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Are APD protesters helping or hurting their cause? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 1,417

  • Tom - 10 years ago

    These spoiled brats can now claim credit for any and all changes to APD. Some have forgotten that the political process starts and ends at the ballot box. These people inconvenience the rest of us because things haven't gone the way THEY think it should.

    Of course, they have rights to express themselves, BUT, their rights end where yours and mine begin. These "protesters" seem to think that their rights somehow trump the rest of us.

    A city run by a handful of unelected dare I say it - anarchists - with absolutely NO responsibility to anyone is a sorry prospect.

    If you want things to change, vote! If you don't like the way the elections come out, think of moving??? That is what ADULTS do.

  • Ernie Freeman - 10 years ago

    I find it interesting when people have more of a problem with a group of people exercising their first amendment right through non violent civil disobedience, than when police officers murder 19 year old girls, kill many other unarmed civilians, terrorize many neighborhoods, and beat the crap out of people everyday, sometimes so hard that a law student loses a testicle. You may not agree with the action, but come on, what's worse? Especially considering these officers aren't prosecuted, let alone fired

  • George - 10 years ago

    Not a realistic poll when you can clean your internet history file and reopen the link to vote again.

  • Suzanne Clinkscales - 10 years ago

    The protesters are a bunch of unruly, ill-behaved, spoiled brats. How and why would they think that anyone would take them seriously? I think they only want attention - like my three year old niece used to...oh, wait she grew up and developed the proper respect for herself and others around her. We even listen to her now.

  • Dolly Sanchez - 10 years ago

    Police Officers need to pay attention to what their doing for instance the officer dumping his trash in our precious open space. What is wrong with this picture? We need our young people to respect officers not dis-respect them.

  • bob - 10 years ago

    imagine that. its hurting them....

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