What do you think needs to happen because of Amit Bornstein's death?


  • heather - 8 years ago

    They should all be fired and charged..if another inmate did that they would of charged him..so fuck that charge them lien fucks...

  • Fuck The Dirty Lying Cunty Murdering Idiot Police - 8 years ago

    Healthy 22 year old is kidnapped from his home by gestapo and winds up dead. The real threat are the dirty
    lying murderous police. If you believe that this can in some way ever be justified you're probably the kind of dumb motherfucker who thinks voting for Donald Trump is a good idea, or a cop. You dumb fucks.

    This is a rich white Jewish kid, so his family is going to have a fighting chance at getting some comeuppance through legal system but the real tragedy is the millions of poor minorities who are murdered or framed by these murdering fuckheads all the fucking time. They are lying morons with licenses to kill and it's our own god damn fault for allowing this system of injustice to remain.

    If you're a cop and you feel this interpretation is unfair, I ask, which if you speaks out when you see the corrupt among you running amok? It's possible but very rare and usually, you're huge gaping green discharge oozing pussies, afraid to speak the truth. You cower behind a code of fidelity and fealty to a brotherhood of murderous heathens and theives robbing society of justice truth in the service of Lucre and early retirement.

    Fuck you all. Theives may steal things of monetary value but police steal lives and souls. The bargain and social contract we are told this compromise is based upon deserves closer scrutiny. Police everywhere are now on trial.

    New video technology is capturing their blatant disregard of their alleged duties to serve and protect and showing with undeniable clarity the that we can now all see with our own eyes what these lying murderous fucks have been doing for generations.

    They are not to be trusted, they are not on your side, they will kill you and lie about it.

    Their impunity needs to be dismantled posthaste.

    Christopher Dorner was a hero, fuck the police, namaste.

  • Lois - 9 years ago

    Money, money, money, it is all about the money.. If the young man was so concerned about his brother, then he should have not been breaking into cars in the first place. What a role model! Instead of suing, the father should be putting his time in working with at risks youths, and maybe help another young man from following a path like his son. Money will not bring his son back, and it will not redeem the kind of father he was - absent.

  • sharon - 9 years ago

    I'm sorry that someone died but we forget that he had a warrant for his arrest . If he had stood up as a man and took resposibility for his actions he would not have been in that situation. We also need to remember tha even though he had no steroids in his system damage from previous use had already occured. It's time people took responsibility for their self made problems and stop blaming everyone else.

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    Your both idiots that's a common spit mask used in hospitals police departments and correctional facility's their are slits in the where the mouth is and nostroles http://www.charm-tex.com/itemdetail.cfm?ProductID=1166&CategoryID=41&SubCategoryID=223 your conspiracy of what was in the mask is so idiotic and the article clearly stated he was given a shot of Ativan to have him calm down their is nothing in the mask do some research before you come on here to make idiotic comments with nothing to back your conspiracy theories you should be more worried about the enlarged heart with drugs that are used after the use of steriods

  • always using "resisting" - 9 years ago

    I believe like one comment that was said what was in that mask?also in the hallway with all those officers on him how could he comply right there is when I believe those officers took that kids life because after that that kid was struggling but instead of doing something as he was falling from side to side the took a secound to pick him up and lean him againt that metal gate or what ever it was as they all stood in a damn circle lookin at him like fools what if it were their kid? Also to there should be cameras so you could have seen that kid and those officers when they were all on that kid from EVERY Angle then I bet you would have seen that kid struggling,then hes in the room naked he was movin his legs probally because he was struggling to breath but couldn't say anything. The cops always use he was resisting arrest c'mon look at all the officers that were on him then the bruises that followed. Look at the video and read the Luzerne County Railroad about that kid Robert Leone beatin worse the Rodney King and on top of it kept him in jail long enough so no one could get charged makes me sick. I say hang these officers that kid could not breath you could see it

  • Elsie Walters - 9 years ago

    It's deplorable that a young man is dead at 22 years of age at the hands of people who are guarding him. Isn't that what the police do, 'guard' in their 'custody' 'care' and 'control?' There's no guarding, care or control by those custodians. Such tragedies are 100% preventable and it's evident to anyone with a brain police need better, ongoing training.

  • Jeff - 9 years ago

    I'm sure this article isn't biast one bit and not paid for by the family to make their son look more innocent, things could have been handled differently on both ends but when you are in a secure facility that has laws/policy and procedures that are to be followed you are in the jail custody you do as told and nothing will happen follow orders you don't act like an a** as a inmate this is the first death of an inmate in the facility not caused by suicide since it has opened I would challenge anyone to do one shift as an officer in the jail and the "jail guards" are trained monmouth county sheriff department officers. last I checked as a teenager or my friends we didn't break into cars steal credit cArds and make purchases with them and if you aren't a involved in the in and out workings of a jail or police department you don't know what policy and procedure is especially to making comments or accusations against the officers in the end their is a policy set forth to be followed by the staff nobody wants to speak of Amit bornstein a high school suspensions in this article or the fact that he was charged with crimes and skipped out on court and has atleast at one point used a type of illegal steriod of course his family isn't aware of the use for everyone one person that says something good im sure you can find one to say something bad about him but that's not in the article the photos and title of the article are to sell and make money and since when are other inmates who have commited crimes words more truthful or convincing the sworn officers it's sad to have lost a human for such foolish reasons but you have to hear both sides of the story not one that is written and paid to sway you one way

  • keep your Eyes open - 9 years ago

    I feel foul play was the culprit, I imagine they drugged him using a chemical in the mask. Watch how quickly they remove it & throw it away. When they see he isn't breathing. Bunch of barbarians. Stealing doesn't equal death penalty. If that were true , we would have a average death toll greater than the birth rate. I even bet Frank has taken something in his life, 5 cents or 5,000 stealing doesn't give rouge cops the right to over enforce this type of restraint, plus they exaggerate the truth. And clearly there are other witnesses, not officers, who explain a different view of the story. Dirty pigs

  • Frank - 9 years ago

    This guy is responsible for his own actions. All he had to do was comply and go through the booking process just like every other prisoner that goes through that jail. Also, last time I checked breaking into other people's cars isn't a "minor" offense that decent, honest people commit. Says a lot about his character.

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