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Should Christians Boycott A & E Over Suspending Phil Robertson From Duck Dynasty?


  • Duane - 10 years ago

    Let me get this straight, pun intended! Phil Robertson slept and drugged his way through the 1960s, found Jesus and took his millions to preach to everyone about how he knows certain people like Gay people will not get into heaven because they are sinners like prostitutes, thieves and so on giving license to everyone who would LOVE to do Gay people harm while telling us that the Segregated negroes in the south were really happy while he invests money into producing Gay PORN flicks like -The Fluffer- he can make money off of but Christians are pissed his freedom of speech has been taken away because a PRIVATE ENTERPRISE like A&E fired is ass and his supporters do not see him as a HYPOCRITE; but a victim of political correctness? Ok, Yeah, I am buying this big time! #ROFLMAO

  • J.K. - 10 years ago

    @Reed Sawyer, I am sorry however I believe that you are incorrect. This is very much a Freedom of Speech/1st Amendment issue, How can it not be? This man was attacked for saying what he believes. This has everything to do with this man speaking his mind, and a company attempting to punish him for it. Please feel free to explain how this is not a 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech issue. A&E wants to be a bully and attempt to control what others say. This is not the first time that A&E has attacked the Robertson family, if you don't believe it, take some time and watch the shows, they have edited several of the shows to take the words "In Jesus's name Amen" out of the show during the prayer at the dinner at the end of every show. Also they tried to force the entire cast to take everything to do with guns and hunting out of the show (that makes up the show) Also they have went so far as to add Bleeps into the show, to give the impression that someone has use profanity, yet no one as every said a single pro-fain word on the show. So again please tell me how this is not an attack on the 1st Amendment of their Freedom of Speech. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  • skullface - 10 years ago

    Boo hoo! If the show offends certain flamboyant individuals. Watch something else. There are plenty of other homosexual friendly shows that they can watch. You don't think I find seeing two gay guys sucking face on television offensive? It does! You know what I do? I pick up the remote and change the damn channel. It not that fu@#ing hard!

  • Reed Sawyer - 10 years ago

    A&E is a private company. They have the right to suspend a person, anytime they want, for whatever reason that they want. That is THEIR "freedom of speech". However, we, as consumers, also have a right to decide where our advertising dollars go, and what channels we want to entertain us. I don't suggest a boycott, however, if we feel that they were wrong in attacking all Christians, then please feel free to express yourself. It is NOT a Freedom of Speech/1st Amendment issue. It is, however, an attack on all Christians issue. It is their choice to denigrate Christians, it is a Christians choice to choose not to watch their channel. Which is as it should be. I am not suggesting a boycott, but to support those channels, and those producers, that are not antithetical to your religious views and beliefs. Cracker Barrel immediately pulled "Duck Dynasty" merchandise off of the shelves. They then backtracked when they realized that the GLAAD community despised their restaurant, and Christians supported it, and the marketplace suggested to them that it would be better to cater to 95% of the population, than to be held captive by 5% of the population...that didn't go to their restaurant anyway.

  • tnewton - 10 years ago

    ^ Exactly! I don't care if people boycott or not but, I also don't agree that they were right to suspend him. Needs to be reworded or more options added you can vote for

  • woasw - 10 years ago

    The setup of this poll is very poor. The poll question is " Should Christians Boycott A & E Over Suspending Phil Robertson From Duck Dynasty?" and my answer to that is No. But in order to vote no I also have to agree that "They were right to suspend Phil for his comments." which I don't. So I am left unable to vote.
    It unfairly pushes people to only vote Yes.

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