years, that is 6 million removing from the program a year. The republicans don't care about the working poor who work two or three jobs to try to make end meet but still need assistance to put food on the table for their children. It is called minimum wage job that doesn't pay above poverty level. Republicans say they need to work or no assistance, New Rule-Drug testing all applicants for assistance. How about we drug test all Politicians for their pay checks, $174,000.00 year is not enough for the work they DO NOT DO IN 5 1/2 YEARS since President Obama been in Office. 9-20-2013.

  • Chuck - 11 years ago

    Whatever happened to seperation of Church and State? Teapubs are only out for themselves and the heck with everyone else. It's time to stand up and take our country and government back from the corporate world. Need to vote them out of office.

  • Ed Marks - 11 years ago

    I wish more people would use the term that John Fugelsang used in describing these Repuglicons that wrap themselves in so called Christianity. That term is called "CHINO" (Christian(s) in name only).

  • Gail Levo - 11 years ago

    This group of Tea Party crazy people and those who stand with them profess to be Christians, they are about the most unchristian like people I have ever seen. Their agenda has nothing to do with the people they represent, they are racists pure and simple.

  • Janis Beal - 11 years ago

    Most people who profess to embrace religion believe just what they are fed and obviously are gulping down everything the Republicans are dosing them about the Affordable Care Act. For goodness sake, people, read the ACA. Don't believe everything you hear or see on the internet. As the Bible says, 'prove all things'. I'm not sure if it's ignorance or laziness that inclines people to believe anything they're told.

  • scifibird - 11 years ago

    sorry - i meant to say does not include non-Christians in my remarks.

  • Julie Severino - 11 years ago

    Republicans use religion as an easy way out to validate their actions. Everything's all very square. However, when it involves a republicans son or daughter coming out of the closet, then all of a sudden, they misconstrue their previous religious beliefs to the whats most convenient to them. Hopefully, many republicans sons and daughters have to use food stamps because maybe it'll be okay again for everyone else.

  • Cindy A. Shuee - 11 years ago

    I think they forgot to read their Bibles. They forgot about the passage about taking care of the Poor, Elderly and the Children. They forgot about the passage that says we should lift one another up. None of what The Republicans are doing is the Christian Way.

  • Janet - 11 years ago

    Could Ed Schultz maybe get a rabbi on the show to talk about the ancient Jewish law described in Torah (which is at least partly in our Old Testament, isn't it?). It has been awhile since I read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. I remember, however, that a form of welfare was legislated in that ancient text and was actually practiced bythe ancient Jewish people in Israel and Judea. When I was attending a Fundamentalist church many years ago, they did sometimes listen with respect to Rabbis, because those guys actually had more of those books memorized than they did.

  • Carolyn - 11 years ago

    As a young person I had the advantage of a good Catholic education. Comparative Theology classes in later years introduced me to a wider view of not only Christianity, but to the world's other great religions. I continued as to read as an adult about the psychological reasons behind belief in general and the commonality of various religions. I consider myself a Unitarian by grouping, but am a Secular Humanist (atheist). I consider my self to be a better Christian than those who purport their actions are directed by god. I cringe when I hear the words "christian country" describe America. I pity the "believers" who don't understand that human kindness if the basis for many world's various beliefs, and I fear the downfall of America from a representative republic to a theocracy simply based on ignorance.

  • Marge - 11 years ago

    I am also sick of them wrapping themselves in the American flag, patriotism, constitution and talking about taking their country back, while they destroy it for their own personal gain.

  • Janet - 11 years ago

    Most of the GOP today are suffering from mental illness. I mean this quite literally. The cannot tell fact from fiction even when they contradict themselves. They intentionally seek to harm others. The representatives who pound their chests demanding discrimination for LGBT people are fighting their own sexual identity. They have the best healthcare in the land. I hope they access it for psychological treatment.

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Ed; we have crazies out there who will do anything to scare the hell out of people, just to try and make their point. The Facts are wrong, using religion is wrong, God own words were, If you see people in need, help them, if they need food, feed them, if the need clothes, Clothes them. Michele Bachmann is crazy! She has been drinking from the well of greed. Ted Cruz is another who will do anything to get elected, the facts are wrong, his facts are wrong, Joe McCarthy was wrong. The republicans are wrong. Mr Boehner and Cantor are taking the food out of the mouths of our children, Healthcare away from 30 million plus people in need of Insurance, all over the fact they hate the President because he is BLACK. Where did our democracy go. Corp Greed, Wall St CEO's outrages salaries, Big Banks bailout; but not lending money to the people who need it. The 1% is not rich enough, making it off the backs of the people who made it for them in the first place. Almighty GREED is their bible. Shut down the Gov't because we deserve it. Thanks Ran Paul. CRAZIES ARE IN NEED OF HEALTHCARE!!!

  • CBB - 11 years ago

    Religion is what these people hide behind. Pray on Sunday and as Nancy Pelosi said "continue to PREY on Americans during the week.

    Keep up the great work Ed ! You deserve a "fishing break." :-)))

  • Jeannie Webb - 11 years ago

    I am a Christian and a Democrat. I am so sick of the Republicans (Pharisees) on their soap boxes saying bad things about my president. He won fair & square; get over yourselves and help this country get back on its feet!

  • scifibird - 11 years ago

    God commanded us "Thou shalt not bear false witness" - wow - the republicans are so far removed from the teachings of Jesus, how can any of them consider themselves Christian? (except the non-Christians, of course)
    Between denying food stamps and lying about Obamacare, i don't know how they live with themselves - and i don't know how anyone can vote for them!

  • LaVina - 11 years ago

    Republicans are so SLICK AND CONNING into using religion in their speeches, doesn't indicate their true feelings about any issues. They become HEARTLESS into preying into using Moses or Jesus to state their case. they are full of SH*T!!! You cannot believe nothing that come out their mouth because it's become a show for attention. They have gone overboard and they really lost creditability within the people. Each of the Republicans who show up for a photo op will be fired from their jobs.

  • Kerrill Lewis - 11 years ago

    These self-righteous Bible-misquoting Republicans are an embarrassment to America and Americans. Taking verses, or part of verses, out of context to justify their positions effecting the most vulnerable citizens negatively is against all Jesus' teachings I learned in Sunday School. Michelle Bachman is scary - I wonder if she thinks before she opens her mouth or listens later to what she says. Obviously not! She may "talk the talk", but she certainly doesn't "walk the walk"!

  • Greg Williams - 11 years ago

    I'm not just sick of GOP/TPs wrapping themselves in the bible, I'm fed up with ANY politician invoking the bible in Congress.
    Our founding fathers built a secular government not based on any religion, certainly not the Christian brand. In 1797 John Adams, our second president and signer of the Declaration of Independence signed a treaty with the Bey of Tripoli. This treaty dealt with piracy on the high seas between the two nations and because it dealt with an Islamic nation Article 11 of that treaty touched on the subject of religion. This treaty was unanimously approved by 2/3 the Senate as required by the Constitution, with three of the signers also having signed the Declaration and three whose signatures are on the Constitution.
    Article 11 of this treaty reads as follows:
    "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;..."
    The United States are a secular nation where religion is tolerated, not a Christian nation where nothing is tolerated.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    Everyone should be ASHAMED of the Republicans in the House of Representatives! They DO NOT care about anyone but themselves. Many of them do take huge farm subsidies including the representative from my state, yet they cannot even help the least of these people. How disgusting are the Republicans, enough so that ALL the Republicans should be voted out of Congress! Let's remember that when 2014 comes around! I have a suggestion, instead of these Republicans working so hard to take food away from people, why don't they provide some JOBS BILLS so that people can get back to work?? Then there wouldn't be so many people on food stamps. Now there's a suggestion that the Republicans should take to heart. Oh maybe they can't do that, that's right, they don't want President Obama to get any credit for creating jobs. Once again, vote all the Republicans out of office next year, including those idiot Republican governors who are suppressing voters rights!

  • Gayle - 11 years ago

    As a person who loves the Lord it grieves my spirit to see these people demonize people who are simply trying to feed their families. They rail against living wages, scream bloody murder against increasing the minimum wage & then do everything in their power to take the only thing left to them, the social safety net, to keep them/their families from starvation.

    The God I serve never treated people in such a manner.

  • Sylvia d'Entremont - 11 years ago

    Yes Ed I am sick and tired of the CINOs as your guest labeled them, fooling my friends and family by throwing the Bible and God around in their politics. I am tired of them demonizing the poor. I know of two people who would qualify for food stamps and refuse to apply because they are "too proud"! It reminds me of the elephant that has been chained so long that he stays in the same place even when the chain is removed.

  • Caroline - 11 years ago

    The Republicans would do well to remember the one thing that really ticked Jesus off. It was people making money off of church and faith.

  • Mary - 11 years ago

    Read your Bibles, Repubs...Matthew 25 instructs us on how to live...

  • L. Thomas - 11 years ago

    I am beyond words because this action by the House today is absolutely repugnant and revolting. But then who else but Republicans, the Tea Party and Michele Bachmann would have the greedy audacity, stupidity, and lack of empathy for others to bring forth such action. It makes no logical sense why we have to wait for another election to immediately fire these public officials for this waste of taxpayer money, obvious disrespect for this president, gross over-reaching in their powers, and their inability to get past the corporate lobbyists to do the job of the people. Wouldn't any other public employee be immediately fired for something like this? Perhaps this is just another publicity stunt to direct our focus off some of their other sneaky acts happening behind the scenes? I wouldn't be surprised.

  • Chuck - 11 years ago

    I believe that Jesus also said "That which you do unto the least of these, you do unto me"

  • Alex - 11 years ago

    Re: The republican comment that "God created man to work the garden". Actually the fruits of paradise where man's for the taking. Only after he screwed up did God kick him out to "scratch at the earth till the end of his days"

  • Schahan Tchapraste - 11 years ago

    Not only am I sick of these hypocrites, I am tired of them getting away with their bullying the middle class and the poor. We should call them what they really are Repugnant, Racist Cowardly Bullies.

  • Scott Kane - 11 years ago

    What's really interesting is that Eric Cantor is Jewish, raised in a Conservative family, and has forgotten what TZEDAKAH means. What an embarrassment to his religion.

  • Marty - 11 years ago

    I am a Christian, and am proud to be a Democrat. God doesn't cater only to Republicans.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    I have dual citizenship. In one country I'm surrounded by sensible, caring, thoughtful, factually logical and diverse people. In the other I'm surrounded by callous, thoughtless right wing RINOs.....religious in name only.


  • Donaldine Soucie - 11 years ago

    Again they use religion to fool the people.

  • Rick - 11 years ago

    Please keep your religion out of my goverment

  • carol straitz - 11 years ago

    this country was founded for freedom from religion and state. to have a government that was separate from the church. that's why they came here. this country is comprised of all different religions and not one. I am so tired of these politicians playing up to the religious right. it is scary as hell. isn't this how hitler started?

  • Carol - 11 years ago

    I am a progressive Christian and am sickened and appalled by people who call themselves Christians and so contradict the principles of love and care of neighbor and even of our "enemies."

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