Do you trust Republicans to keep us from the country's first ever default?


  • Pat and Pam Conway - 11 years ago

    Palin, Cruz, and all you Tea Party Republicans, are the scum of the earth, using God and the Veterans in order to brain wash the poor uneducated people from your Party into hating our president and the Democratic Party! You are self centered, self righteous, greedy, selfish, hateful, and prejudice against the
    poor minorities people! You Tea Party Republicans are the devils at work, and the people Cruse you,
    kowing that you devils are lyres, and your works won't stand, in Jesus name! Beohner, you better wake up! And all you black Republicans, who are promoting racism and hate, for 30 pieces of silver,
    We Will Pray For Your Soles!

    Let's continue to pray for our President, and, that he continue to stand for the people, in Jesus name!

    Thanking you in advance for your prayers,

    Pat and Pam
    The Twins, for the rights of people

  • Don - 11 years ago

    The speaker has a chance to become the worst terrorist our great country has ever seen. I am very proud of Obama bringing this country out of the mess W put us in while having Boner and the Tea party lying about everything, and saying (no) to all his great plans to put the people back to work. What we need to do in 2014 is kick out the Republican party control of the House.

  • Toni - 11 years ago

    The "SPEAKER" works for the people "NOT THE TEA PARTY" And if he loses his job because of his lack of leadership or because he sided with the tea party, I will not lose any sleep over it. All he cares about is himself,
    not the PEOPLE.

  • Lisa - 11 years ago

    I think it is ridiculous that a American President should have to tolerate such comments made by Palin and Cruz and what they were imlying about President Obama not being american , being a muslim and god knows what else they think, In my opinion they and the republican party are just a bunch of American Terrorist, A racist bunch of backwoods hillbillys that are so self absorbed that can't see how stupid they are..It is disgusting and I am embarassed to be an american and have people think all americans are so narrow minded.

  • Nan M - 11 years ago

    Could it be that powers like koch, heritage, ect want the ecomony to fail. Stocks plunge, few come and and purchase everything. This is clearly a planned set up being run by someone(s)

  • Vinny - 11 years ago

    All the pressure is on the Republicans because they are the only party who accepts responsibility. Democrats give handouts to their friends, exempt themselves, and run up bills they expect someone else to pay. Obama does not have the power to exempt people from laws. I promise you this will pay off very well for the Republicans, See 2014!

  • Gina Withers - 11 years ago

    What the GOP is doing is an act of treason! They must be replaced and punished Ted Cruz is a modern day nut!

  • Dylan Cox - 11 years ago

    It's pathetic the Republicans don't understand that we see what they are trying to do.

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, how many TEA Partier are there in the house? 40? and how many are in the Senate? 10? Boehner and Canter should be held accountable for what happening in the House !

  • George Davis - 11 years ago

    By the way, Ed. I am not a tea-bagger! I'm a socialist and I don't believe in Communism. I love America.

  • rich teasdale - 11 years ago

    One of 'The Five' on Fox News just said, "President Obama has been the President of firsts. I would like to see him be the First President to Default!"

  • Tino Figueroa - 11 years ago

    I believe that a default could give the President the power for a presidential executive order to impose 10% surtax on business and individuals making $250,000.00 or more as long as the shutdown continues, in order to pay the Government debt.

  • Sandy - 11 years ago

    I really hope that the republicans that are against their own country and are going to allow it to go over a cliff not knowing IF there is a bottom have been paid enough from the Koch brothers and others like them to keep them for the rest of their crappy lives!!!

  • Tino Figueroa - 11 years ago

    How far down the pit is Cisco Cruz and Pancho Smith are willing to take us.

  • George Davis - 11 years ago

    Hey Ed!! I'm a disable Vietnam vet and a pissed off citizen to boot. If the veterans were to pull the kind crap these teabagger Republicans [and some Democrats] are/have pulling/pulled, we'd be called "traitors"! I'd like to start a class-action suit against certain [Republicans] members of congress for conspiracy to overthrow the government of America. Sedition. Slander. Fear mongering.
    These are not "Patriots"!

  • Jodi - 11 years ago

    The Tea Party is holding us hostage and are causing Americans financial harm as the DOW drops. They should all be impeached for costing us our life savings!

  • Angel - 11 years ago

    So close to default that we can say good bye to AA rating (you already lost us our AAA rating last time you pulled this crap) and years before we can get it back where it belongs if we ever can. Thanks GOP for throwing your childish fit. First thing in the new budget should be to cut your pay , COAL and other benny's to that of the average federal work. No one elected you so that you could receive life time benny's. Only the the President should get that.. This one week on and two weeks off is for the birds. You are there to help govern. No work no pay just like the life of rest of the people of this country....

  • Michael A. Nunn - 11 years ago

    oh sure I trust them, to execute the iraq war with the forces neccessary to do the job, find wmd, greet us as liberators, have the iraqs pay for the war, trickle down economics, unions are bad, people dont need good wages or health insurance. that two wars on a credit card and a perscrpition drug plan money give away,were ok no need to bail out the auto companies, women dont deserve equal rights or pay, a smaller recovery practice and austarety works. that giving up all workers rights and complete deregulation of buisness is good for the economy because when people died on the job it was there fault and rivers on fire are no problem. oh sure I trust them NOT !

  • Dan - 11 years ago

    I am sick and tired of the GOP right wing extremist agendas. These people took an oath to serve, honor and protect. They deserve to lose their positions, including their speaker. When Congress holds up progress like this their pay frozen and access limited. The working class were hurt during the last debt crisis. Our Government should work for the people and by the people (all) and not held hostage by a small obstructive group. We are only as strong and faithful as our bottom denominator.

  • N. Mclain - 11 years ago

    Haven't we legally crossed over to Treason now? The tea party behavior fits the defination. Why can't they be removed under this law?

  • Gerad Devanny - 11 years ago

    How many yes votes? 18? well, I guess 9 or so hit the wrong button. 1882 no votes. what's that tell ya? Usually, an MSNBC thread is polluted with right wingers who enjoy trolling. But, ya don't see them around here today. even they know the teabirchers are all fubar.

  • Laurie B. Oliver - 11 years ago

    I don't trust the Re-thug-licans to do ANYTHING. The TEA partiers are trying to destroy this county. They don't care about anything except holding our country hostage at gunpoint to exact a very high price--just as soon as they figure out what that price should be. They are nothing but thugs and bullies who will destroy anyone and anything to get their way. They yell and scream that they are patriots at the same time they are violating the Constitution--OUR Constitution. The only way to protect our country from this ever happening again is to get rid of the TEA partiers. We need to fix the mess that allows states to severely jerrymander their districts and get far more of these TEA party wackjobs than their populations should allow them to have. We need to return to public finance of our elections. Then, we need to overturn Citizens United. I think that will go a long way toward preventing this horrific mess from happening again.

  • Bigwheel - 11 years ago

    The republicans don't give a DAMN about America!! Isn't that obvious to all by now. Any citizen that would vote for a republican has got to be stupid.

    Can you see why America is not mentioned in our Holy Book!! Isn't it strange that African and Middle East countries are named, but the most powerful nation on earth is NOT!!!!!!

    Keep voting for republicans, their hatred will be our downfall.

  • Tino Figueroa - 11 years ago

    I believe that a default could give the President the opportunity for a presidential executive order to impose 10% surtax on business and individuals making $250,000.00 or more for as long as the shutdown continues in order to pay the Government bills.

  • Terri Adkins - 11 years ago

    No, because they're a bunch of effing IDIOTS!

  • Jeanine - 11 years ago

    At its dirtiest level - the problem is as old, or older than, America itself. Racism, filled with hatred for the President of the United States of America who, incidentally, was elected by a true majority of the people of the United States. They just cannot bear the fact that a 'BLACK MAN' is in THEIR Whitehouse. And all the while, they stand on the 'biblical' street corner prating about what Christians they are. How God must shudder when he hears His name on their lips.

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    Had to laugh this morning when I heard that the Republicans sang "Amazing Grace". Usually sung at funerals, maybe their own.

  • jeanine - 11 years ago

    I am so sick of that Aflack quacking duck-voiced Sarah Palin prancing and strutting, once more, all over the political stage. The Tea Party, one and all, should be charged FORMALLY with sedition - with Cruz and Palin the first two to be charged.

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    Congratulations Tea party and Republicans, you accomplished something. You've managed to get the US credit rating downgraded again. Fitch announced that they have put the US on credit watch. This is done just before a downgrade.
    You are now responsible for TWO downgrades. Something that has never happened in all of the years of our country.
    In Nov 2014, don't let the door hit you in your brains as you exit Congress

  • James Woods - 11 years ago

    If we default maybe republicans should be held responsible for the damages, They are all rich let them pay up. Its their fault.

  • Nan Miguel - 11 years ago

    Ed --
    We need to form a Class Action Lawsuit --- Responsible American Citizens vs. The Tea Party and Their Wealthy Supporters (they can jolley well give their money to the people they are ruining instead of the people carrying out their wishes).
    They are solely responsible for the upcoming destruction of milions of Americans' Retirement Savings, poor nutrition for vulnerable babies, children, and senior citizens, and the very real destruction of the global economy.

  • Gerad Devanny - 11 years ago

    Just for the record, I'm an honorably discharged veteran like many here. And I find their behavior reprehensible.

  • Gerad Devanny - 11 years ago

    I'm 56 years old. I've been paying attention to politics since JFK and that awful day in November.
    I have never seen a sitting President so disrespected or insulted by so many, and their own party says nothing. What happened to it's not the person, it's the office?
    Fox news and that dim bulb from Alaska have insulted and disrespected the office so many times, that they should be banned from the airwaves now. Snow Snookie should be shunned.

  • sandra - 11 years ago

    I am a disabled veteran and rely on my disability to live. We as veterans put our lives on the line for our country and our country can't take care of us. If this is the case why do the country keep sending us to fight wars that is not ours. Republicans need to wake up, because they are putting the screws to the people that provide their safety.

  • Dan Davis - 11 years ago

    The GOP cannot even get out of their own way much less get us out of the mess they put us in.

    If a two party system is going to work then neither party can pander to the extremists. I love how in politalk they are now called the "base," what a joke! The only way they are "base" is if we mean the lowest kind. The base of both parties used to be the vast majority that was in the middle. If the GOP cannot figure this out then we should go to a multi-party system where the chances for any one party getting a majority are slim and therefore compromises must be made to form governing coalitions. Otherwise we will continually be held hostage by the extremists and/or the wealthiest donors. What we are experiencing now is governance by the shrillest and the wealthiest and not of, by or for the "people."

    As soon as the two parties wake up the next step is for the people to wake up. How many folks do you know who are totally taken in by the lies and fear mongering and hate and taken in enough that they essentially are voting against their own best interests? For me it is too many!

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    If the Republican let the country in default, Every district in the US should start RECALL Rep and Sen in your district!

  • Linda Meikrantz - 11 years ago

    I am so sick of the tea party and the republicans. I am ashamed of this country. We are the laughing stock of the world. It will not just screw us up but other countries as well. They all must go I hope everyone of them is out of a job. I would not trust the republicans to do the right thing. But they have the ----s to stand and sing Amazing Grace, what a joke.. Lightning didn't hit the dome did it?

  • Dolores Bertrand - 11 years ago

    Where are the usuals who hit the cameras and microphones every chance: John McCain and LIndsey Graham. Don't they have something to say about this? Oh no, I guess not - it's their rotten party (GOP/TP) that is at the forefront of this debacle.... playing CMA and letting the GOP drag America in to Hell...!

  • Ed - 11 years ago

    My dog is more trustworthy than those commies.

  • LaVina - 11 years ago

    These Republicans has thrown one sh*t after another about this debt ceiling and this ransom is getting very tiring. They did it before and want to do it again. WHY???? They want to be declare they are the heads of government and the President, Democrates and the American people are the servants. I'm really sick and tired of the Republicans, Fox News, and talk radio (Limbaugh, etc) who produce nothing but negatative and hate, acting like they know all about the this so-called Republicans, which they fall into the same category as the Republicans. Each Republicans in the House and Senate should be fired buy being elected out of government, especially Boehner and McConnell. They care only about their jobs, money and power.

    This is not about the US and the world economy, it's plainly about the President of the United States to fail.

  • Gerad Devanny - 11 years ago

    Lets call the Tea party what and who they really are. The John Birch Society. That's who they are. Just under a new name. I'll bet most Tea party folks don't even know the John Birch Society called Eisenhower a communist for putting America to work. The GOP ran the Birchers out of DC on a rail. The GOp needs to do the same to the TeaBirchers right now. The GOp is on a suicide mission. Part of me says go right ahead. But I'm not willing to hurt America to do it. That's the difference between us and them. We don't want to hurt America. They, on the other hand are more than willing to do just that . They don't care. Do some research on the John Birch Society if you don't believe me.. Nixon beat Goldwater. Goldwater was a Bircher too.
    This isn't the first time they've raised their ugly heads. They will be back. In the meantime, someone kick them to the curb, Please. They're hurting America.

  • Jim - 11 years ago

    So what if Republicans are primaryed by the Tea party. If we default, I give a Tea party candidate to have a zero chance. Right now a Republican has about a 25% chance. There's a total of 25%. Wonder where the other 75% is going to go.

  • jr - 11 years ago


  • Debra - 11 years ago

    they are omly for the top 1 percent and have the balls to claim its what the people want...need to open the goverment and quit actimg like children....then they call themselves christians which they aare not...

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Mark, If the story you are telling is correct, Please Post this story on all Electronic Media of this country ASAP! so everyone knows Ted Cruz is for Ted Cruz not for the America! He is not deserve to be in the US Congress!

  • shawn olsen - 11 years ago

    The GOP or greedy ogre party could care less about America, they should be considered domestic terrorists because that is what they are. Jesus is deeply ashamed.

  • Dolores Bertrand - 11 years ago

    They are becoming vultures right before everyone's eyes. They are shameful and should be tossed as far as the East is from the West come the 2014 elections!

  • Rick Sadler - 11 years ago

    The republicans are responsible for the mess we are in, not just the tea party. At any time they could have decided not to follow the tea party in this crusade, but they just don't have the backbone to do what's right. I will be very surprised if they can hold the house majority in the next election.

  • Joanne Roberts - 11 years ago

    All the extra money this shut down is costing the government, a bill should be presented to Boehner and his tea publicians. They need to pay in real hard cash, after all this cost is due to their inefficiency to do their jobs. All they talk about is cutting cost of Gov, well they need to be held accountable ( IN CASH).

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    Ed, Look at the Republican Desperation Act! Canadian Raccoon, Alaska Salmon, and Klay Klan with a handful of followers of The Evil Association (TEA), a group of the Republican Party performed a "Desperate Act" this past Sunday at the WW2 Veteran Memorial ! It was a "Shameful Act" of the Republican Party. They showed to the world that they were ignorance group : the flags holder was contradicted himself with the Confederated Flag and the Marine Flag! Klay Klan mumbled and confused hatred and racist words, ... Their acts are Un-American!

  • Mark - 11 years ago

    I don't trust Republicans to do anything good for the country. Imagine Ted Cruz didn't bring money with him to a restaurant for dinner then tells off a restaurant employee for telling Cruz he had to pay for his meal. Cruz snapped at the employee "Do you know who I am?" What arrogance. Who speaks to a restaurant employee that way?

  • seniorcitizenopinion - 11 years ago

    The Republicans lost their conscience since they allow The Evil Association members to control their caucus!

  • Judy - 11 years ago

    These Republicans are all about getting reelected. They are not into "governing."

  • Bob Milhaus - 11 years ago

    Hell NO!! They are out to see this Nation fail

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