Event Shopping vs Store Shopping


  • Paco Pooley - 10 years ago

    From a creators point of view: two sides of a coin. On the one hand I see the point Editorial is stressing: too many events - or better said - beeing in too many events cuts the creating time for instore releases. On the other hand events do help a bunch with promotion via assigned blogger and promotional activities on side of the event organizer. Also most events provide a theme and I personally work way better with a theme then completely free.
    Events come up like mushrooms these days. But most events come and go after three rounds/cycles. The market will clean up itself at one point like it did with hunts before.
    So - long story short: a reasonable organised event is a good thing and as long as we see the fun with the event I see no problem in participating. If an event becomes somewhat pushy or needy I rather step back. So obviously I voted for "both".

  • Editorial Clarity-Flux - 10 years ago

    I personally like to do both, but the problems i find with this is the events generally have the same group of designers taking part each time. Not always, but a lot of the time. These designers are taking part in so many events each month and it is a cycle. So it has come to a point where they are only getting time to make items for events, which means no in store releases, or far less than before. I think there has got to be an event opening each week now and it's like..when do people get time to shop at stores anymore lol. Thats my thoughts on it. The thing i fear is with more and more events cropping up, that means more time a designer has to commit to it which will result in even less store releases. So what would be the point of going to the store anyway, when you can only buy their new items at events.

  • Stefania Giano - 10 years ago

    Not just because I organize my own events, but I love events because it gets me out there to see other new stores that I may not even know about. I have found so many great places from these events... places I may have never heard about any other way... or.. I also think it sorta motivates store owners to come out with new items more frequently. I can remember in the past, some stores that you love, going MONTHS without a new release. But since events, I think they are motivated or have a reason to keep coming up with new items... which works in everyones favor! I also use the date of regular events for my own decorating... for example, if I know I want to change the sim, and get a new house (Which is way too often because I love to work on the sim!) I will try hard to wait until Collabor88 and Fameshed have come, hoping there may be a great new house or new items at these events that I would prefer to use instead. Just a shop-a-holics opinion :)

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