Have you had enough 'Frozen' on Fall TV?

1 Comment

  • JSintheStates - 10 years ago

    Seems like the millinnials have a need to be told was is good and what isn't good! Frozen wasn't that good! Certainly not good enough for the attention yet, alone a Broadway run. Walt Disney was excellent; Roy Disney wasn't. Disney buys PIXAR (and whatever else they want) and Pixar goes Disney, drops two notches, and comes out mediocre! Brave was not up to par! No, I no longe watch a TV show that lost its focus, rambles on and on, and forgot that it actually had a plot line (i.e., that it was going somewhere, and had a climax and a finish!) ever since Lost, TV viewership was seduced by a story going nowhere without a conclusion! You really have become comfortably numb!

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