Are Republican special interest groups dangerous for democracy?


  • June Hampton - 11 years ago

    During the government shutdown, I've been thinking....something is seriously wrong with the republican party. While they maintain their salaries, heath insurance they are doing everything within their power to take down the economy, middle class, elders, children and the poorest Americans. They all should be drug tested, They must be on some type to substance abuse. Yes, America -- all lawmakers, the president and his cabinet should be drug tested when running for office and while in office. If working in most industries, it is mandatory that we the people be drug tested, for only a minimum wage position. I say if these fools are making laws that affect the entire nation we MUST REQUEST DRUG TESTING. for all lawmakers.

  • d hunt - 11 years ago

    The Dems are the real lemmings. They follow everywhere that Obama leads. Since when is it a crime to question the government? This is not a dictatorship. We are SUPPOSED to question things and change them when necessary. 800,000 federal employees out of work?! That's just a drop in the bucket! There are millions without jobs because of Obama and Obamacare! What about them? Why don't you talk about them? And tens of millions are losing or getting more expensive healthcare insurance, with less coverage, so that a few million others can get subsidized coverage. How is that fair?

  • Dennis - 11 years ago

    These good people have pretty much said it all. The first operation to be "de-funded- is the House of Representatives salaries for the duration of the shutdown. Of course, the one problem with that is that the Repukelican Reps are all super rich or super-funded so it would probably only really affect the Democrats who are funded by our $3-5-15 donations. Fight the good fight and make sure Behner and his cronies are "out-on-their-ears when the come up for reelection.

  • Winston Smith - 11 years ago

    Surely the best way to handle this issue is for the Executive Branch to barricade the WWII open air memorial, open 24/7. Never been barricades before, so money was spent to do this. I hope any trespassers in wheelchairs get arrested so that the American people can see how rediculous these Republicans really are.

    You Ed lemmings really are idiots aren't you?

  • tracy - 11 years ago

    Why can't, these republican terrorists be charged with terrorist activities? They are acting against the welfare of this country, funded by outside groups designed to destroy this economy? I do not understand that, and please quit saying Ted the terrorist Cruz is a Canadian, because I am, and No Canadian would ever take health care or funding to feed the less fortunate away from them, it is a Insult to my fellow countryman!! If he really is a Canadian then what the hell is he doing in American politics? oh and you can keep him, somewhere in a cell preferable, because we sure don't want him back!!

  • Amanda - 11 years ago

    T-Party group is holding the GOP hostage and because Boehner is a spineless wimp he has permitted them to hold the rest of America hostage. Pathetic! You boy-os need to go home and get a real job, like garbage collecting or picking up road kill. Congress doesn't have clue one about how to legislate.

  • Frank Lamson - 11 years ago

    This whole debacle is about politics. That's all the Republicans offer today - politicians - there are no statesmen and certainly there are none who care about the most vulnerable among us - children, the poor, the elderly. Disgraceful!

  • Teri Cook - 11 years ago

    It's time to put the tea party in the harbor.
    Boenher needs to resigned as speaker of the house.
    Republican November 2014 is coming.
    Congress needs to waived their pay they are part of the govenment

  • Ace Glenn - 11 years ago

    Dr. Phil moment, what's being reported isn't the real problem. What if we all find out the truth to be a misappropriation of funds on the House Ledger and to close the gap/discrepancy the House forced a shutdown to get attention away from the real problem. At 40-80 million dollars a day that's a lot of misappropriation cover up for unseen ledgers. With no real end game to speak of this is the only reason I can come up with. ie... Dr. Phil, " I hear what you're saying but, what's the real problem". Not a sermon just food for thought.

  • steve h. - 11 years ago

    People, enough of this shut down. Wright, call, tech your rep or senator and tell them enough of this bullshit. 76% of the people want this to end and the republicans held responsible for it. How many times does this nation has to go thru this economy collapse, under the leadership of Johnny Boehner and the rest of the morons. They are guilty of treason, and should be removed from office. Enough is enough. If the republicans were in the private sector, they would have been FIRED, long ago.
    WOMEN, what is this War on Women going to take to get you in action and voice your opinion against this. Now the republicans want to take away Birth Control from Women, but keep Viagra for men. WOW!!!***

  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Faith Helen, Citizen United, was started by the USSC Justice Samuel A Alito, under Bush, this opened the door for no accounting of where the funds came from and how much. The Decision was Business and Corporations can now support the candidate of their choice, They are now people, to counter the Union Votes and money and that of the people. This caused corruption in all sections of Gov't. what we have today.
    The people need to vote in 2014 for the people they feel will bring back justice for all, change the laws so funds from Business and Corps can't b used in election anymore. The republican Party is behind this 1,000%.
    If we are not careful, there will be a revolution just like the one in Boston Harbor 250 yrs ago, this one will be in DC. Republicans you are done as a party!!! Signed Ted Cruz, Canadian citizen. 10-1-2013.

  • Gladys Alberti - 11 years ago

    Nita I agree republicans are ECONOMIC TERRORISTS.All bad things have some good outcome: if the American People don't see what the republican party is all about, I hope they are going to turn their back. We need people that love our great country and the people, regardless of where they're coming from. They're acting like mercenaries and don't care who they hurt.

  • TAD - 11 years ago

    Faith Helen - AMEN to your posting! There are real consequences to the division that have been created and where they continue to work to increase that division. The reality of the divide of the people is loud and clear in every day life... I can't tell you how often I now hear that relationships between friends are ending because of politics - really? What is the underlying agenda for Washing to create such chaos and divide? I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  • Faith Helen - 11 years ago

    Since the Citizens United decision all special interest groups have the potential to be dangerous to our democracy irrespective of political affiliation. The scope of the perversion of the rights to free speech are mind boggling. Unless and until the citizenry of this country get mad enough to fight back against the massive corrupting influence of Wall Street and the corporate power over our legislatures we will continue in very short order to destroy what we have spent over two hundred years to build up.
    We must fight for public funding of elections first and foremost (70% of time in office is spent in fund raising) when they should be legislating. We must find a way to deal with gerrymandering from any party. We need to find a way to create districts that are more evenly representational of all political/demographic categories. Relieved of the pressure of constant fund raising, we must insist that our legislatures spend more time in Washington-no more full time pay for part time work. This will also force them to interact with each other.
    Last but not least is we must force both houses to use the 'talking filibuster' when the minority feels they need to fight for their ideas then they can-openly, at length as long as they can.

  • Jay Nayyar - 11 years ago

    I would to see baener have something to cry about by kicking them out next election

  • Tracy - 11 years ago

    Republicans, insipid Koch financed Tea Partiers & clueless FOX viewers are all a danger to Democracy; Can we get rid of them yet?

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    We MUST go back to public funding of elections. The Re-thug-licans and their billionaire backers will destroy this country if we let them. We must get rid of Citizen's United and the obsurdity that lets mult-national corporations royally screw our country. Their money installs Re-thug-licans into our government so they can create policy to dump billions more dollars into very deep corporate pockets. We will see this government shutdown mess again and again until we take back the House--especially Ted Cruz.

  • Jay Nayyar - 11 years ago

    Its pathetic that repugs shut our country down I hope the next election we take back democracy by gaining the seats we need to control of the white house from the crazy tea bags

  • Steve Hammon - 11 years ago

    The whole Republican Party is a danger to Democracy.

  • MMarshall - 11 years ago

    Part of the reason that Republicans get away with such foolish disregard for the law is because they are not held responsible for their actions. I've always said that if you want to hurt these knuckleheads....hurt them where it will count.....THEIR POCKETS. Stop salary payments AND their healthcare and see how long they last. Why should they have the power and authority to stop the general public from their salary checks and healthcare? Besides being voted out of office, there has to be a way to punish these idiots with their own medicine!!!!

  • KAZ - 11 years ago

    The Tea Party is the equivilent of an American Taliban. NO ONE should be listening to them. They are anti-American.

  • Annyes - 11 years ago

    Why isn't there a "LIKE" button attached to these posts? Some of you guys respsonses are awesome and should be acknowledged as such.

  • Edy - 11 years ago

    Look who is rooting for Republicans: Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz, KKK, Tea Party, a bunch of lunatics!
    These special interest groups are in a way acting as mini Republican parties politicking and campaigning for the GOP. I would like to know how can we get rid of them, how can we dissolve the Tea Party? These groups are bad for the people and for the government of the U.S.
    Newsmakers and reporters must stop giving these people so much attention therefore giving them power.
    How can close to 50% of Americans vote for these people? There is something seriously wrong with the politics of the United States!!!!!!

  • Alfreda Chapman - 11 years ago

    Trying to kill the Affordable Care Act via shutting down the Government, and allowing hundreds of thousands of American citizens to lose their livelihoods and abilities to take care of themselves and their families is one of the most out of touch, evil things I have witnessed in America.
    I like to equate the extreme right wing of the republican party to Pharoah of Egypt. God used Pharoah and hardened his heart so that the people could see the error of their ways and witness the power of God. I feel that these Republicans need to go down on their knees and ask God to remove the scales from their eyes so they can see the evil they have become a part of and ask for forgiveness for their sins. May God have mercy on their souls.

  • Valerie - 11 years ago

    They are definitely dangerous. Notice how the Teapublicans are trying to blame the Democrats for the shutdown. Who do they think they're trying to fool except their loyal followers? They're pulling the old trick of the Swiftboat mantra, "Project upon your enemy with what we actually believe." Still waging a war against women with their "conscience clause". The Weeper of the House needs to grow a pair and lead instead of being led around by the nose by the Canadian Texan Raphael Edward Cruz.

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    REPUBLICANS who hold the government hostage are dangerous for America--these nut jobs need to thrown out of government. These special interest groups are NO good for America. Please remember these idiots on election day, they need to be thrown out on their butts!!! They have done nothing to promote democracy, they have done nothing to help women or children or senior citizens or anyone who loves this country and democracy. Let them go to the moon and start their own country where there is no government, isn't that what they want?

  • bob w - 11 years ago

    come on Boehner, grow a pair show that your a leader

  • Dollyham - 11 years ago

    Why are the Republicans not being called what they are---Terrorists! They are domestic terrorists. I saw them coming out of their caucus celbrating the fact that they brought down the government. It made me sick in my stomach. These Republicans have done what the Axis countries could not do! They have stopped our country and they celebrate it! They are " the enemy within" and have started the downfall of the American way of life! WHY? They are racist and can't believe that a Black man can lead this country. I am a white senior citizen and I think these CHINOS (Christian in name only) should go and read whatJesus says about treating one another and the poorest among us!
    Please start calling them what they are! They are TERRORISTS!

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    Let me change that last part of my comment from this ~:) to this ~:/ !!!

  • Vish Ayengar - 11 years ago

    Republican special interest groups are to our democracy what terrorists are to the civilized world.

  • Simone Kosuda - 11 years ago

    Why these GOP extremists are still getting paid. Should'nt they be the first ones to lose their salaries.
    They are a disgrace to society. Let's get rid of them. They are useless. By the way we generally have to be vested at least 10 years for a pension. Why should they received a pension? They hardly work.

  • Alina - 11 years ago

    Yes, they are very dangerous and they should be question by the court. ACA is a law. If somebody brake the law they should be punish.

  • MDTumas - 11 years ago

    thank you for stating the obvious truth such as
    Rush the Drugster or
    the Canadian Senator Ted Cruz
    why not refer to the"---____ Stalin monied Koch Brothers

  • Deborah Holden - 11 years ago

    They are beyond scary. I am a long time Democrat, they are for the people but the Republican few of the rich and mighty want to take down our government. I personally would love to see a market crash, the hedge fund people would go belly up. Being middle class, a baby-boomer, the powers that be want to eradicate us along with medicare, social security, medical for the lessor of the rich. What happened to the people speaking out like in the 60s are we too afraid to say what we think? I am not afraid, and for the Speaker of the House, he should just put his tail between his legs, start crying because that is what he does best, and run home and hide. I am ashamed to call myself an American, this is not my country anymore, it belongs to the rich, self centered, overly rich, and definitely not Christ like who want to control the world. I hope no Republicans get into off in 2016, serves them right. My grandmother always said "the bigger the are, the harder they fall" so true in this situation.

  • Judith - 11 years ago

    IMPEACH THE HOUSE for working against the best interest of the country. Set a new precident so they can't pull this again.

  • Bruce House - 11 years ago

    Regular House Republicans are also dangerous to Democracy because they congratulate themselves for following the Kochs and the greedy 1%!

  • Vito - 11 years ago

    Give Em Hell "Big Ed" Both Political Parties Are Both "Duds And We The Independent Voters Welcome Your Big Fat Ass Horn Blowing . I Ask You Do Give A Good Blow To Boma ??? .......Stay With Rip The Republican Asses Because It Also Rips The DEMASS party also !! Hey ED , EABIGONEBUDDY !

  • Cathy Kislo - 11 years ago

    Fire John Boahner just like they did Newt Gingrich

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    They are not just dangerous, they should be considered treasonous and it's time that we call for very serious accounting from every single one of them!!! ~:)

  • Lauretta Jenkins - 11 years ago

    Lest anyone think there's any danger that the house republicans are about anything but getting their way ...

    "We want to make our position abundantly clear: we will not support efforts to pass a CR that contains any unnecessary spending or legislative provisions unrelated to maintaining government operations. We respectfully request that you fashion a CR true to the purpose of temporarily continuing the activities of government at the absolute minimum level necessary until we finish our work on the fiscal year 2011 spending bills."

    This OUGHT to be quoted on every commentary Ed makes in the next few days.
    -- House Appropriations Committee Republicans, in a letter to Chairman David Obey (D-WI) on September 14, 2010.

  • G-Two - 11 years ago

    I like to compare this to the kid who loses in sports and takes his ball so that nobody else can play.

    It directly contradicts the ideology of democracy and shows the divide between the right wing and the ordinary people of this country who deserve healthcare.

  • marc leitman - 11 years ago

    They're giddy about adversely affecting the well-being of 1000's of businesses, families & individuals. It's reprehensible and sophomoric!

  • Damaris Muniz - 11 years ago

    I am a registered republican and I love the affordable care act; Ted Cruz and his minions need to stop sucking the life blood out of the party and get on with it stop this ideological death march; they can forget about 2014 and 2016.

  • Yvette - 11 years ago

    Keep up the fight against the Republicans. They are puppets with the Koch brothers pulling the strings. If they prevail, the US and its democratic tradition will be lost.

  • Nita - 11 years ago

    The tea party republicans are ECONOMIC TERRORISTS. They want to destroy the American economy.

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