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Do you support the rights of students to protest as they did at Missouri State University's homecoming? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 683

  • Max - 10 years ago

    Lost in all this discussion on the part of the protesters and the university is a dialog regarding how to curtail the dominate cause of death of white people in this country. Overwhelmingly, that cause is white on white crime. 85% of crime inflicted on whites is inflicted by other whites.

  • mw - 10 years ago

    As a MSU alum, the racial boundaries were evident while attending. Not amongst my friends who were diverse, but in those who wanted to speak out or protest. Actually had the chance to attend and participate in a forum on race where chairs were arranged on each side facing the panel. Guess what happened? Students filed in and decided to be seperated on sides depending on the color of their skin. If anyone wants to change the dividing line it starts by working together and not clinging to results that happen based on color. Are there areas to be fixed, yes, however questions should be asked like why were people murdered? No matter what the color of who they were. Did they fight police? Did they steal? Did this group allow any "white" persons to protest with them? Did any "whites" want too? The media, politics, and people who think they have the answers are the ones who are kepping others from progress. After graduating from MSU I have had the privilage of teaching in Europe and teaching in America. The beauty that has been gained is you can be in a room full of other people and realize that all the differences you have between one another actually brings you closer together rather than dividing you.

  • Ron Hall - 10 years ago

    Lost in all this discussion on the part of the protesters and the university is a dialog regarding how to curtail the dominate cause of death of young black people in this country. Overwhelming, that cause is blacks killing other black people. It is not non-black civilians, and certainly not police, white or other.

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