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Who was most responsible for the ACA failures that led Kathleen Sebelius to quit? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 316

  • hisjunkie - 10 years ago

    How about ALL of the Above!

  • Mobile Man - 10 years ago

    Either you're in charge or you're not. People in those positions don't get to "blame" someone/thing else. It's really that simple in my mind... If you can't take the heat, get out of kitchen! Oh, wait...

  • David Stucky - 10 years ago

    In my state, Oregon, our exchange failed miserably while those of other states succeeded. The difference between Oregon's flop and the successful state exchanges (many of which occurred in "Red" states) obviously had nothing to do with the White House. The differences are almost certainly explained by less political and more logistical factors: how well the project was organized, the experience/quality of the people in charge, etc.

    While clearly there's a lot of bloodlust out there in the political world--folks eager to pin the federal exchange stall-out (not failure) on the White House donkey--it seems more likely to be just a pretty boring case of crummy project execution. I work in that industry and can assure anyone who really wants to know that there are many more "bad" than "good" projects out there from an execution point of view. The quality of the execution generally has no necessary correlation with the quality of the idea behind the project in the first place.

    So, while it may be tempting to read "Obamacare FAIL" into the difficulties, I'd need to see some pretty specific information tying White House directly toe failure before I'd draw that conclusion. The fact that the site now works only reinforces my skepticism. The site began to get better AFTER White House was compelled to take a keener interest.

  • Anydoc - 10 years ago

    Her and her only for:
    Carring more about pleasing the President, dodging Republicans criticism and selling it to the public, than about the law's execution. Not realizing the magnitude of the project and not consulting with the states that did it succesfully! Also for not surrounding herself with the right people and not establishing accountability earlier on in her HHS department. While the President is right that " she does not right code" she should have known that and maybe involved Todd Park from the beginning and not when it was too late.

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