Should Remembrance Day be a statutory holiday across the province?


  • David Newel - 11 years ago

    People from many walks of life and from all age brackets are quick to speak eloquently on how much they appreciate the genuine heroism of Canada's war dead and veterns.

    However, talk is cheap. The question is not "Should Remembrance be a statutory holiday?" The question is, "Why shouldn't it?

    And let's not forget that it was a statutory holiday in Canada not all that long ago.

    Thank you.


    David Newel

  • chip - 11 years ago

    I have always wanted to go to a proper Remembrance Day ceremony (especially to Ottawa) to pay my respects, but have never been able to because of school or work. As the number of our world war I and II vets dwindle, I feel like I'm running out of time. Others have noted that they worry it would be ignored at schools if it did become a stat holiday, but I doubt that would be the case.

  • Adrian - 11 years ago

    I don't believe Nov 11 should be a holiday.

    I fear that people would use it as a way to get away, rather than come together to remember - especially when it would fall on a weekend. At least when in school or work, people participate in ceremonies and activities to remember the lives that were lost.

    We should all work as hard as possible on Nov 11 . . . and know that no matter how hard we work, it would be nothing compared to what our brothers and sisters faced, to give us our freedom.

  • Jana - 11 years ago

    I strongly believe it should be a holiday. We have a family day to acknowledge and honour family members. We should also be given the opportunity to acknowledge and honour our veterans who have made such sacrifices. I agree that you would participate in a two minute silence in their honor while at work but beyond that two minute you would be pretty occupied with your everyday work responsibilities. You are unable to participate in any ceremonies which provide you an opportunity to really and deeply reflect.

  • Louise Maher - 11 years ago

    It would be wonderful if the day would be used as a day of dedication and service to the vets. Make sure they have rides to parades &/or ceremonies - or if they are unable to attend, then spend time in their living space with them watching the televised versions, enjoy lunch with them or be of service in some way that is helpful and meaningful to them personally. Thank you to all veterans for your amazing service!

  • Rebecca - 11 years ago

    I agree with Sue. Declaring it a holiday makes it become just another off day. At least if it was not, schools and workplaces have the 11:00 am 2-minute silence to commemorate it.

  • Hannah - 11 years ago

    I moved to Toronto from New Brunswick in 2009 and I was shocked to learn that Rememberance Day was not stat. I would like to think in the province where our nation's capitol resides that we would see it as a day deserving of a holiday. It's meant to be a sombre day of reflection and yet it is treated like a work and school day like any other.

  • Patty McKay - 11 years ago

    In my 63 years I have missed few visits to the cenotaph to share in the remembrance. The numbers are never large. Even last year when November 11th was a Sunday, it seemed most people slept in and then got an early start on Christmas shopping. It should therefore, not be a stat 'holiday'. At least now children join remembrance assemblies at school, hopefully businesses also conduct morning ceremonies.

  • Dave - 11 years ago


  • Rosalie Sinanan - 11 years ago

    I do wish this was a holiday. I think we should take the time to remember past and present vetrans and friends. I for one, am finding it very difficult to focus on things like this that matter, here at work today, when I should be paying homage to my family members who served and are serving.

  • John - 11 years ago

    Remembrance Day is already a statutory holiday for government employees and bank employees - either make it a "holiday" ( questionable term for this particular occasion) for everyone, or for none.

  • Sue - 11 years ago

    While acknowledging the essence of Remembrance Day by declaring a statutory holiday is the intent, I believe that it might become just another day off in most people's minds and would actually receive less focus and formality than it currently does. At least now children participate in ceremonies, people stop at work and pay tribute. Another 'holiday' particularly when it falls on a Monday, would just provide an opportunity for distraction, travel. Memorial Day in the U.S. has just become an excuse for more 'sales'! Would absolutely require complete shutdown of the retail environment for the day to be meaningful.

  • Edward Martin - 11 years ago

    Yes it should be a statutory holiday with everything closed up tighter than a coffin, no politician or lobby group for department stores and commerce should ever think of changing that if if it comes to pass. It's the least we can do for the sacrifice so many gave, it should not be forgotten the pain & suffering the survivors have had to deal with on a daily basis. We have such fortunate and easy lives, many of us will never experience being prisoners of war, going hungry for days or weeks at a time and actually having to do hard physical labour building bridges, digging trenches and barracks etc. All the while the enemy is lurking.

  • Brian Lampert - 11 years ago

    It's the least we can do to show support for our veterans since it's obvious that our government(s) isn't going to give appropriate support.

  • Proud Canadian - 11 years ago

    I strongly believe it should be a holiday, in addition to showing, educating and remembering the day on media outlets during the day. Having banks, and the government shut down, only to send the rest of the citizens to work, and then ask them to remember the day when they are now focused on providing for their family for the day doesn't make sense in my opinion. Hopefully these votes will be considered and the powers that be will bring about a change. To the veterans our there, we salute and thank you greatly.

  • Barry Hebden - 11 years ago

    This day should be a stat holiday next to Christmas and Good Friday for ALL Canadians in Canada not just the governments. We don't need boxing day and family day in February should have been in the summer where everyone can get outdoors and enjoy it.

  • Randy - 11 years ago

    it;s a holiday out west except Ontario, quebec . So yes it should be so we can all remember.

  • Terry - 11 years ago

    Remembrance Day should be 365 days of the year......... Not just 1.

  • spencer K. - 11 years ago

    They gave us Family Day, this should have been many years ago!

  • Petra - 11 years ago

    At least if it is NOT a statutory holiday most kids will be observing remembrance day in school. In a lot of homes they might otherwise not hear anything about it at all... Hopefully, this will imprint upon them to the point that they will observe it even after they leave school. That is the only reason I DON"T think it should be a statutory holiday.

  • Richelle - 11 years ago

    It's a disgrace that it isn't... Yet BOXING day is??

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