Is John Boehner more afraid of the Tea Party or defaulting?


  • Kimberly - 11 years ago

    I'm sure Speaker Boner has heard the old expression Shape up or ship out. Being the fact he can't shape up the tea party he needs to ship out.

  • Ira - 11 years ago

    The Republican Party's mainline strategy for many years than I can count has been to lie, lie, lie. They honestly believe that if they stand by the lies they tell, and tell them repeatedly, then people will start believing them. President Bush Sr. did it, President Bush Jr. did same, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Speaker Boehner, Cantor, Vice pres. Chaney, Mitch McConnel (big time), Machell Bachman, John McCain, Paul Ryon, Mitt Romney, just to mention a few. Shameful bunch...

  • Jon Ortman - 11 years ago

    There should be one more answer option on this poll. C. Losing his Speakership.

  • Michele64 Year Old Senior Citizen - 11 years ago

    The GOP has stopped payments for government employees by the sequester of all government jobs. Why the American people think Democrats and President Obama would hurt the employees in government and private sector jobs. When President Obama put through a health care policy to help find insurance even for people with pre-existing conditions. Now the GOP (backed by the tea party) want to stop payments for government workers. Since the private sector has been now used slave wages from outsource jobs and pay scales so much lower then the American paychecks. Shame on the republican party who does not support the American people.

  • Michele64 Year Old Senior Citizen - 11 years ago

    The GOP has stopped payments for government employees by the sequester of all government jobs. Why the American people think Democrats and President Obama would hurt the employees in government and private sector jobs. When President Obama put through a health care policy to help find insurance even for people with pre-existing conditions. Now the GOP (backed by the tea party) want to stop payments for government workers. Since the private sector has been now used slave wages from outsource jobs and pay scales so much lower then the American paychecks. Shame on the republican party who does not support the American people.

  • Aleta - 11 years ago

    Boehner should be more afraid of defaulting than the skunks running the pee party.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    John Boener knows the TEA Party runs the House and they run him. They lead him around by the nose and he does whatever they want. They want the destruction of President Obama's presidency and don't care who they hurt. He panders to them for everything--to our country's detriment.

  • wille battle - 11 years ago

    john; you need to man up! quite talkin grit. get real of your company, they are hurting you. they vote you back in office. you got going home for thevote.

  • Janey - 11 years ago

    had an uncle killed in World War II, an uncle that stormed the beaches of Normandy, a brother who served 20 years in the service, two terms in Viet Nam & one in Korea and I am so ashamed of the republicans who probably never served a day & acted so piously at our war monuments in DC. Where in the heck is their sense of right & wrong, example Sarah Palin, Steve King, & Cruz among many others. They sure make us look disgusting here & abroad.

  • wille battle - 11 years ago

    john let the tea party back him in a corner; he can not get out of. the Moat brothers have upper hand. misstake # 1 paul ryan special budget chair. paul ryan can not count pass one!!!!

  • Howard Clark - 11 years ago

    The Republicans in the US House of Representatives are holding the Country hostage over funding the US Government by demanding unpopular changes in our laws. They have shut the Government down and are threatening the full faith and credit of our Country. If these members of Congress are arrested and charged with Conspiracy to Commit Extortion they would no longer hold the majority in the House of Representatives and a Democratic majority could then elect a new Speaker of the House and move our business of Governing ahead. So I created a petition to The United States House of Representatives, which says:"Arrest House Republicans including the Speaker for Conspiracy to commit Extortion, an illegal act and a felony." Will you sign this petition? Click here:

  • Dale - 11 years ago

    I once thought that the people of my great nation were the smartest people in the world, but after these last two weeks I am convinced that almost all of the stupidest people in the world are among that thirty to forty people of the tea-bag terrorist along with their leaders Cruz, McConnell and Boehner. How is it that these types of people get elected and continue to be reelected? Please people on the right, wake up and help to put this country back to the super power status we once held.

  • Tery Gibbs - 11 years ago

    The nut jobs on the right just showed their true colors again with that attack on the President. American people are smarter than that and we all know who caused this shutdown and probably the first default in American history. I'm a veteran and I would never lower myself to this gutless spewing of lies and rhetoric that took place in front of the white house. The dirt bags, Palin and Cruz need to both be arrested and prosecuted for causing civil unrest and those on the mall and the rest of the tea baggers need to be arrested and prosecuted under the federal hate crimes law and civil rights act of 1964. Their hatred towards this President because of his pigmentation is criminal in all aspects.

  • Ed Marks - 11 years ago

    I am writing this comment in regards to Stupid Girl Sarah Palin. In all honesty, that bitch had her George Wallace moment in 2011 when she made a comment about "blood libel". She destroyed her chances for holding national office (i.e.. President or VP) when she made that "blood libel" comment as did George
    Wallace in 1976.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - The POTUS should invoke Article 14 to solve the budget issues till January 2015!...
    - Voters will do our job in November 2014, we will retire all the Stupid, Idiots from the US Congress ...
    - The Country will regain our Economic Leadership in the world by 2016... and we all can sing "Happy Days are here again!..."

  • Acquetta Lewis - 11 years ago

    Why don't the "bright ones", the approx. 200 people at the WWII and White House understand America voted in 2012 and voted the President back in. If this entire country was as full of hate and venom as they are, Romney would be called, President Romney. Keep your hate to yourself!

  • Trish Hunt - 11 years ago

    I bet his name was pronounced BONER at one time... the small amount of people causing our problems are skin heads with hair. Yet skin heads get arrested when they try to gather..

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, Bobby Jindal was so right when he said the Republican Party stop being Stupid Party!
    I think they change from Republican Party -> Stupid Party -> Obstruction Party -> Extreme Idiots ....

  • Richard Sirella - 11 years ago

    To think that these tea-party individuals have children of an impressionable age is the most unhealthy consequence of all. We all will be paying a high price in the mental health system, these so called citizens are the true terrorist of the present day, they are equal to all fundamentalist who spread discontent through out the world, if THEY do not get THEIR way.

  • Ola Robinson - 11 years ago

    The Tea Party will destroy themselves trying to destroy the first black president. They are the suicide bombers of America.

  • cassandra ford - 11 years ago

    how can this happen in America, cant the president override all this and do what the people want, Cant our president open up the goverment. These republicans are using a health care which we the American people voted on and supported. What do we have to do .

  • m - 11 years ago

    All of those stupid old white guys at the vets memorial should be ashamed of themselves they are like lemmings going to the sea. They are only hurting themselves by siding with the republicans and they are too dumb to know it.

  • Mary Beaty - 11 years ago

    You know what they say; Big gavel, little (golf) balls.He is spineless. He will lose his seat in 2014. He cannot be trusted to work at the position and state is was elected to represent.

  • C- - 11 years ago

    Boehner/ Boner needs to go, as a matter of fact all repubs. need to go. I agree with K- THROW THEM ALL OUT!!!!!

  • Howard Clark - 11 years ago

    The Republicans in the US House of Representatives are holding the Country hostage over funding the US Government by demanding unpopular changes in our laws. They have shut the Government down and are threatening the full faith and credit of our Country. If these members of Congress are arrested and charged with Conspiracy to Commit Extortion they would no longer hold the majority in the House of Representatives and a Democratic majority could then elect a new Speaker of the House and move our business of Governing ahead.
    So I created a petition to The United States House of Representatives, which says:

    "Arrest House Republicans including the Speaker for Conspiracy to commit Extortion, an illegal act and a felony."
    Will you sign this petition? Click here:


  • Trish Hunt - 11 years ago

    How can a handfull of people bring down our Nation & in the long run, other countries. Something is wrong & needs to be corrected. I'm glad that I am a senior & remember when , like they say... , "the good old days". Who would have thought that a few deranged people could destroy a nation. Something needs to be fixed, so this won't happen again.... Money sure talks here.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    - Ted Cruz is an Opportunist, he is for himself!
    - Sara Palin is Worst than Ted Cruz, I wonder how many millions more she made since she screwed up McCain's ...
    - Michelle Bachman is another Sara Palin ....
    The three jokers above are a class of themselves!

  • Wendy Madison - 11 years ago

    These Tea-Tee Party folks must be putting crack in their energy drinks. I just hope that anyone who either voted for, or even considered voting for "Boner" or the Tea-Tee Party will see them for what they really are- they need to change the party's name to the "YMFU" Party. (Yay Me, F@#K You). I want to see these terrorists tried for treason. Yes, they are terrorists- what else do you call a group who take over a government, destroy a country, hold hostages and have demands? Pres. Obama can NOT give in to them- or next time will be worse. What ever happened to majority rule? That Dick-tator/ Canadian Ted Cruz needs to be deported- and Boehner needs to grow a pair and not let them get caught in the TT Party vice.

  • Karen - 11 years ago


    Speaker Boehner, if he wasn't afraid of the BIG BAD TEA PARTY, should take that giant gavel of his and PLAY HIT THE MOLE with it!!.

  • monica - 11 years ago

    It is time that the tea party (Lynch mob)crowd stop parading on the Whitehouse. I think we have moved from that settlement a long time ago.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, Boehner is not have qualifications to be U.S. House Speaker!

  • Larry McGlamary - 11 years ago

    We, the middle class mean nothing to him or his cronies. just interested in getting reelected and keeping his post of power. But will be minority leader after the election. Payback is hell as the saying goes.

  • GEORGE BRYANT - 11 years ago


  • dennis - 11 years ago

    I voted default because i have to believe the Boehner is intelligent enough to know that default would be far worse than what a few crazies in his party believe. Also please explain to us why the House GOP changed house rules so that House members could not bring legislation to the floor for a vote? Only Cantor or his appointee can. This was done shortly before the government shutdown. How does that convey in anyway that they didn't want this shutdown?

  • Glenn Hills - 11 years ago

    He's not afraid of either. He promised that he would make Obama negotiate, and that we would not default. He'll keep both promises and as usual he'll save us. We need chained CPI !

  • Sherri Molnar - 11 years ago

    Oh my goodness . There were less than 200 people at that rally. It was as close to a KKK rally, as I have seen portrayed on tv on the History channel. The only thing missing were the white sheets. God help us all.

  • Ty - 11 years ago

    Boehner can't even go to the bathroom and unzip his fly without Tea Party permission anymore. This man needs to be taken out of the Speaker position and replaced with someone who will do what is right for the nation, not for himself, his position, or what his respective party wants. He said months ago that he won't let the government shut down, now he's saying he won't let the government default. We've seen how he handled not letting the government shut down, how can we can trust him for anything else?

  • paula - 11 years ago

    Boehner is a spineless speaker and human & afraid 4 himself & his political career nt Americans

  • Brian - 11 years ago

    Obviously, the Speaker is more interested in holding on to his "Speakership" in a dysfunctional Republican caucus than he is in governing and doing what's best for the Country. He need to get to work and do his job on behalf of the Nation, not what's best for "Tea Party" Republicans!

  • K - 11 years ago

    He is a disgrace, He is afraid of the tea party racists and will allow the government to default,,
    He is the one who needs to leave because it is clear he cannot FULFILL HIS DUTIES TO THE COUNTRY.
    THE protesters over the weekend was a staged planned and manipulated EVENT, HAlf those did not serve and the other half are too cowardly,,

  • Buzz - 11 years ago

    Mr. Boehner { or Boner as we pronounce his name in our House} is afraid of "Being Primaried" by the "Tea Party" Jackasses!!

  • Rex Ballard - 11 years ago

    The TEA Party has already fielded their opposition to Boehner and if this TEA Party opponent gets any substantial funding, he could win enough votes in an off-year primary to unseat Boehner completely.

    The same is true for at least 80 other House incumbents.

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