Do Republicans know what default would really mean for America?


  • denis winkle - 11 years ago

    A must watch. It's all GOP tea parties decision.

  • anna - 11 years ago

    oh my is president even considering the 6weeks? i cant believe it he was so determined to not go with a short term he should stick to his guns. if he does take what bonher and reps offer that is just sick. HE GAVE IN TO THEM. I CANT REALLY BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING.

  • ANNA - 11 years ago


  • Josev - 11 years ago

    Yes they do!! It's exactly what they want to do. It's a Koch brothers attempt at overthrowing the government and destroying our democracy as we know it. Take a look at where they are spending their millions, voter suppression, jerry mandering (spelling) , re-call elections, NRA, bought and paid for Republican politicians, extreme Tea Party candidates.
    The Bottom line is this, since WE THE PEOPLE from their (GOP) perspective, had the gall, the nerve, the courage and intelligence to elect a true African/American as POTUS in 2008 and re-elect him again in 2012, the GOP/Tea Party, the Koch brothers and their interest groups have decided to give us, WE THE PEOPLE, a giant sized middle finger, basically saying to us that they are willing to destroy this country because they didn't get their way. IN MY MIND IT'S TREASON

  • Jo Ann - 11 years ago

    I do not believe that the Republicans know or care what it means to not pay the bills.
    They are still receiving their pay checks, they go to their gym payed for by us, while we
    worry that we will not get our Social Security checks so that we can pay our bills!! How is
    that for Screwing America!!!

  • dilip anketell - 11 years ago

    This is reputzican strategery! When the economy fails they think they'll be able to swoop in and pick the carcass like hyenas!

  • Joe Conwell - 11 years ago

    Bottom Line: Treasury with no debt ceiling increase, means NO SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS. Do we pay China, Congress, or 50 plus million voters on social security.? Treasury can't, isn't allowed to make that call. Only the House is. So, Boehner, get it together. You don't win without 50 million votes.

  • Diogo Fernandes - 11 years ago

    I simply cannot understand how ignorance has become the mantra of hatred to some groups of Our Great Country in the whole wide world against our President. Why do they forget that his mother was a white woman. God did not wrap intelligence around any particular color (color of the skin) of a person. I wonder how the Catholic Christian People would embrace a black pope. What a fine example the majority of our people have shown to the entire world by electing a president of black color! It's divine we respect the position of the president. Contrary is Satanic.

  • Kim - 11 years ago

    Yes, they know exactly what their doing: destroying America. Morons !

  • Ira - 11 years ago

    Yes, they do know! They simply do not care about the interests of the American people, except the power elite which they represent.

  • wanda clemmons - 11 years ago

    They know but they don't care about the american people only themselves. they get to keep their pay checks but i bet if they had their pay jerked out from under them they would think twice about it before they did this ever again.

  • Tina Leaders - 11 years ago

    I am sure they Do. Until they really see how hard Americans struggle to stay a float week to week nothing will change .And quite hating ,lets fix the problem!!! And REPUBS quite worring about your pockets and start heiping the American people!!!

  • GLENDA COSENZA - 11 years ago

    They might know something about what it means but their thinking is so skewed and self-involved, ego-centric, they hardly have a clue about the totality -- and as others have said, they do not care. They want to prove their point. They're sick about the fact that Obama won a second term -- winning the first one was bad enough -- and it's a fight to the death as far as they're concerned. Like suicide bombers. Very similar

  • Azziza Nails - 11 years ago

    These TeaParty, and Neo-Con Republicans....were not born yesterday....I will not let them off the hook that easy>don't be bamboozled, they know what they are doing.... It is all by design....they are not playing because they don't care about we useless eater's....remember that one, people dieing they say the world is over crowded....if you believe that !!!!!

  • Verna Cooke-Rishell - 11 years ago

    They know exactly what they're doing. They just don't care.

  • Joy Randolph - 11 years ago

    I just wanted to correct my mistake, I meant to vote NO but mistakenly checked Yes! Not only do they not what it really means to our country and its people but they don't care.

  • REGINA RAY - 11 years ago

    The Republican's actions since President Obama has taken office, is the Ultimate Bigotry! The Hate for another race truly came to light once they had a Black Man take office as our Leader. They can't stand it! They have shown that they will do anything to "Try" to make our President fail. What's funny though is they only make themselves look Ignorant, Disgusting, and Pitiful. I wonder how they sleep at night??? Probably good because this is a deep hate that they were raised with.

  • J Mae Vail - 11 years ago

    They know exactly what they are doing. Destroy America and take the rest of the worlds economy with it. Pinky and the Brain style.

  • Ed Cascone - 11 years ago

    I am in complete agreement with Sue Wallace. The underlying answer to WHO'S financing this radical coup is the KOCH BROTHERS. Whats more is their intentions, which focus on eliminating any opposition that would support the president's progressive social programs, suggest the disenfranchisement of the American Middle Class Worker. Democracy will no longer exist and the wealthy will control the vote, and suppress the opinion of the citizens of the U.S. This is corruption, nothing more nothing less.

  • Sue Wallace - 11 years ago

    Make Absolutely No Mistake. This is a "long term" plan by the Kochs and their damnable $$$. They orchestrated the Tea Party movement and most of the t-partiers are too stupid and/or uniformed to understand this. Yes, they want to scuttle our government and they want to take over by buying it out. Democracy be damned. We can thank John Robert's SCOTUS for this via Citizens United, a ruling also bought by the Koch's $. These men are evil and do not have the interest of anyone in mind other than themselves!!! ~:/

  • Robert Deininger - 11 years ago

    Michele Bachman proves two things,that republicans don't need a high school education,and can marry first cousins last thought they can't believe a black man beat them twice much less a democrat,racism is alive and well in the GOP.

  • Diane Davis - 11 years ago

    I voted YES to tonights Poll: Do Republicans know what default would really mean for America? Because I feel they know exactly what will happen...they don't fact they want to default!

  • Diane Davis - 11 years ago

    I voted YES to tonights Poll: Do Republicans know what default would really mean for America? Because I feel they know exactly what will happen...they don't fact they want to default!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    We tax payers in the US demand the Republican Congress to refund us 90% of their salary, since they voted 42 times to refund ACA and only pass 4 bills on the last week!

  • June Young - 11 years ago

    I don't know why my last post is not listed but I will say it again. Of course they know, when we go into default they are gong to make a killing. All that money does not evaporate, it goes into the pockets of a very few people. The Koch brothers have been planning this for a long time. John Boehner is going to get a big bonus for betraying our country and the American people.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, Megyn Kendall, Palin, Bachman, Beck are all "The Same Garbage"!

  • Mac - 11 years ago

    Ed, those Republicats, i.e. fat cats don't care and don't care to know. Ed about healthcare sign up, I have an idea. How about following SSI system. All "A" s on Monday, all "B" s on tuesday etc. the log jam will not be like it is. I also think when Limbo tried to block(Shut) W.H. switch board by telling people to keep calling and jam the switch board! I believe similar stincts are going on this time with health care sign ups.

  • David L. Dover Sr - 11 years ago

    Yes they do know what it means for America . Total cachous that is what they want. If
    America falls the rich win Then they control everything.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    T (the) E (evil) A (association) Party is destroying our country!

  • George e. - 11 years ago

    I believe they do but they don't care at all

  • George e. - 11 years ago

    I believe they do but they don't care at all

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    It does not matter, how the Republican in Congress tell lies to people, Voters know that Boehner and the "Gang of 30" are responsible for the Government Shutdown! We will retire them in 2014!

  • D. Ginsberg - 11 years ago

    The ones who watch FOX don't know.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    In a survey, participants were asked to write down what two words first came to their mind when they heard TC?
    The results were list in order from the most to the least:
    1. Ted Cruz
    2. The Canadian
    3. The crook

  • Joe High - 11 years ago

    They know, they just don't care.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, Is Ted Cruz a dual-citizenship person (Canadian & American) like Michelle Bachman (American & Sweedish?) ?

  • jeromewatkins - 11 years ago

    They do know but they want us to believe they don't and that it's OK to default. Then they can say we didn't know it would be like this.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ted Cruz served as John Boehner's private legal counsel!

  • Ouida - 11 years ago

    They know and do not care.

  • heather hills - 11 years ago

    They don't care what it means for America....they just don't care!

  • DeVaughn - 11 years ago

    Yes. The Republicans know exactly what a default will do to the country. They will do anything to see an African American President fail. Although it will not be a failure due to the President, the blood will be on the hands of the Republicans. As unbelievable as it is, it's true. The Republicans needs to remember these words: Vengeance is mine, say the Lord.

  • Lee - 11 years ago

    I said the Repubs. don't understand what default really means because to think that they do understand and would cause default anyway is just too frightening to contemplate.

  • jak - 11 years ago

    Of course the republicans know what is going to happen and they do not care, they think if they tank the economy they will be the big winners in 2014.

  • Michael Geer - 11 years ago

    If its the deficit, then the President can call their bluff by threatening to close military bases in their states, recalling our troops from overseas and cutting the size of our Military to an affordable number. Our military needs to be cut by a third.

  • Leonc - 11 years ago

    The Republican's are sabotaging the stability of the United States to remain committed to their sponsors.

  • Lynda - 11 years ago

    Koch brothers 700 Billion can come in and buy up cheaply as the carpet baggers they are when we default and Wall Street falls into depression. Stop them and this corrupted GOP, from tanking this country! Force GOP to allow a vote. If Boehner allowed a vote 'sane GOP would allow a clean CR to pass finally.Default can cause a world wide crisis. GOP are ignorant and they prove that with every embarrassing thing they state on National TV daily. GOP are a national embarrassment. Boehner must go to save this country and jail Koch's as seditious traitors that they are.

  • Solomon - 11 years ago

    they want to continue what they started when bush was in office

  • Bill Dye - 11 years ago

    Any thing, ANYTHING to make this country look bad under his watch. This will play great for the "low-info" crowd the next election cycle.

  • Michael Geer - 11 years ago

    I wish they would stop saying they speak for the American People, because their not.

  • Julie - 11 years ago

    Knowing is one thing, caring is another. They only care about the Koch brothers and the Tea baggers.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    I voted No but they might know and they just don't care. In fact Bachmann and other Republicans were gleeful over the shutdown.

  • Vish Ayengar - 11 years ago

    Republicans do know what colossal damage default will cause to our country. They know it damn well. But they have decided to make us pay that price if their demands to serve their rich masters are not met.

  • scifibird - 11 years ago

    They absolutely know what will happen - and they don't care!! All that matters is that they keep getting their money from their overlords who want no government in this country.

  • Janet - 11 years ago

    And if they do know what it means, they don't care. They have clearly stated that getting their way is more important than anything else, including the government, democracy, the American people, the economy, military, vets, children, senior citizens and so on and so on .....

  • mjbrown - 11 years ago

    I think they are counting on the President backing down. You have 30 or 40 tea party members putting the entire country at risk. They're not coming forward, the face you see is that of John Boehner. Is it really worth it to him to risk everything to hold on to the speakership? Apparently he thinks so.

  • Cheryl Coronel - 11 years ago

    I wonder if they realize what they are doing to their own party, not that I care about that..their demise is long overdue

  • Jill Tripp - 11 years ago

    Repubs are so into denial and so into their "cause" and so against Obama, they don't care; they are a bunch of lemmings following the big money. They tell us the sky is down and want Americans to believe that.

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