What do you think about how The Woodlands has been developed?


  • Augusta Era Golian - 9 years ago

    I agree with the above. Our leaders seem to have no respect for quality of life at all. The mall and Market Place are only one example. The budget for maintaining our wooded areas is much less than is needed to properly maintain it. The object is not to provide good care at reasonable cost, but to maintain it as cheaply as possible regardless of long term results - the results are going to be much more grass and many fewer trees. No attention at all is being paid to biodiversity or attractiveness. The instructions to the workers is mow and weedeat as aggressively as possible to keep it neat for the longest time possible. I know this because I asked them. This policy is pushing back the edge of the woods in many places, and insures that there is no natural regrowth anywhere else. Mow a mower width edge and let the rest reforest itself.

  • Anja - 9 years ago

    The Woodlands has been turned into some kind of "THEME PARK" for the Houston area. It is no longer a nice quiet community created for residents, but some people have, or are trying to turn The Woodlands into a "DESTINATION" for almost any activity, be it sports, music, etc. It seems the people who make decisions think the BIGGER THE BETTER, which is totally NUTS!!!
    I read somewhere that "they" are trying to create another "Market Street" and for that purpose many trees were felled! Many residents objected to yet another "shopping area", but the people who make decisions in The Woodlands, don't give a darn. The Market Place we have is already off limits for most residents. If we who live here want to go shopping there, we have to "valet park". Also, valet parking should not happen in the main circle, but should be banned to the garage by the movie theater. One can't even cross the street where valet parking takes places, because of the constant shuffling of cars. I believe there are too many greedy people in charge of The Woodlands who are not speaking for or acting in the best interest of the entire community and the people who live here. Wonder if the decision makers actually live in The Woodlands or are just some greedy business people profiting from this ever increasing "development."
    CAN WE PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS NOW - before everything that Mr. Mitchell created is ruined. The same goes for the constant "road extensions/widening" to bring ever more through traffic to/through The Woodlands.

  • Andy - 9 years ago

    i think it's time the development advocates no longer sit on The Woodlands Township Board. The Development folks do quite well on their own. The board should be 100% for the residents. Pay attention for whom you vote! Some incumbents have some explaining to do.

  • Jan - 9 years ago

    I hope the road bond will fail. We do not need The Woodlands Pkwy extended all the way 249 or 290. Once that happens, the beauty of the Woodlands will be completely gone.

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