Do you agree with Buzz Rothfield and think the World Cup is a joke or with Mike Colman who thinks it is a worthy event?


  • stevo - 11 years ago

    Buzz you have your head in sand Cronulla cannot strike a match and you follow them league is about following your country all sports have countries that make up their world cup that are there for the experience and the thrill of playing against the best in their chosen sport. International league is on the rise the current aussie side is the best ever and so is the Queensland state of origin side, the next world cup will generate another profit that will be three in a row.
    The aussie team will not be as strong as cronk, slater ,inglis, tate ,hayne, smith, thurston and co will not b there yeah sure cherry-Evans will be there but not the superstars of today and with all the kiwi boys staying strong and not crossing over for the money of state of origin the future is high for the game, Meninga grabbed Popalli as he knws he is running out of players as his team is aging....I watched every game of the world cup and loved it crowds were great except in wales and the progress of the other nations is staggering this world cup was better than 2008 even if the kiwis did not win watch out aussies the rest of the world is on its way, buzz go and watch and report on soccer and hugby as you are obviously not a devoted league person.

  • Tiger33 - 11 years ago

    The WC has been a fantastic competition and is great for the development of the game. The problem with Rothfield is that he isn't really a league fan. He has made a living out of writing about it but in the end will just jump on whatever bandwagon he thinks is most popular; his ridiculous articles about the a Wanderers are a great example of this. International rugby league is not as big as soccer or union but is great in its own right. League fans know this and know the potential for future growth is huge because ours is the best game in the world.

  • joe blow - 11 years ago

    Everyone is entitled to his or hers opinion. If Rothfield believes it is a waste of time, he is entitled to say

    so. I agree with him. Others don't. Watch something else if you aren't interested.

    I am as passionate about Rugby League as anyone else in Australia, but I chose not to watch the World Cup.

    I am disappointed with the administration of the NRL in some areas, the Appointments Committee over
    there with Stu Cummings & David Waite has clearly shown it disagreed with Anderson, Archer & Smith
    continually ignoring the poor reffing of Shayne Hayne in 2013.

    It is to be hoped that Greg McCallum is chosen as Elite Refs Manager for 2014, not Tony Archer,
    or we will get more of the same which won't improve th e reffing standards.

  • Paul Allen - 11 years ago

    Rothfield you are a disgrace and a parasite on the game. your whole professional life has been sponging off the back of this great game yet all you seem to do is bag it. go follow the soccer and afl fulltime - the loss to league will be zero

    You only talk positively about Cronulla and their supporters think you are a moron anyway - go away you loser

  • shane hoffman - 11 years ago

    whilst its always nice to win. International comp. is about more than winning. why foes anyone bother to race usain bolt. sometimes u race against yourself.

  • Richard Hayter - 11 years ago

    Mike probably even realises that rugby league is played west of the great divide. I sometimes think that this is completely overlooked by both league officials and sports writers.
    I have spent a lot of time in the bush in my earlier years and league was dying out in a lot of places due to the lack of support and exposure from the first grade sides from the top ARL comp.
    There needs to be more games in the scrub to get the BUZZ and enthusiasm back into the community for these games

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