Is the belief that you can 'pray away the gay' a dangerous one?


  • James - 9 years ago

    How in the world can you say you are born gay If this is the way you see your self as helpless from the beginning you will always believe a lie don't blame God

  • Tariq - 9 years ago

    Pray the gay away. If GOD hates gay people why did he allow them to be born gay or why dose he allow them to become gay? Hatred for gay people is not so much a GOD thing as it is a people and a religion thing.

  • Mel Avante - 9 years ago

    Let's look at people are born gay. If we look at the world, the Universe. The balance of creation is perfect , this is even backed by science. So imperfectness comes in because of man and choice. So when the creator who operates perfectly says look homosexuality is wrong, it's an abomination BELIEVE IT !!!

    What happens is when we deal with homosexuality we get emotional, God's perfect word has nothing to do with your emotions or how you feel about his word, his wisdom or his decisions, YOU ARE ONLY TO FOLLOW.

    Look at it this way God is the Father, much like your earthly parents, many time they gave you instructions, you didn't agree with them, you didn't understand them, you cryed, whaled, moaned, kicked and screamed. You didn't understand them but yet you were required to follow those directions to the letter. It's know different from God. You may not understand his instruction, you may not like his instruction, YOU ARE NOT THE CREATOR !!! When you can create a HEAVEN AND EARTH you can make the rules until then you CANNOT CHANGE GOD'S.

    Let's talk about being born gay and hating gays .. You are not born Gay, You might have the propensity or a strong tendency to become Gay because of iniquity of our recent ancestry. Just like a smile, or dimples or behavior is pass down through the generations and blood lines so does spiritual things like sinful behavior and unsinful behavior. Regardless of the origin of this and any sin. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR GIVING IT TO GOD, GETTING SAVED, RENEWING YOU MIND THROUGH STUDY AND PRACTICE OF THE WORD OF GOD AND ENDING THE PASSING ON OF INIQUITY TO YOUR OFFSPRING !!!

    Let's deal with Christians hating or Bashing Gays !!! Sin is Sin. The first and GREATEST commandment is TO LOVE !!! If you do not love the Gay man or Woman you are just as guilty and sinful. You cannot tolerate your sin and speak out on someone elses YOU ARE TOTALLY WRONG !!! BASHING OF ANY PERSON IS WRONG !!! Besides many people indulge in homosexual, bisexual activities because no one has loved them.

    There is an old saying you get more flys with sugar than you do with S&%$..

    Lastly those who have to ask can homosexuality be prayed away. If you have to ask that question you are very lost and you really should engage the bible. . You will believe a DR. in a minute but won't believe him who created it all ...

  • Ann Douglas - 9 years ago

    It seems like the writer is mad at the Church. When he valunteered his info, noone called him out. If he doesn't want to be gay cause noone is born that way you learn to become that way. That is solely that mans choice is the writer mad because he doesn't want to be gay? This is not a case of accepting him. Obviously its something he feels he wants the change. Honestly i think its a hoaxs, it seem like this guy was playing one on the church.. But you anti-Christ JESUS HATERZ are too homosensitive always feeling like a group just want to attack gay people. Church is over gay people, nobody is tripping over u guys .. Illuminati has desensitized the nations everyone compromises no morals.

  • Aledra - 9 years ago

    Pastor Morgan your comment is right to an extent, but you left out One important detail, yes God hates the sin, but he loves the person more than enough to honor their request to be delivered. Granted, homosexuality is running rampped in the church especially, but its not just about the cover up, its about God showing the world in His way, that He can heal and deliver you from anything; but its up to us to believe, and its up to the Christian believers to love that person in-spite of the sin and show them the way to victorious living through Christ Jesus.

  • Aledra - 9 years ago

    The problem with your analysis, there is no God centered thinking. You are mocking something that truly seems like something, this young man has been battling for years. Why does it seem impossible for him to be delivered, healed, and even transformed from homosexuality. No one there was condemning him, but the sin. And to be delivered from anything there is a daily process to it. But to understand these things of God you must be of a spiritual mind and that you are not and it shows.

  • Pastor Tina Morgan - 9 years ago

    This took place at COGIC Holy confercation which symbolizes santification at a righteous event The Lord pick this perfect time to expose this demon of homosexuality!!!! To bring shame on the organization an the people an the church as a whole what you do in secret God will expose it openly this was Gods doing he hates all sins an we should hate what he hates!!!! An love what he love homosexuality is a abomination no matter who it is in an out the church it's not exceptiable in the sight of God!!!! Pastor Tina Morgan INTERNATIONAL DELIVERANCE CHURCH OF GOD!!!!

  • Regina - 9 years ago

    Is anything too hard for God?

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