What do you think about the allegations against R.Kelly?


  • Tammi Gregory - 10 years ago

    I have never bought nor will I buy or support anything this child molester is involved in. I have not supported him since the rumors of him and Alihya came out

  • Unique - 10 years ago

    A lot times you can't blame the parents because their little girls are fast, I have known girls who are fast but angels in front of their parents until they got caught, no teen behaves the same in front of their parents that they would when they are with their friends especially if your doing grown folks activities with grown men. R. Kelly being the adult had no business pursuing 14/15 16/17 yr. old girls and of course these little girls are going to have sex with him he's rich & famous and buying them anything they want, grown women throw themselves at him for free, so it's nothing for a starry eyed teen. Nobody's at fault in this scenario but Robert Kelly who knowingly pursuing under aged girls even if the "parents failed" it still does not make what he did right no matter if it was 50 yrs ago, now if the parents were right there hooking them up there's a difference. I forgive him for doing what he did, he still makes great music however I don't believe that he would not do it again and that is why I buy his music via bootleg & not itunes like I do the rest

  • Lisa Ross - 10 years ago

    Why are we so hung up on allegations or crimes that happened over 10 years ago? I am NOT God and HE'S the ONLY person that he has to answer too. Right/Wrong, Crime/Not, R. Kelly has a judgment day. We are talking about situations that happened many of years ago. As a rape victim, I'd have to ask this as well: Is R. Kelly thy ONLY one at fault in this situation? Somewhere some little girls parents failed her too. As a rape survivor I'd have to ask why a 14/15/16/17 year old thought it was okay to have any kind of sex with a grown ass man? I'm a forgiving person and I support his music because his job is to entertain me. If we were talking about things he was doing NOW, I wouldn't support him. We just should look at all factors in this matter and not just him!!!

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