a) How often do you suffer from migraines? Weekly
And for how long? Usually a few to several hours
b) How do you treat your migraines? I takeTopamax daily, which has decreased both the frequency and severity. I take non-codine Fioricet as needed. I also use ice packs and hot showers to help control migraine pain.
c) Are you migraines connected with another medical condition? No, I have fibromyalgia & cfs, which both intensified the frequency & triggers, but I've been diagnosed with migraines since I was 10 (1985)
My answers:
a) How often do you suffer from migraines? Weekly
And for how long? Usually a few to several hours
b) How do you treat your migraines? I takeTopamax daily, which has decreased both the frequency and severity. I take non-codine Fioricet as needed. I also use ice packs and hot showers to help control migraine pain.
c) Are you migraines connected with another medical condition? No, I have fibromyalgia & cfs, which both intensified the frequency & triggers, but I've been diagnosed with migraines since I was 10 (1985)