Will Republicans lack of morality on health care ever change?


  • Jim - 11 years ago

    It remains party line politics with vast majority most of these folks and not what's in the best interest of the country. To that regard, it's annoys the heck out me when I hear a McConnell, Cruz or Boehner say "what the American people want...". They are totally clueless when it comes to understanding what the majority of the citizens really want. The good news is that they will not see the inside of the White House for another 10 years!

  • Ms. Dan'i J Howard - 11 years ago

    They will change there minds after President Obama leaves office and they will immediately start to take claim on the good the program has done.

  • Lee - 11 years ago

    I voted "no," but am still hopeful that common sense will ultimately survive the present takeover of the Republican party by the "tea party patriots." It's pretty well understood that they are a group funded by the Koch brothers and other like-minded corporate oligarchs. Human beings are as nothing to them, their only purpose in this world is self perpetuation, money and power. It's terribly, horribly sad that some voters have been so blinded by tea party mass hysteria that they use their only power, the power of the vote, against their own self interests.

  • DScully - 11 years ago

    No... because they are completely morally bankrupt and ethically corrupt. Their only Gods are money and power that they get from the corporate masters who have bought them and rule them. They don't have any care or concern for anything or anyone else, certainly not the American middle class who are actual human beings and with problems.

  • john - 11 years ago

    Health Care costs will go up because of hospital costs. How many poor doctors do you see. Hospitals charge to much and there are to many free loaders in this country who want something for nothing. Make food stamp recipients do community service to pay back the generosity of the taxpayer. Welfare cases do not pay taxes they just take

  • Val - 11 years ago

    The T-publicans' only loyalty is to their pimps, Koch Brothers and corporations. Whatever happened to McCain/Palin's motto "Country First"? They don't believe it anymore? I am so sick of these people.

  • Kutlass - 11 years ago

    The whole thing about Repugs about healthcare is straight out of the movie Elysium if you are not Rich go to Fking Hell is what they are saying.

  • bluedog - 11 years ago

    No, the Gop, will never change their mind regarding The Affordable Healthcare Act. They know that it
    is a winning hand, they refused to take part in it's passage, now they (the gop) wants to destroyed it but
    it's too late. Tea Party, Gop, Conservative, whoever you are you lost the battle. This Bill is going to be as
    popular as SS, Medicare, Medicade and it will help millions upon millions. The millionaires, multi-millionairs, billionairs, and multi-billionairs have been stealing from the government for years. The Gop
    represenatives, and seantors have also been dtealing from the government, and billing the poor for the
    bill.But now they have someone holding their feet to the fire,they are trying to lie their way out of bad
    situation. My prayer is that 2014 will awaking the Gop out of their slimber.

  • Rosemary - 11 years ago

    That FAKE COMMERCIAL MADE BY THE GOP/TEA BAGGERS, Showing UNCLE SAM CLOWN giving a Young Woman an Exam, is a Commercial the Democrats should also used to SHOW BIG GOVERNMENT in your personal Body Parts, when the Governors Like Bob McDonnell and Endorsed by Ken Cucinnelli(OF VIRGINIA) and any Number of Red States and South sign into LAW TRANSVANGINAL PROBES for Women.

    The Democrats should say thank you for making an AD for us that DEMONSTRATES GOP/TEA TRANSVAGINAL PROBES ON WOMEN'S BODIES.

  • Mac Mehta - 11 years ago

    Republicans are all against healthcare because that can help help poor and then poor and old people start doing better! They are afraid that IDIOTS like Cruz and Gingree, and rest are nothing but UNAMERICAN!

  • John - 11 years ago

    The democrats are the ones who will be shutting down the Government.

  • John Boyle - 11 years ago

    Democrats want to spend money we don't have and then steal it from the rich and hide behind the word tax.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    Re-thug-licans who are trying to stop ACA will be against it until they see it is not only working well, but, that it is wildly popular everywhere. Then, they will try to convince the American ppl that that they not only thouught of it, but, that they wanted it and fought for it all along.

  • John Boyle - 11 years ago

    God told the Church to take care of the poor, not the Federal Government. The government enables to much not helps. The Bible is clear on this point.

  • Stuart Lambert - 11 years ago

    The Republicans will never change because they worship the god mammon and have dethroned God from the moral throne.

  • Vivian Griffin - 11 years ago

    Once Americans understand that Republicans only represent big business, they will understand perfectly why the Republicans do the things they do.

  • w - 11 years ago

    The republicans have and always will be IN FAVOR of NOT DOING GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY. They have proven it for the last 30 years and will continue until they are voted out. The newbies aka the teaparty reps who bamboozled their base to gain seats have shown they have no clue how government works nor do they want government to work to benefit the american people. They are self-serving egotists who are there to suck the lifeblood out of the country...

  • vish2013 - 11 years ago

    Republicans in Congress are lapdogs of the you know who. They have no moral or religious consideration. They are using [abusing] religion to serve their masters.

  • Kutlass - 11 years ago

    The other comments on the other side are not working !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • TOYBB - 11 years ago

    Please ALWAYS refer CRUZ to as " The Canadian Senator "!!!!!!! And its amazing that a JUNIOR Senator is calling all the shots for the REPULSICANS !!!!! Where are the MAJORITY of REPs !!! They must think that the CANADIAN Senator , is saying what they would say !!! Because there is NO REPONSE from the CENTER R !! STOP the REPULSICANS !!! ALWAYS VOTE !!! Straight DEM TICKET !

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