Should Democrats take Boehner’s short term offer?


  • Steve H. - 11 years ago

    Ed; There should not be a limit on the debt ceiling, raise the limit for 1 year, Open up the whole government, no exceptions, Do away with the sequestor. Sit down and have talks for budget negotiation. No other matters on the table. It is all or nothing. This short order form of Gov't has to stop, Business out there have told the republicans enough. The Koch Bros. has spoken, Mr Boehner, get your head out of your ass and fix the debt ceiling, open up the gov't, withdraw the sequestor immediate no exceptions.

  • Richard Stanley; Maness - 11 years ago

    I stopped voting many years ago, because the DEMOCRANS and the REPUBLICRATS have been leading us down this primrose path trying to feed us the lie that more government is better for everyone; that money grows on trees and that everyone should have an equal share even if they did not do equal work.

    There was a fable I was told as a child about a "LITTLE RED HEN". A little red hen wanted to make a cake and asked the other farm animals to help. The other farm animals were to lazy, self-centered and/or inconsiderate so they refused to help. When time came to eat the cake all the farm animals came crying for their share, but the little red hen asked them what equal part of the work they did to receive the "equal share" they were crying for and fed the cake to her chicks with none for those who would not work.

    I am neither a REPUBLICAN or a DEMOCRAT, but I have enough common sense to know that people in general abuse/take undue advantage of things they do not have to work for. If someone has more than me I am happy for them and if I want more I will find a way to earn more, I won't try to steal it from them (borrowing without permission is stealing). I don't let my children (actually grandchildren now) run free in stores and handle whatever they want. If you can't pay for it leave it alone. You look with your eyes, not your hands. etc. I do not intentionally hurt others and I will not let others hurt me or mine (verbally or physically). If I have to lie to not hurt someone then I am not the one who is doing the hurting.



    For thos who are trying to demonize the Republicans, I would say "DO SOME RESEARCH" and stop LYING, it will come back to bite you on the ass. I do not like either party, but I believe that the best way to tell if a Democrat (progressive/liberal) is lying is to see if their lips are moving or tongue is wagging. SAME FOR RINO's

  • jim holstein - 11 years ago

    The Democrats should accept the offer without any preconditions. The nation is tired of their petulant spoiled child act. We have reached the point that for the survival of this nation, we need to accept the fact that we cannot continue to follow the Democratic mindset of unlimited spending.

    The arrogance of the Democratic leadership while refusing to reach any compromise and address the out of control debt- $43,000.00 per household, continued unemployment and loss of our international stature can no longer persist. Outside the blind followers of MSNBC, few as they are, most Americans understand the implications of the moral and fiscal bankruptcy the Democrats have created.

  • Jim Coffey - 11 years ago

    The President should counter with an extension that takes us to the new year on BOTH the extension and the debt ceiling. Either that or a short one that reverses the sequester.

    If they don't take the deal, then the Senate should add reversing the sequester. If the other side won't deal, raise what we want too. The government isn't being open, the debt ceiling isn't be done, so raising what we won't make a difference and might scare the idiots into finally agreeing. The longer they go with the shutdown, keep adding more of the real American agenda to the bill.

  • Ira - 11 years ago

    Absolutely not. Republicans need to pay their share of taxes. Far too long now the republicans in power have designed the tax code to benefit the super wealthy. That entitlement program must be reduced so that the income distribution isn't hoarded by the super wealthy. They like to try and convince us that the programs that help the disadvantaged is the cause of our financial woes, but those are only lies. The true reason for our financial woes is the tax code that is designed by and for the super rich so that those individuals bankroll more than their fair share of America's income and wealth. How about leaving some for the rest of society.

  • Dean - 11 years ago

    To keep our democracy alive, Its time for this president and all future presidents to state that every budget bill shall authorize necessary debt limit increases to accomodate the new budget bill and to keep the government open or else the bill must be vetoed. This will eliminate this issue. When I get a credit card, I don't tell the credit card company at a later date that I won't pay my bills and threaten to shutdown my household. I honor my debts because it is the responsible thing to do.

  • Marge - 11 years ago

    Not only should Democrats not accept the fake deal Boehner came up with today. We want our government open back up right away and the debt ceiling increased. The President should demand the Koch Brothers pay back the American people through the people's government for shutting down the over government. The same way a private company can front death benefits to the families who lost loved one over the weekend because of the shameful and disgraceful way the Koch Brothers and their allies pay the Republicans to create a phony crisis and shut down our government, they should be made to pay for all the expenses its costing the American people because of the shut down. Clearly they can afford to pay to create this mess then they should be made to pay to clean it up. Maybe they all will think twice about trying to use the American people and the American financial system against the president the next time their hate boils over and they feel like they need to work it off. Koch Brothers and their allies should pay back the country for the financial damages they've done not to mention emotional damages. The president should also demand they pay all the families who lost loved ones over the weekend death benefits for adding unneeded stress to a already horrific circumstances. They should be ashamed of themselves using their money to hurt people just because they can. Go peddle your hate somewhere else and Congress get to work and open the People's government.

  • Bigwheel - 11 years ago

    Mr. President,

    You and the Democrats have Boehner and the Tea Party on the ropes-- PLEASE KEEP THEM THERE!!!!!!

    Don't give one inch..

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    Obama's picture is next to ther term "gave at the office", because in my opinion, he gave away the store trying to be nice to rethuglicans. rethuglicans care only about $Billions for themselves and their friends, not about people. I hope Obama doesn't make me want to change my political affiliation from Democrat to Independent. I hope he continues to stand firm, 'cause it's about time he did just that. He must insist on what he and we want: put the government back working for WE THE PEOPLE; as much as rethuglicans LOVE WARS now is a very good time to show how much they support the troops; no more piece meal continuing resolutions (CR); a FULL YEAR clean resolution; raise the debt ceiling the same way they did under bush, bush and reagan without so much as a "cough", and stop being so BLATANTLY RACIST against the Black President. He's smart, he's kind, and he wants to do the right thing FOR ALL AMERICANS.

  • Acquetta Lewis - 11 years ago

    No! They gamed President Obama in 2011. What did Bush say, "fool me once....". It won't be shame on us anymore. Bohner is such a weasel that he replaced Barry Black, Senate Chaplain with a guest cleric for Congress's opening prayer today. Mr Black's prayer opening for Congress yesterday was so powerful, moving and truthful, that so many people yesterday and today were talking about it. We are on to the Republicans. They have always planned on getting rid of all entitlements, now they smell blood in the water. Go back and read FDR's speeches and what he said about them trying to destroy all safety net programs. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The difference? We are smarter now. "We won't get fooled again"!

  • Dave Luttinen - 11 years ago

    Stop stopgap legislation. It is knee-jerk and NEVER long-term fiscally responsible. When the Pentagon warned the congress that death gratuities would end, nobody paid attention and the teapublicans led the march into the abyss without considering collateral damage. [May God grant peace to those families for their loss and thank you for your sacrifice.] Conservatives are responding quickly after the fact only because the shutdown makes them look bad, not because they have a plan. They have no more remorse than a rapist apologizing for his criminal act. It is not that it is meant, it is that they were caught.

  • Pat - 11 years ago

    How far will the Republicans go to stop anything that Obama suggests? How many people will they hurt?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Member of the Stupid Party must know that, if the country goes into Default, Koch brothers' wealth will worth much less than it is now! and some of the Tea Party members will be out on street because Koch brothers will get mad at them!

  • mickie862 - 11 years ago

    Today in Clearwater, Florida we were out rallying with signs in front of a medical center, in the various malls with our OBAMACARE signs. So far in my neighborhood just about all the people I meet on my walking trail have logged on, called in, have gotten results. People on the streets and malls where we were today were hungry for the information. Some preferred Obamacare and some preferred the Affordable Care. Either way no argument from us, not even to tell them that it's one and the same product... We're on a mission!!!
    Let boehner and his cohorts go work for big pharma, big agribiz, big oil, the koch brothers, big walmart and see whether those companies would tolerate their non-performance on the job in any of those companies. WE THE PEOPLE are the employers of those "tea-potty" and rethuglicans. If they hate government so much, why do they come back year after year to ASK US FOR A JOB? This next election, no matter how much they try to suppress the vote, WE, THE PEOPLE are firing them, - gerrymandered districts or not!!!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, when you on Radio, please Urge all Voters to call, email, Tweet, ... to their Reps. and Demand that they Pass A Clean CR till 2015!

  • Jon P. Frasz - 11 years ago

    Don't negotiate with terrorists and tea party traitors!

  • kathleen Creasbaum - 11 years ago

    I took the time to call EVERY congressmen last week on the healthcare law. I have a pre-exicting condition. This week, I called every GOP congressmen, because of the Vers. My family when through a hard time, whe my nephew was wounded in Iraq. His benifets took 15 months to get process. Now when the goverment shut down, NONE of them are being processed. At what point are the GOP goingn to stop hurtinp people in this country.
    I pray the Dems stay together and stop the KOCH brothers who own Kansas,and the GOP and want to own the US.

  • wanda clemmons - 11 years ago


  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Tea (The Evil Association) Party has no heart! When they came to Congress they become members of the Society Of Bad representatives! They turn the Republicans into the "Stupid Party"! They promoted Racist, they came on TV and lied, they do not deserve to be represent nobody!

  • Smart Ass Texan - 11 years ago

    HELL NO , Obama should not accept ANYTHING short of the original !
    In fact , he should insist they add on the Jobs Bill as well !
    I want the Health Care , and the salary that they make. Funny,
    I have never heard anyone accusing that being "Socilaist"
    Make them bend, cave , grovel !

  • Ginny Hordines - 11 years ago

    What do we call a person who makes others suffer for their own interests?
    John Boehner, ____ ?____ of the House

  • Sandy D. - 11 years ago

    NO, NO, NO, we should take NOTHING that John Boehner offers--we shouldn't even be compromising or bargaining with these boneheads!!! The Democrats won the elections, the Republicons should be on their hands and knees begging us to do what is right. Stand your ground Democrats and President Obama, don't let these knuckleheads run the government--they are just doing what the Koch Brothers are telling them to do, they have NO idea what it is like to be poor or depend on entitlements--those brothers and Republicons should just disappear, our country would be better off without them!!!

  • Robyn - 11 years ago

    I hope the American people will remember this when it is time to vote in November 2014. I personally am sick and tired of hearing the Republicans whine and complain when things do not go their way. They have been against our President since his first inauguration and it seems they will try every sneaky move they can think of to undermine the authority of the office of the Presidency. They have no respect for the President, what he stands for, or for the American people. It is time for Americans to let the Republicans know that they may have an agenda, but peoples' agenda is more important and we have a voice. Vote these ridiculous fools out of office.

  • Dottie Hendricks - 11 years ago

    Got to open the Government, and fund the debt.
    The tea "pot" party needs to go and all the
    wacko's need to go. Either you are with our
    Country and Government or you are not.
    To me it is treason to hold hostage workers,
    Veterans and all other entities.
    The Veterans need their funding. It is a slap in the
    face to all Veterans who have served their
    Country. I am a Vet and proud of my Country.

    You Congress have been on a 4 year plus vacation
    and getting done the people's work is Zero.
    Become adults and not children.

    Remember Social Secruity is not and entitlement!!!
    Look it up. Medicare is and entitlement which weas
    added to Social Security.

    returned to be rehab made hole againThraA

  • marvin wyrick - 11 years ago


  • Mike G - 11 years ago

    Why set up another false deadline? It would be a disaster to negotiate with the terrorists now.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    These Heartless Republicans have induced So Much Pain to So Many Americans, they must Go!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    American Voters will retire these traitors in November 2014!

  • Robin Graves - 11 years ago

    Didn't congress already agree to raise the "Debt Ceiling" back in March when they turned the sequester on? They voted to raise it by almost a trillion to pay the bills they enacted. just wondering...

  • john boyle - 11 years ago

    This is a Republican TRICK and must be returned to them in their face. Obama you must not accept this TRICK. Ed you are 100% correct on opposing this Republican TRICK. They must be stopped immediately. If Obama accepts this he is a sicko. The government must be reopen immediately. Thank You! You are the best.

  • Cathy - 11 years ago

    I agree with Mike "HELL NO!!! That bunch of ScareCrows are only looking out for theirselves!!!!! They all need to find the Wizard, because they all need a BRAIN!!!!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, "John Boehner fool American once in 2011", now No One Trust them!
    They must past the clean CR till 2015!

  • Allan Richardson - 11 years ago

    I could not, and apparently cannot, with my cell phone carrier, use the text message to send a vote on your daily poll. My carrier, Credo, is progressive, but it uses the Sprint network, and according to Credo customer service, Sprint is blocking texts to 67622, even when a user has sent in the "allow" control message, and received a confirmation. Please ask your viewers how many of them ALSO cannot send you a text message (even during the live show), and do a story investigating whether Sprint is blocking your text number, and why.

  • Mike Browne - 11 years ago

    Should the Democrats accept Boehner's short term offer?

    Short Answer: No.

    Long Answer: Hell no!

  • Nancy Smith - 11 years ago

    We learned during the 2011 fiasco that the Republicans cannot be trusted. We cannot trust them to do anything they say they will do, and we can't trust what they put in writing. They will bring down our country with their lies and their lack of leadership.

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    No. Republicans simply want to stall, whine longer and throw more tantrums. while hoping something changes in their favor. Nothing will. They are on the wrong side. They have been lying, misrepresenting and playing games while the rest of us sit here and watch them make fools of themselves.

  • Sandra Downey - 11 years ago

    The Republicans want to cut food, health, education, etc. Send the high paying jobs out of the US and cut the salary and benefits on the jobs that are left. At the same time do everything in their power to make sure everyone has a gun. What exactly is their game. Plus, they do not believe they should pay their share of taxes.

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