How do you feel about Dr. Oz now?


  • Marie Sepera - 10 years ago

    I always believed him to be a snake oil salesman! The grilling he received is well-deserved, as he's been using his title to hawk useless products for years! Frankly, this is unethical, and I am sure the AMA is against it. Hey, you gullible people, THE MAN'S A FRAUD!

  • Judianne Byrne - 10 years ago

    I lost all respect for Dr. Oz when I looked into buying this "miracle" cream that he touted as being a $5.00 cure. When all is revealed it ended up costing almost $200.00 per month. H hyped it on Facebook. I blame FB also.

  • Don B - 10 years ago

    For a Senator to sit and scold him for what he believes in and studies is laughable. They can change their minds as quick as the wind changes directions. If any of them had the convictions of what they believe in and not flip flop they may have a leg to stand on. For them to imply he is "Snake oil salesman" is calling the pot calling the kettle black. Our country has pressing issues and our Senate is "grilling" a respected doctor is waste of time and resources. Find who killed 4 Americans in Libya, why covered up (example)then you can go rant on mindless items later.

  • Sue G - 10 years ago

    If people would get their buns off the couch and get moving and stop eating horribly everyday, then they won't be looking for any quick fix miracles! If you aren't able to because you aren't healthy enough, seek the help of in person professionals. Get tips from the Biggesf Looser and Extreme Weight Loss. Or get at home videos. It truly works. Dr Oz only offers advice and he's doing something right. So quit hating and quit calling people victims. Unless they are tied up or medically unable to, I don't call them poor victims. I call them lazy and some just plain addicted to food. Quit blaming others for YOUR issues.

  • brigid mccormick - 10 years ago

    I've lost total respect for him. He totally not only sold out for $$$, but he targeted the heavy folks in our society, those he knows are the most vulnerable and are looking for the quick fix. Coffee beans? Really? And by the way Dr. Oz, that hair dye is way too dark for you.

  • Bea Galvez - 10 years ago

    You know why Congress came down on Dr Oz ? Because most of them are on Big Pharma's payroll. I've read many of Dr. Oz's books and followed much of his advice and guess what ? I feel and look great and I don't spend my life at the Dr.'s office anymore. I wish more Dr.'s would be as dedicated to helping people achieve health and well being but unfortunately, our health care system is based on treating symptoms by prescribing a pill for everything and making Big Pharma rich. You guys can keep seeing your crap doctors that keep you hooked on all kinds of drugs and let me make up my own mind as to how to stay healthy.

  • Ora - 10 years ago

    I believed his recommendations at first, but tried some of them and realized that they didn't work. I count myself a little wiser that some of the people out there who desperately need these products to work, thus they keep trying them hoping for good results. I lost respect for him as a physician, a long time ago.

  • Ardvarck - 10 years ago

    Perhaps Congress has nothing better to do than brow beat Dr. Oz. Regardless of what your poll indicates, many people do watch the show and there are many respected M.D.'s and researchers that he has on the show to present valuable nutrition lessons. Of course, if you look at real statistics about the health and weight of this country I can see why people would not want to watch. They might have to do something to get healthy. Are the drug companies pitching? Ask your doctor if (name of expensive drug) is right for you.

  • CD - 10 years ago

    Dr. Oz is no worse than the large pharmaceutical companies that pedal drugs like candy or the doctors who prescribe medicines that cause more side effects or the Pharmacists who fill the prescriptions. It is up to the individual to seek information and weigh that information and make an informed decision. Persons looking for a quick fix or an easy way to loose weight will be disappointed as the supplements listed are not magical cures. Stop name calling and placing blame as it won't solve the problem.

  • Anna - 10 years ago

    I guess it's hard to "lose respect" for him when I never had it in the first place. As a pharmacist it is incredibly frustrating to have patients argue with you about sound medical care because of what they heard on Dr. Oz. I hope this at least opens the public's eyes about him.

  • Samantha Baker - 10 years ago

    I will never understand why so many women are enamored with him. Personally I think he comes off as a creepshow. I can't change the channel fast enough if I realize his show is coming on. You can watch every episode, but if you are still being lazy on the couch, eating crap food, drinking whatever miracle drink he is pushing on any particular week is not going to make you thin.

  • Cath - 10 years ago

    Occasionally watch when need background noise. My biggest problem with Dr. Oz is that every day he has a "miracle this and miracle that" and I often wonder how all these so-called wonderful health fixes would interact with each other. Besides the real health concerns the other factor not addressed is how much does all of this stuff cost?

  • Fred Bonomo - 10 years ago

    Anyone who takes advice from this pig deserves what they get. Dr. Phil is sitting right next to him in "dirtbag" section of your favorite frozen b.s.
    Section. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why anyone who, allegedly has legitimate qualifications as a physician to provide professional knowledge and service to the community of his choice would opt for a sleezebag bag daytime show pitching phony products to the most gullible people on the planet...answer......( fill in the blank).

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