Do you believe the woman was trying to be a good parent?


  • Camlin - 10 years ago

    Not the approach I would personally take, but at least she is involved and genuinely wants to put her kid on the right path. Kudos.

  • Sherrell - 11 years ago

    I like what she is doing ; I just think her approach could of been a little bit more turned down...Lol..but I appauled her efforts. I visit my kids school on a regular bad or good.

  • ALMA LEWIS - 11 years ago

    Leave that women along thats her child people are never please

  • franniemae - 11 years ago

    That was so funny to me because the little girl is so shame of her mother but the mother didn't get a full reaction until she said it was going on face book. LOL if more children knew that their parent or parents would do something like this they would act right. My children say I get yellow eyed but they are all grown know married and have good jobs, when they were growing up they would run from me but by me being a track star I let them run and when I caught them their little butts were mine. I went to the school or where ever they were acting out and made them same. Some time you have to act a little crazy to get them in line because you can't whip them now or they end up in CPS custody...When they first started that about the kids calling 911 my niece tried it she had her little boyfriend crawl in the bedroom window I whipped every child in that room & when the police came and found out what she had done they told me don't hurt her to bad and told her she was on her own. I would rather her be made shame that to wind up in jail.

  • Millie McDade Woods - 11 years ago

    As an educator, I invite parental involvement; I always encourage parents to visit my classroom, the library etc. However, there's a thin line between wholesome discipline and embarrassment of a child. In my opinion, if the mother had quietly taken a seat in the back of the classroom, her child would have realized the mom is here to observe me. I'm sure, the mother had prior knowledge of her child's misbehavior. Contact the teacher(s), find out what maybe causing the anti behavior problem. There's a root cause, I'm sure. The cause could stem from peer pressure, problems at home etc. Dressing in ghetto fashion may have embarrassed the child. Children like for their parents to represent them in an adult manner. I've seen other children make fun of their friends parents. This can cause rebellion The most appropriate plan would have been to work the school personnel. Junior high is very critical period.I have no doubt the mom meant well and wants the best for her child. Child rearing is difficult, at its best

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