Poll question: Do you agree with the city forcing residents to use only hard-sided garbage containers?


  • L Thibert - 10 years ago

    I don't care about bags or garbage pails. But what I do care is how my money is thrown around . The garbage collector's don't care how they throw your garbage pails around they get crack in the middle of the street other cars hit them and there you go some more money out of our pockets and food taken of our table. the city wants us to do our job right then get the garbage collector's to do their job proper. I see this happening to many times that is why I use bags it is cheaper .

  • G.P. - 10 years ago

    Once again we are being told what to do...My Family has been in the same home for over 50 years and we have NEVER has a problem with wildlife. This should be and individual choice and NOT a demand by the Mayor or Council. Everyone who doesn't want this new "can" imposed on them should contact there Councillor and tell them. Its YOUR choice, not there's. Garbage bags are still good enough for me on my lawn. We are building in there area's and making them move to find food....your yard. Its the price we pay for progress.

  • C Flemmiing - 10 years ago

    DICTATING..what seems to be in style now, should be banned and people need to wake up. Not everyone can afford a hard container and those who can't will be 'taking' hard containers from those who can. Common sense! For those who can't, they will continue to use soft bags and will be leaving them in open lots/alleys. This city is 'not organized' for unemployed, homeless and poor. Soft has 'worked' for years so what's the reason for fixing it now? Someone must be crying about 'work related' problems like 'heavy bags.. or MAYBE.. hard containers will eliminate jobs so 'machines' can pick up the hard containers CHEAPER thus leaving someone else without a job. Behind every cut or save... there's a reason. Stop brainwashing.. we are waking up to the propaganda that's suppose to 'make us believe' its a good idea while we (humanity) is left with nothing except begging for government assistance. Slowly we are losing our freedoms and left without having to make our own decisions or thinking for ourselves. The dumbing down of society. Time to wake up. If you don't like picking up soft bags, change your job. If the corporation that makes thiese hard containers is lacking business.. too bad. Stop making food containers that are killing mother earth and that need special attention (recycle bins). Next thing you know, they'll want access to your drawers to see what color underwear you're wearing. S'pose many would vote that's okay considering they can't make decisions for themselves. Nothing this city will do will ever 'decrease' your taxes. Know that!! It just means they'll save money to give themselves a raise while we all 'try' to make ends meet.

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