Do you think people should be allowed to smoke e-cigarettes in public places?


  • Lars boriths - 10 years ago

    The poll itself is misleading, and shows very well why these great products are under any form of pressure at all.
    How can you ask : "Do you think people should be allowed to smoke e-cigarettes in public places?" when there is NO smoke involved in vaping ? Obviously, someone who makes a poll like that, is already taking side, and the wrong one at that.

  • craig - 10 years ago

    e-cigarettes are a great way to stop smoking. there not cigarettes and the stuff that "looks" like smoke is not smoke but vapor. ex smokers don't like them because they look too much like like the real thing. any one that wants to ban something that will help someone quit smoking is ether getting a kick back from big tobacco or hasn't figured out a way to get a slice of the pie for themselves yet. if you ban these in public because you don't like the way they look then your taking away a great tool to help people quit for a foolish reason. i know many people who have quit using these, myself included. there much more effective than the patch and for sure far less harmful than some mind altering pharmaceutical drug. the many different flavors helped me realize just how bad a cigarette tastes and was key in me switching over to an e-cigarette. set an age limit on them and control the quality of the liquid, sure but don't take away a smokes best tool for quitting.


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