What do you think of Bigg's tweet?


  • MJH - 10 years ago

    Joking or not, there is NOTHING funny about the loss of 295 innocent lives. Shame on you JB !

  • DSM - 10 years ago

    I honestly don't believe that Biggs intended to offend anyone, but his timing is SERIOUSLY OFF, as is the timing of most people who don't stop and think before they speak/type/post/tweet, etc. How many times have we seen the cycle of 'big event-stupid/ill-timed tweet/follow-up apology tweets' and how many times will it take for all of us to learn how to take that extra second to avoid some measure of regret. Sure, it's easy for us to jump all over Jason Biggs, but I'm willing to bet that one quick tour of our favorite social media platform will show that we all know people a lot less famous who have the same problem. Heck, we may have BEEN the person with the verbal diarrhea that makes other people furious! Bad timing/free speech isn't the problem here. It's the growing lack of common sense and true self-awareness that could probably doom us all.

  • Pjobbs - 10 years ago

    Haha funny that 298 innocent people lost their lives. Lets all have a minute of laughter. Put yourself in a heart-broken family's position. Ps, message me when someone close to you dies, and ill quickly whack up a nice joke for you.

  • Mike Douchery - 10 years ago

    Ugh, I'm so offended! I'm an American and I demand you bear witness to my outrage!!! I mean, this has got me so angry that I could just, just....post my outrage in a comment section about this story.

  • joe - 10 years ago

    All he said was he wants to sell his frequent flyer miles, because he won't be flying on that airline. Lighten up people.

  • Chris Jackson - 10 years ago

    People need to lighten up. Maybe it was too soon but Jason is known for his quick wit and funny humor.

  • Edward - 10 years ago

    here is what I think about him. he is idiot. at least he shouldn't add last tweet. it makes people misunderstanding. it is proved that actor whoever works in entertainment industry, there are lots of piece of shit like him. unfortunately they don't know. they think that they are best. what a tragic. almost 300 people were gone. do you really think that it makes like here?

  • chrys c - 10 years ago

    Alright, calm down everyone. Jason Biggs made a satirical comment and the immediate reaction is to project the anger towards him. Celebrities are human too, and are entitled to just as much candid commentary as everyone else. Each person deals with shock differently and there is nothing wrong with some satire if it is intended to lighten a mood. Now I understand there will be some who disagree with my comment but I am just holding true.

  • odb2 - 10 years ago

    dont know who this dude is or care but hes got people riled up

  • Laura - 10 years ago

    There are just some things you don't joke about. Lives where lost, families are in pain. Think before you write

  • Carol - 10 years ago

    We live in a very joyful yet extremely painful world...you'll drive yourself nuts if you reacted "appropriately" to each news event! If I was a celebrity, I'd hire one, if not two, levels of filters for my comments before it hit the public.

  • Adelly - 10 years ago

    I am sure that Jason probably enjoys a good 9/11 joke on the anniversary of the attack. What too soon ? As an aussie I am not amused!

  • Katie - 10 years ago

    A joke is a joke but not something that involves other peoples familes and lives. This is a horrible thing that happened and he should show some respect for all those hurt by this horrible tradgey. Respect is what it comes down to.

  • Laslo - 10 years ago

    I don't know why this fucktard even matters to USA Today's entertainment section or why he matters at all. One day when someone tweets a vicious comment about his loved ones, I hope someone tweets 'cheer up, it was a lighted joke' to this premature, cum sucking, ejaculator. Let's wish that Biggs burns in fag hell!!

  • Alexander - 10 years ago

    This is the guy who became famous for fucking a pie... remember that.

  • Ben Chilli - 10 years ago

    He wouldn't be joking if his parents, siblings or children were on the flight.

  • Richard A - 10 years ago

    My first question was who the hell is Jason Biggs? Then I found he was some jerkwad of an actor in TV programs I have never watched and probably never will. So I could care less if he makes himself look stupid and immature. He is just looking for attention and had a very painful brain fart. For my part and opinion, Jason, you are stupid, dumb and highly insensitive. I am sure all the relatives of those on the plane are laughing at your "jokes". BTW will someone please let me know when MR. JASON BIGGS passes, I want to make sure his gravesite has the proper fertilizer attention it requires.

  • Wide Bob - 10 years ago

    biggs may be cast on oitnb based on his real life persona. self-absorbed and insensitive.

  • Jason - 10 years ago

    There's no "lighten[ing] up" when it comes to 300 people getting shot out of the sky and dying.

  • BC - 10 years ago

    I agree with Chandra...I love jokes but at times like this...Is not funny at all. Maybe I'll make fun of something tragic in his live and I'll say " it's a joke...lightened up".

  • Canseco - 10 years ago

    This kid is a putz. A loser and his organs should be donated to someone that needs them.

  • Corey - 10 years ago

    It was a joke, and a little to soon, but come on, I am sure I was not the only person thinking the same thing when I read the news this morning. Everything is happening to that poor airlines.

  • Mary - 10 years ago

    This so called actor has always been a jerk and it continues.

  • Chandra - 10 years ago

    I know for a fact that if he knew one of his loved ones was on that plane or is it plain? he would have never even thought about making that comment.

  • Clarke - 10 years ago

    So, I guess blaming on a You Tube video will be in bad taste too? People need to lighten up for heck sake's. Yes, it's a tragedy but we don't need to crucify someone for their comments...last I checked, we were still free to make comments whether they be dumb or insightful.

  • Karson - 10 years ago

    I think cindy should use her time more wisely and stop wasting space on usa today with unimportant journalism about a celebrities tweet. There is to many important crisis situations going on in the world to be writing about such an irrelevant waste of space on an important world news website.

  • J Harada - 10 years ago

    It is easy for Jason Biggs to tweet these comments from a distance. If he feels that his jokes are appropriate I want to see him tell his jokes in front of the family and friends of the airlines that crashed. No longer a fan. If you agree unfriend/delete Jason Biggs from your accounts.

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