Hiders, what's your favorite part about planting letterboxes?


  • FBtI - 16 years ago

    I love getting feedback, but it's so rare that it's not enough to keep me planting boxes on its own. Making the stamp is really enjoyable for me, even though I'm not very talented at it. I enjoy the creativity that goes into it.

    Making the logbook and camoing the box are generally chores to be endured. I will occasionally get a burst of creative energy and make a bunch of logbooks, but it's more likely that I'll have a stamp ready to go and making the logbook is something that has to be done in order to move the process along.

    Finding the perfect spot and writing the clues are also enjoyable, but are a lot of work. It's not easy to find a good hiding spot in a good location that pulls the theme of the box together. There have been several occasions when I'll spend an hour or more scouting locations and will come home with the box still in my pack because none of the hiding spots were satisfactory. I enjoy the thrill of finding the ideal location, but like I said it's hard work getting there.

  • Lone R - 16 years ago

    The feedback/comments I get from finders is what keeps me planting letterboxes. The others I'll rank the others:

    2. carving
    3. making the logbook
    4. finding the right spot (perhaps not perfect every time, that's hard to do.)
    5. writing the clues
    6. camo'ing the box (not exactly a whole lot of fun but I do feel it's a necessary part of keeping it well hidden).

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