Would you be willing to pay additional gas taxes to pay for improvements in roads, bridges and mass transit systems?


  • Jan Leggett - 9 years ago

    By adding at least the inflation rated tax increase from 1993 t0 2014 (12 cents) and then indexing it to inflation going forward the nation could put thousands of people to work on sorely needed infrastructure projects. These people would then be paying tax's and "hopefully" the govt. would start to pay down its debt. I know..."Pollyanish"

  • dtucker - 10 years ago

    What planet do these people live on? If you want another recession raise the gas tax. How does your food get to the supermarket? You might have money for it, but the drivers need to be able to afford to get it to you. Family's will need heating oil this winter. Commuters can't take that much loss in their pay. Please go back to school and take a class in economics, and for heaven sake quit saying this is what Americans want. NO we don't want more tax.

  • Taxed Too Much Already - 10 years ago

    Dead on arrival! The AAA Survey has a "whopping" 51% in favor of a gas tax increase???? What's the margin of error in the survey, AAA? Did you survey (or use a survey company) that wasn't biased with the survey questions? Did you survey in heavily taxed states such as CA, NY, MA, IL, CT, etc.? Quite frankly, I think your survey results are, at best, SUSPECT... And, Chris Murphy can go back to whatever galaxy he came from - he's absolutely clueless. As Mike Mancini said, gas prices are high enough, without adding an additional regressive gas tax to the price of fuel - and, the money WILL NOT be used for road construction and rebuilding. CUT THE FAT from other areas WASTED by the Federal Government AND USE THAT MONEY TO REPAIR AND REBUILD OUR ROADS, BRIDGES, TUNNELS, etc.

  • Manuac - 10 years ago

    No way! I saw a report on how little from the tax actually goes to road upkeep and it would be naïve to think MORE taxes would help. The government needs to fix corruption and waste first before taxing us more!

  • MIKE MANCINI - 10 years ago

    NOOOOO ! congress never uses money "targeted" for the stated purpose. the additional tax will just go into the general fund and get wasted. gas prices are high enough.

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