Should rescues charge adoption fees?


  • Gayle Goodwin - 10 years ago

    Sometimes very nice, caring, animal loving people cannot afford the fees for pet adoptions. They should have a way to deal with this. For people on Disability benefits that would love a cat for company or a dog, they should not have to pay a fee to get a pet and take one mouth out of the facility to care for. It will cost the person enough to feed and care for the pet as it is, so too add a fee for they to adopt one - just makes them not do that - adopt one - where they can't afford the fee - but would care greatly for a pet. They should have special day for "older folks" or "SSI" or "SSDI" beneficiaries to come and adopt with no fees attached or have that on the Adoption Form if they receive those Benefits and then Waive the Fee for them! They may find they would get more people to adopt that way. I live on SSI - I took my child to visit a facility -just for the experience - it just happened to conenside with a free cat adoption weekend - we know have Mulan a 2 year old previously on the street girl who was brought in with a litter of kittens. At first she was skittish - but now she knows her name and comes when called and sleep beside my bed nightly. In fact she follows me around the house, she is laying next to me as I type this and even follows me into the bathroom. I would have never been able to afford to Adopt her with the fees. It costs enough for me to get her litter, food and shots, but We love her and she Now has a Forever home and is no longer on the Street!

  • Juanita Eppler - 10 years ago

    If the person adopting the animal cannot afford to pay the adoption fee, he cannot afford to care for the animal, such as good food, vet care etc, Also if the person gets the animal for free, they feel they can just throw it out if there is a problem, and believe me there are people like that: that would do just that. I am a unpaid volunteer with a cat rescue group.

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