What is your worst symptom of fibromyalgia?


  • Patti - 9 years ago

    The pain would be my worse but I have other symptoms that have also gotten worse for me. Been getting fibro fog a lot and had just started. My headache has been an issue for 10 yrs and has been getting worse (also it's a 24/7), I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 4 yrs ago. Fatigue has also been getting worse for me. Now these symptoms only started a month ago and are already really bad and I feel frustrated and embarrassed: stopping in mid sentence and forget what I was saying, confusion, memory problems, issues concentrating, I space out a lot, balances, sensitivity to light and sound, and emotional problems.

  • Emma Flux - 9 years ago

    I suffer terrible with pain, it's an all over widespread body pain that hinders my daily life, I have five children, three of which are under 9yrs and they don't really understand why mummy can't do the things they'd like me to do...I have terrible fibro fog, I forget which day it is most days, my husband has to keep reminding me, which then causes anxiety as I can't remember the simplest things, I used to work as a night carer, obviously I had to give that up due to the fact I struggle to look after myself, I become very tired each day, but am unable to sleep, so I feel I'm in a vicious cycle, my body and skin is so tender and sensitive I can't even have the little ones climb onto my knee for cuddles, which is soul destroying, at present I also suffer with tingling and numbness which isn't ur normal tingling, it feels like burning pins going through soles palms, face and lips, which also causes me to be very unbalanced, I can't walk far, but when I do, I have to use a walking stick...I get a lot of stares as I'm only 35 and still look too young to others to have a stick...my husband is great, he helps me all through the day and night, and is fantastic with our children, sometimes I feel that it frustrates him as I'm not the same as when we first met, but he has never said anything, it's just my paranoid thoughts, this is definitely an invisible illness that to others we look ok, but inside our bodies are screaming in pain, I wish there was more awareness out there for all to know, maybe then other people would be more understanding and forgive our behaviours....I do take pregablin prescribed but this has no effect, but I've been told to persevere, and that it will kick in soon. To all sufferers, you all have my deepest sympathy for what we have to go through on a daily basis.

  • Autumn Agar - 9 years ago

    while pain is the worst for me, I unfortunately exhibit all these symptoms, daily. Some of them come and go, but for the most part, it's every day. My fibro fog is such that sometimes I will walk into a room and just stare. I can't remember why I'm there. I don't remember the last time I had a full night sleep. It is worsened 10 fold because I was rear ended twice, and from those developed CRPS too. Now my right arm, shoulder are in even worse pain. I can even feel it in my chest and back. I take Lyrica as prescribed. It has helped, but it is certainly not a cure. I still live with daily pain. My average day is a 7 out of 10. I never fall below a 5. This pain leads to feeling sad, angry, guilty, isolated, and sometimes even alone. My husband is very understanding about the whole thing, but I can still see the strain. I can no longer work, hopefully temporarily, so my husband supports me. He comes home from work, tho, and feels like he has to play nursemaid to me. It hard and frustrating for both of us. If a doctor told me he could take away my pain wi a simple operation, but it's experimental, I would likely do it. The pain is getting too much. It has become worse as I get older. I am a 43 year old woman living I in the body of an 80- something. Sometimes, I cannot even stand up straight. I am now on daily narcotic pain meds but they don't do anything but make me feel hazy and tired. I do use medicinal cannabis, and was given a prescription card for the compassion club in BC, tho I had to go to a different GP to get it. Truthfully, it helps immensely. I truly believe it should be legalized. Let's, face it, the cannabis may not be good for my lungs, but I truly believe the narcotic pain meds are hard on my liver, my bowels, maybe more. When I can, I take the medicinal cannabis over meds any time. At least with the cannabis, I can get up and function. Prescribed meds just dope me up and make me care less that I am in pain. That's not a solution. Thank you for allowing the space for comments. I think that more can be learned from talking to fibro,sufferers than through just studies.

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