Does the Republican party have anything to offer working class Americans?


  • Jgodd6 - 11 years ago

    A six weeks extension and the a years extension makes it after next years elections, any body want to offer that the GNOP is thinking about that?

  • BillD. - 11 years ago

    Nice picture of the leader of the house, (pack). He needs a touch up on his fake tan. The color yellow suits him fine. For someone who has been in politics this long, He definitely does not show it. That is why we need to tie term limits into politics. 30 years and out. They can have the same exact benefits and retirement as I have. OH wait I am furloughed. I am getting nothing. The Republicans are giving nothing. I hope we are not related. Bill D.

  • Mark Brugnoli - 11 years ago

    The Dems must love people leaders like Kwame Kilpatrick. Interesting that MSNBC is not talking about that famous/former Mayor of Detroit.

  • Brenda - 11 years ago

    Gop has never down anything to help working people. Ronald Reagan was the worst.

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    Republicans and Democrats both want what they see as a better America. Time to work together!

  • Steve - 11 years ago

    Lots of hate in here from Democrats. It is indeed sad.

  • Kimberly - 11 years ago

    No, of course not. They could "quit farting and blaming the dog" to quote Carson Daily. :) They just need to pull up their big boy pants and pass the budget. Obamacare is here. Get over it. It's time to grow up and play nice.

  • Barbara Radecki - 11 years ago

    When will people stop voting against their own best interest? How many middle Americans voted Republican in the last election? Have they learned that the Republicans--especially those belonging to the Tea Party--are not interested in middle Americans?

  • Ira - 11 years ago

    No; not until Speaker Bohner, Paul Ryon, Mitch McConnel, Canter, Cruz and other members of the Republican Party push legislation to reduce or cut entitlement programs designed for the super rich. It is through these entitlements that the super rich cheat the rest of American society out of their fair share of the economic pie. Let's have a conversation about that, Speaker Bohner, et al.

  • Bluedog - 11 years ago

    The GOP offers the middleclass a lots of hate, disdain, disprect, name calling, threats. They continue
    to let's know that they have no ideas of how to govern, create jobs, communicate with for'ein leaders.
    Their HATE for this President is so deep and raw, that they will destroy this country, if they think this will
    make the presidet's legacy less than stellar. But they don't know that GOD PUT THIS PRESIDENT IN OFFICE
    AND HE IS GOING TO SEEM PRESIDENT OBAMA THROUGH. Accept this GOP, GOD is more than your multi-millionaires, billionaires. Time to swallowand cry uncle.

  • james holstein - 11 years ago

    In contrast to what we have endured during the tenure of President Obama, Sen. Reid and Rep. Pelosi, the Republicans offer solutions and hope. The era of lies,duplicity and deception- :
    2Fast and Furious,
    3.failure to defend DOMA
    4. if you like your doctor and your insurance you can keep it .
    5.first we pass it then we read it
    6.Benghazi ''what difference does it make''
    7. iRS SCANDAL
    8. Affordable Care is the ''law of the land'' and is not negotiable except when changed by Presidential order or waived by the aforementioned Senator and Congresswoman.

    Also, when a Senator, our President called raising the debt ceiling a sign of failed leadership. His , Sen. Reid recent arrogance is perhaps the ultimate demonstration of failed leadership.

    God help us, our children and grandchildren if the Republicans do not reverse the present course of unlimited spending and handouts to buy votes .

  • Y.O. - 11 years ago

    Yes, they offer working class Americans a lot of PAIN!!!

  • sandee warner - 11 years ago

    The far right wingers (Tea Party) want less government yet run for a government office whose salary is paid by the taxpayers/government and retirement is paid by the government. If they are so anti-government, maybe they should quit driving over roads the government pays for, flying in airplanes which are directed by government employees, quit using electricity via the national electrical grid, and on and on. For naysayers to be so set in their way, they certainly enjoy government benefits on a daily basis. Are their followers so ignorant they can't see the absurdity of what they tout.

  • mary walsh - 11 years ago

    Your show more than any other on MSNBC acts as a countervailing force against the Fox propaganda machine. We love your passion 'n your common sense!!!
    Mary Alice and Larry Walsh
    Haddonfield, NJ 08033

  • Mary - 11 years ago

    Ed, if my memory serves me, it was JOBS, JOBS, JOBS that they "offered" us. WHERE are they? What they really offer us is obstruction, hate, taking away voting rights, sending jobs overseas, etc.

  • Chatauna Robinson - 11 years ago

    To answer the question the Republicans have nothing to offer to Americans for the progress of all Americans. The south lost the civil war many years ago and yet they still fight it in the White House. This does not have anything to do with policies and laws this fight is to show that even though a Black man has become President of the United States white still run this country. They are showing both young and old white people, that no matter how high a Black person may go we do not have to show them respect nor cooperate with them even though they know deep down in their hearts this man is trying to help everyone. How dare they, the Republicans, use the backs of innocent children, women, poor, and middle class people to fight their form of civil war. Shame on them, the Republicans, for what they are doing. One day they will have to face God and they will not be able to buy or talk their way out of the suffering they will endure for the damage they have done here in this life time. Deuteronomy 15: 11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land. Everybody say they are a Christian and yet they over look this scripture entirely. To open the government, to have a jobs bill that create jobs, to give equal rights to all of American's children is opening thine hand to the poor, thy brother, and the needy. I am glad that President Obama and his cabinet is fighting for the little people. God Bless them all. Thank you President Obama for the Affordable Care Act. I am a Registered Nurse, BSN. I am glad to see it in place.

  • bill - 11 years ago

    I almost voted "yes"---because they do give us a hard time. They're so sad and pathetic......

    I wish the Democrats and liberals were not such nice guys---we always bring knives to their gunfights---I mean we fight too nicely----we never kick ass and take names. It's well passed time to change that tactic.

    Can I get everybody riled up---come on!!!!!!!

  • ed colbert - 11 years ago

    Why are the Republicans always talking about how bad the government is, but work so hard to get into the government. They are the ones making the government look bad.

  • ERISA is Evil - 11 years ago

    The GOP could support repealing the ERISA pre-emption. Insurers operating ERISA plans enjoy several immunities not available to other types of insurance companies. If GOP supports states rights, restoring contract enforcement rights back the states would consistent messaging. Repeal ERISA and the GOP can help the American worker.

  • Mary K. Mennenga - 11 years ago

    To make us a third world country, That is open for business to destroy our national resources, like Forest land. With no need to worry about the people who are here, they are too weak to fight and with your fail safes record they will die anyway!

  • Bonnie Gleesing - 11 years ago

    Who knows? They're not going to let us know until they get in power!

  • Vish Ayengar - 11 years ago

    I voted NO to the question "Does the Republican Party have anything to offer working class Americans?" On second thought I think they do have one thing to offer: the middle finger.

  • Jovita McBroom - 11 years ago

    Hey Ed, Last night and tonight , while you were talking the first 5 or 15 minutes, guess what ? The TV just happens to have trouble on your show. A big green screen appears and stays on while you are telling like it is... Stupid Republicans......................
    You can't tell me that they don't have something to do with this.......No other station, has any problem
    Keep up the good work ED.

  • j - 11 years ago

    If they did they would have done it already since they had 3 years since they took back the House to do it, SO THE ANSWER IS A DEFINITIVE NO,,,,,
    AND now they want to tank the economy because they lost the white house and their FEELINGS WERE BRUISED.When will the country say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and when will the teabaggers BE issued a PINK SLIP

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    The Re-thug-licans are doing everything the far Right talking heads can imagine to destroy workng people in the US. We need to get rid of the Re-thug-licans in 2014 and 2016. Their goal is to royally screw the working people in the US for the benefit of their millionaire and billionaire donors--PERIOD.

  • William - 11 years ago

    The only the Republicans have to offer poverty and more poverty, lies and no healthcare for anyone but themselves.

  • Rex Ballard - 11 years ago

    The problem right now is that most GOP congressmen don't fear democratic victories because their districts are solidly GOP. However, in an off-year primary, they could lose their seat to a TEA Party Kook funded by the Koch brothers - with as little as 8,000 votes.

    If you consider that there are roughly 80 districts like this, the GOP is cowering in fear that 0.3% of the voters in the country will actually show up and vote for their TEA Party opponent.

    All the Koch brothers have to do is buy lots of beer on election day - and provide the bus to the voting booths. In most GOP districts, which are rural, there are no lines, most voters don't show up, and just a school-bus full of voters in each precinct is enough to unseat an incumbent Republican.

  • Bill Connor - 11 years ago

    John Boenner is no leader. He wouldn't make a good pimple on a
    on a marine Pvt's ASS. Semper Fi

  • Linda Meikrantz - 11 years ago

    Time to pull your heads out of your asses republicans YOU will screw up this economy and reverse any
    gains that were make in the last 5 years.

  • Greg Williams - 11 years ago

    The only thing the Tea Pot controlled GOP has to offer for the working man are jobs in China!
    As far as here at home.....

    Absolutely nothing!

  • Kenneth J. Hicks - 11 years ago

    Today's GOP is dedicated to the top 1% of the population and Fortune 500. Working America is an impediment to those ends.

  • Audrey Wyatt - 11 years ago

    All the GOP has to offer Americans is lies, contempt, derision and thievery. Republicans bring nothing positive to the table.

  • S Templeton - 11 years ago

    Yes, low wages, no healthcare, no foodstamps, no help.

  • David DeTorres - 11 years ago

    A huge YES to this question "Does the Republican Party have anything to offer working class Americans"!

    Here is a partial list of what the GOP is offering Americans:

    1. Voter Obstruction.
    2. Long lines outside food kitchens and homeless shelters.
    3. Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction!
    4. Gerrymandering.
    5. Denial.
    6. Did I mention Obstruction?
    7. More of the same...Looking out for their true constituent; "Big Money".
    8. Etc...etc...etc...

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