Should U.S. parents be charged with neglect for having overweight children?


  • carri - 9 years ago

    I think most kids who are eating unhealthy, are doing so because their parents just can't afford to keep up with healthy, organic foods. Maybe once in a while, but it DOES get expensive. Why punish parents because they aren't financially well- to- do? Why not educate them instead? Nutritional education should be a part of pre natal care.
    If its such a crime to be making our kids fat, then why are food companies allowed to put things in the food we buy that make it so? Arrest them, make unnatural/unhealthy food illegal, but arresting the parents will only cause unneccesary stress for their kids, probably making them eat more junk.

  • Beth - 10 years ago

    Give the state that much power is scary. Next thing you know it will be child neglect for letting them watch too much TV. I believe the people would feed their children healthier if junk was more expensive then healthy foods. Many people feed there children what they can afford and given garbage food is less expensive then fruits, veggies, and decent cuts of meat. It's a hell of a lot cheaper to make a hamburger helper meal that feeds 4 for $5 vs making a hamburger with lettus tomatoes and a side of green beans. Just like a gallon of milk is $5 vs a bottle of soda for $1. Change what's afford able and see how fast people opt for a healthier choice.

  • Becki - 10 years ago

    Don't we have bigger things to worry about? (Pun intended) How about educating parents and making healthy food affordable? And, as was said earlier, sometimes it's health and genetics. Also, obese is very subjective IMO. Unless they do true body fat readings in water, a person can have numbers that show they are obese when it's not accurate. Society is so quick to punish the masses rather than taking a look at the big picture. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure...but prevention seems to be too inconvenient these days.

  • Ron - 10 years ago

    No way, enough of the nanny state. Besides, what if the kid has a thyroid problem?

    This is a really dumb article.

  • Jo Otremba - 10 years ago

    My daughter was born into the 99th percentile, and has remained there. Even though she is active with softball and karate, (earning her black belt shortly after her 8th bday), and would gladly choose fruit over candy or donuts for her sugar cravings, she still comes home with "obese" written on her bmi test she gets done yearly at school. She has already come to me with emotional issues around her weight. Not because she's 'fat' by any standard of the word- no, because science tells her she's obese. Therefore, I would be one of those parents arrested. Awesome.
    I wholeheartedly disagree with this for that reason right there. Although there are, I'm sure, much worse cases than muscle weight tipping the scales of these young children, every case is different.
    My daughter's weight also saved her life when diagnosed with leukemia at 2.5 when she ended up losing 25% of her body weight in a matter of weeks. She regained it, and extra, with the help of steroids, but has been diligent to eat well/smart and remain active to control her weight gain post treatment and into remission.
    So, when the government thinks they can move in and call a child like mine obese, (since they have already), I will gladly vote "no" for any family out there, no matter what the circumstance.
    Doctor's need to be more active in suggesting nutrition habits and extra follow up visits, whether with them or a nutritionist, for the special cases way before the government would ever dream to need to get involved.

  • Fallon - 10 years ago

    I don't think they should go around arresting people with overweight children, every circumstance is different. But if a parent is blatantly feeding their child junk all day with no attempt to even consider their health they should be given a warning and maybe a mandatory health class. Then if there is no change (in the parents meal choices and behavior not the childs weight) thats when action should be taken.

  • Christy - 10 years ago

    That is rediculas!!! Educate them, help them. Never arrest a good parent. Just because a child is overweight does not mean the parent is a bad person. Have you looked at the hermones that are put into our foods. I think that has a lot to do with overweight children!

  • Jessica - 10 years ago

    I'm sorry but I do strongly feel that, aside from having a health issue that is uncontrollable, a parent should be responsible for their child's obesity. We as a society create so many excuses for this type of eating habit that it's disgusting. I'm sorry but my 4 yr old daughter has been very strictly taught what is healthy and not healthy and now I don't have to worry about watching her like a hawk to know she is not abusing the lucky nights where she gets to have a treat. Carrots, broccoli and other vegetables are not expensive just as rice and quinoa are not crazy expensive. It's the choices we make and learning how to cook that make all the difference. Why don't people just stop buying cookies, chips, soda, and other junk food and put that money on healthy foods and they will probably end up saving money. We don't buy waffles but make our own mix which is a whole lot less expensive and without all those unhealthy preservatives. Knowledge is power, people, and in this case is health too. So please educate yourself and children and stop with the excuses.

  • kat - 10 years ago

    i agree with cass. i am a single mom of a 3 year old, also grew up with an obese parent and learned bot not so good choices. i have taught my daughter good healthy choice making, she will choose water over juice 80% of the time. but when she gets older to where she could make her own choices we parents could only hope they continue with good choices. they may make wrong choices as they grow, like go visit a friends house to do homework and end up sharing a bag of chips together. obeseity doesnt have to be just the parents fault or health issues, the world makes the unhealthy food look tempting to the eye so you buy it. those candies by the register do not help ANYBODY if they are trying to stay away from that. we parents should not be punished for trying to avoid, to resist, work our lives and childrens lives around the environment we live. keeping my girl healthy is my number one priorty but having temptation all arond us for all kinds of bad and unhealthy things is is NOT making lives or choices easy. there are also some families that cant afford to keep up with fruits and veggies. the other stuff is cheeper and may even taste better. i would love to put us both on and all organic diet with friuts and veggies at every meal, but i cant afford to keep up and when i do buy it, it usually goes bad before it all gets used. not saying i buy alot of unhealthy food but i dont buy alot of healthy food either. OH, and grandparents feed kids all kinds of crazy unhealthy foods making that so not parents faults ppl, my child eats cakes, cookies, ice cream, peanut butter crakers, soda, and lots of juice at grandmas, as to why i dont have to buy it! ......we should not be punished, taught, and helped but not punished for obese children.

  • cass - 10 years ago

    Assuming there is no serious medical reason or medication causing it, then yes! It is the parents responibility to feed them good food ( not junk), teach them what that means, showing by living it is even better. And no guilt feeding. I'm away at work so I want them to be happy sort of stuff. I get it, but it is a death sentence. My parents are/were obese.i had been up and down 10- 30# over weight much of my young adult years. Then I became obese after back and knee injuries but lost 60# last year. I struggle still with habits my parents taught me. I share that to say i have been there. Even so, without having to be forceful or punishing I have raised my son differently. He is very physically active, in sports and eats heartily as he is a growing boy. But every year I toss the year before's Halloween and Easter candy. He eats some for a few days and then it sits there. When I was a kid mine was gone in 2-3 days. He eats everything and rarely wants McDonald's or junk. Things I crave sometimes still, because I grew up with it and comforting or replacing food for feelings. You can see I am passionate about this. Even at 42 I am considering going back to school to become a dietician or nutritionist. Let's end it where we can, in our homes.

  • jessica - 10 years ago

    I feel like its not always the parent feeding their child the wrong foods sometimes it is a health issue..I have a friend whos daughter is over weight and she doesn't stuff her face all day and when she eats its not all junk food and its not too much food, shes been to the doc for testing and they cant figure out whats wrong so sometimes it is an actual health issue not always neglect.

  • jane - 10 years ago

    Yes parents need to watch there diet but it could also be health reasons as well no need to punish parents possibly educate them

  • Sandra - 10 years ago

    They should be accountable for their child's eati habits and what food is given to the child, something needs to be done, some parents are overweight themselves so they don't see an issu and don't push children to make healthy food choices

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