Autism and ASD - did you or your loved one have eye contact issues prior to diagnosis with ASD?


  • stephanie - 9 years ago

    My son had trouble for sure with eye contact. I didn't realize it until others pointed it out. You would think because I was with him the most it would have been myself who discovered this. By the time he was 2 1/2 he had already been diagnosed with an ASD, and almost aged out of Early Intervention. His main goal with ABA at 3 was to strengthen emerging eye contact as well as speech like saying two word phrase such as I want and pointing and making eye contact at item and therapist. Now at 4 he still has good and bad days, mostly with high stimulation such as a shopping mall or an overwhelming day in school. For the majority of the time he makes excellent eye contact, is verbal, and making progress each day.

  • Tracy Nguyen - 10 years ago

    I don't have a good eye contact only with strangers .

  • janice summers - 10 years ago

    From the time my son was born almost 20 years ago he did not make eye contact .. my mom noticed it right away & when i would take him to his well baby visits his doctor would just say he would catch up when he is in his toddler years. There were many clues also he didn't talk till he was about 2 an a half and he would only eat certain foods for months at a time he never crawled he rolled everywhere and for the first couple years i had to hold him with a blanket over him and he would roll his head back and fourth till he fell asleep if I tried to lay him down he would wake up so I slept in a recliner for about 2 years. He never walked till he was about 3 and I had alot of friends say things to me that were hurtful but I know they didn't know any better just last year my son went for 6 hours of testing he has asd pos-nod ocd anxiety and depression, we in the upper peninsula of michigan and there is just no services around here I had to drive an hour and a half just for the test and he needs more care but I cannot afford the gas to go I am disabled from over 30 surgeries were 3 difrent doctors messed me up inside I had two really good jobs an was making great money now we live on 650.00 a month and we have to live in federal housing they are very nice places though. I so wish I could afford to get my son more help but it's a struggle just to stay aflot every month . my son is still struggling to get his diploma and i think I am just going to check out the GED program here he does not do well around alot of people so he was doing his classes online but the online courses are very diffrent and he just does not get them. I pray some day there is more awarness for Autism and services for everyone everywhere. Thank you for listening to me & god bless!!

  • Cambria Jenkins - 10 years ago

    My mother tells me I had great trouble with eye contact as a child. I eventually found a way out of this by making it a point to know what color the person's eyes were. See if this helps you or yours.

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