Does John Boehner have the character to stand up to the Tea Party?


  • Steve White - 11 years ago

    Actually Mr. Boehner seems to be more concerned for the welfare of his Speakership than for the country. Is he the Speaker of the whole House, or just the Tea Party. If non-Tea Party Republicans want to open the government, then why have they not moved their Speaker to allow a vote on a so-called 'clean CR' : they are either ineffective, cowardly or complicit. If any have the guts to do so they should speak up and they should not be silent when the fringe of their party makes false claims and denigrates the Office of the President. How many will try to claim later they were in favor of opening the government to appear more moderate?

    BTW I think deplorable we allow them use of the name "Tea Party" which corrupts something everyone associates with a patriotic unifying force at the birth of this nation. Surely we can we come up with something more descriptive for them ... "Fringe Party" perhaps?

  • dee - 11 years ago

    For Boehner to come on t.v.and say he is not playing games when Michelle Bachman that lunatic said she is so happy that this is what the party wanted to do. shutdown the government and this is the best day of her life. And for mc connel and rand to get caught off guard stratagizing about how they can win this, sounds like a game to me .I just wish that people wake up and vote them out, I wish they could get fired but I don't see that happening. And it makes me sick to think that they are getting paid to play games. I just wish that the people would have more of a voice at this time. I wish that there was something that we could really do, besides marching in the streets...

  • Judy Smith - 11 years ago

    He doesn't have any character AT ALL. How can he stand up to anything?

  • Annyes - 11 years ago

    NO. John Boehner isn't half the man that Nancy Pelosi was when she held the speakership.

  • Linda - 11 years ago

    The man has no spine. He is a coward. The tea party is a bunch of racists. They should all be kicked out.
    They do not deserve to get paid. Let them work for a few months out in the real world and see what it is like, most would be fired out in the real work place...

  • peggy beck - 11 years ago

    you need a backbone to stand up for something ,john bonehead is missing his.

  • Sherri - 11 years ago

    It seems like it's always those who are part of the 1% that have everything always want to take everything or what's left after the recession, from the rest of us. 85% of Americans don't need Obama care so these tea partiers are again trying to deny a mere 15% the right to have health insurance. Our country is better than these wacko birds who are trying to destroy us. I don't know if any of you were watching the tea party but they were giddy. They were happy that they were able to close the government down. That is what they campaigned on. John Boehner is a wimp. He needs to go in the next election just like the rest of those tea partiers.

  • HASSAN - 11 years ago

    The tea party has him by his little balls.

  • Deb - 11 years ago

    He gave his character away when he layed down with the tea party . He now worships and takes instructions from ted cruz .

  • Sallie Bailey - 11 years ago

    It seems we're on Cruz control - and as a result headed for a major collision. The United States is being ruled like a third world country due to a small band of zealots who don't care what kind of havoc they wreak as long as they get their way.

  • Irene - 11 years ago

    I will place a bet that all those who want to get rid of the healthcare law, or delay it, have insurance.

  • Dusty - 11 years ago

    SAD DAY for America what these selfish group of Republicans have decided to do . I am a voting Republican no more after this idiotic decision that they say is for the people. Not for me. I am not a Tea Party member I can make up my own mind unlike these Republicans who are letting a certain group make their decisions for them. Where were these people when we opted to go to two wars that have cost us trillions plus many fantastic soldiers lives. Okay to do this but not to have Obamacare . Amazing the choices one makes.

  • Edna - 11 years ago

    Boehner, is a disgrace maybe if us Democrats would give him some liquor to drink maybe he will stand up to the teaparty he is a skeleton with no gults, shame on Ohio.

  • Darryl Rivers - 11 years ago

    He wants to get re-elected next year. He's afraid that a " Tea Party " candidate will defeat him in the Republican primary. No one said that he's the brighest rock in the box

  • Kenneth Cowles - 11 years ago

    That man has no back bone at all. He can only cry like a babywhen things get tough. Nothing worng with a man who cries, but Good God what he picks to wry over. He is a gutless piece of work. Shame on Ohio for sending him to washinton.

  • Charlie Elwis - 11 years ago

    I am looking for a Profiles in Courage moment. The award goes to a politician whose principled action on behalf of the nation results in the end of that politician's career. Boehner is going to lose his job as speaker no matter what he does. Instead of being remembered as a pitiful castrated speaker he could choose to let Republicans vote their conscience and be remembered as a speaker who belatedly showed a little integrity.

  • Laura Johnson - 11 years ago

    we don't need al Qaeda to attack the American people, because the house republicans are doing a great job, and the not so funny thing about all of this, is that they are getting paid for this! Really? all of them need to be Fired!!!

  • Ken - 11 years ago

    The Tea Party started out as a group of folks with great least that's how I saw it.
    They have evolved into some of the most socially retarded people I have ever in my 58 years on Earth. Bullies they are, bullies.
    I had one ask me if I didn't feel bad having laws made just for me.
    They claim great religion and leadership, now they have taken hostage the republican party through bullying.
    The GOP would do well to set them on their own. Might take them a few years to recover, but better than a continuing decline. I could never vote republican again as long as they embrace this embarrassment to America.

  • Dave Beale - 11 years ago

    Will Iago Cantor take the Speaker of the House position to lower depths of bigotea hatred than does his little boy, the present Speaker, crybaby Boehner? Will the bigotea party plot to destroy the Constitution and dissolve the U.S. government succeed? Will the Koch brother corporate plans to establish the Predatory Plutocracy of the United States come to pass? Will Dick Army, Jeff Sessions, Karl Rove and Jim DiMented have their dream of a risen South, complete with legitimized church bombings, cross burnings andSaturday night lynchings become reality? Stay tuned, the countdown to Midnight has begun!!!

  • Gloria S. Dittmann - 11 years ago

    Hasn't got the character or backbone. He is going down in history as the absolute WORST Speaker in the entire history of the House of Representatives.

  • Marigene - 11 years ago

    No Balls Boehner couldn't stand up to a wet paper sack! He is a pathetic excuse for Speaker of the House.

  • Ed Marks - 11 years ago

    John Boner is the worst Speaker of the House EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The real problem is the stupid voters who vote against their best interests by voting for these republican reps and senators. Until these stupid voters realize they awe mistaken by voting for these GOP officials and switch their political allegiance then our political system will be missed up. Just remember this. The Chinese Nationalists lost control in China because they were corrupt, incompetent, and out of touch with their 99 per centers. Doesn't this remind you of today's GOP? The GOP is corrupt, they're incompetent, and they are out of touch with the 99 per center.s.

  • Darlene - 11 years ago

    Boehner is so scared of the Tea Party he will never go against them. SPEAKER CRUZ has the gavel. Someone needs to use that gavel on the heads of CRUZ, BOEHNER , LEE and list goes on. We were affected by the Sequester NOW they want to inflict even more financial damage to us with a shutdown and then in a month or so we get to go through this again. They wont be happy till we are all in cardboard boxes on the nearest corner with tin cups in hand dying of a disease that we cant afford to get treatment for. NOW THAT OUR GOVERNMENT WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE?

  • carol cooper - 11 years ago

    he is a wimp and a cry baby and spineless, all he is worried about is getting richer and making his rich buddies richer, karma will happen in the future, they should all be voted out of office, and i pray to god they do get voted out , we are all suffering , they are not working for the common man at all. every one of the brainless common people who are being brain washed by these republicans and the tea party need to really listen to what they are saying and start to understand they are the ones who will be suffering if these republicans get their way not the commom man we will be up the perverbial crick without a paddle. our county will suffer terribly

  • greg lynn - 11 years ago

    did you mean to ask if he can stand up to the koch bros?

  • shirley martin - 11 years ago

    Please tell me if the government shuts down Congress/their help do not get a pay check/benefits.

  • Rev. Mike - 11 years ago

    Boehner just wants to get to Happy Hour.

  • Debra - 11 years ago

    I am ashamed that Boehner is from my state of Ohio!

  • Janet Schmidt - 11 years ago

    Speaker Boehner is walking a fine line. He's trying to keep his position, and in the process he is failing to lead his party and his caucus in doing the job of running the country. American voters will remember his lack of leadership and responsibility when the midterm elections come up next year...and if he thinks the public buys the the notion that the pending government shut down is anyone's fault but his, then he is sadly mistaken. He could almost single-handedly fix this mess by reaching across the aisle to Nancy Pelosi and the democrats.

  • Anna Luhman - 11 years ago

    As far as I am concerned, these Republicans are nothing more than "domestic terrorists". They have taken the full faith and credit of the U.S. government hostage and are demanding ransom for its release! This is a criminal act, an act of domestic terrorism period. Whatever loses we occur through this act of madness is the fault of the House Republicans! They are criminals of the highest order.

  • Frances Wilkerson - 11 years ago

    The President should have never reached across the aisle the first year he was elected. He compromised then and they expected him to compromised for ever. They think he is a pushover, but you stay on POTUS case for us.

  • Hilah Martin - 11 years ago

    Boehner is too worried about keeping his speaker-ship and getting re-elected. He doesn't understand the average American. I would like to see him make out a budget of 50,000 a year and live that why for 6 months.Actually I would like to see all of them try living on a 50,000 dollar budget for 6 months. I want all of Congress to have to pay for their own health insurance.

  • kutlass - 11 years ago

    No Bonehead is to much of crybaby and is spineless

  • Jerry - 11 years ago

    I don't think he even knows what lie they're on. The people that like "Obama Care," need to start making more noise than the people that are against it. (Or think they're against because they don't have the facts.)

  • Jane Vorenkamp - 11 years ago

    John Boehner has NO Character! He also has no backbone to stand up to anyone, especially the TP! He's just a puppet! A scared little man....

  • Barbara - 11 years ago

    His balls have withered up unfortunately.

  • Kathy Hebel - 11 years ago

    i remember when Boehner cried upon receiving Majority Leader...I bet he's crying careful what you wish for !!

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