Grimm - 4.10 - Tribunal - Best Scene
Juliette and Rosalee peruse the wedding list to figure out who snitched and talk about hexenbiest
Hank talks to Wu about his experience learning about Wesen and Wu does NOT punch him
Bud woges for Wu to get him used to Wesen transformation and then helps Rosalee and Juliette
Monroe briefly escapes the tribunal and they catch him again but not before he kills one of them
Wu smacks him down Acker when he woges before Hank talks to him and Renard shoves him over a table
Bud is kidnapped, taken to the tribunal, and babbles on, essentially buying Monroe more time
Rosalee and Juliette confront Acker's sister, and Nick pressures Acker by threatening her
Monroe speaks about the purity of love and is sentenced to die by the tribunal
Team Grimm take off their badges, arm up, save Monroe, and kill everyone who tries to run including Riken
Team Grimm celebrate together and Monroe gets too choked up to speak so Rosalee does for him
Nick and Hank escort Monroe and Rosalee to the airport for their honeymoon along with 2 police cars
Wu researches in the trailer while Juliette shows Renard her new hexenbiest form
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1 Comment
- 10 years ago
How can anyone vote for "Monroe researches in the trailer...." when it was "Wu"?
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How can anyone vote for "Monroe researches in the trailer...." when it was "Wu"?