Do you believe the Texas Legislature should amend the equal and uniform statute for commercial properties?

1 Comment

  • Steve LaPerla - 9 years ago

    I believe that there is NO MERIT to the Appraisal District's request. As a Cedar Park/Leander resident for the past 18 years, I can tell you that - without a doubt - the WCAD has personally STOLEN from the residents of this County, in the form of inflated and/or unrealistic property values/taxes. The meteoric (and disproportionate) rise in values (thank you, people of California!!) has given them free reign to command higher taxes, even though services have not increased as a result. I personally have seen my property values appraise at FAR MORE than the property could actually sell for, the end result being THEFT on the part of WCAD towards property owners. This is taxation without representation folks, and I for one, am sick of it.

    Sure, you can protest property values, but its almost insulting that they've got a barrage of "appraisers" ready and willing to dispute any and all logical argument you might have, with imaginary and (projected?) reasons for the value increase. My empty lot has been valued at (at least) $15000 more than I could ever sell it for, but this does not concern them. What saddens me most is that the average home/property owner does not have (or TAKE?) the time to sit down and protest these out of control values, making the theft that much easier for WCAD. When I have sat in the waiting room to see an appraiser, and I think about the (maybe) 100 people that could come in during a typical day, I think, WOW.... Look at all the 1000's of UNPROTESTED PROPERTIES that COULD have been brought to the WCAD... and how many of them are way above value!! That's why I know that if they're willing to adjust my meager property's value, just for the asking, that all other owners are getting taken advantage of, without even knowing it, or being aware that they COULD do something about it!

    Something needs to be done at the State or Federal level to curtail this thievery. I know that this County is not the only one across the nation experiencing this. That saddens me even more.

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