Do you think Kendall & Kylie should've gotten booed?!


  • chacha - 8 years ago

    No. These two beautiful young ladies are going through a lot and it's all in the public eye. Thats gotta be severely emotionally stressful. They are human too. Just because they were born into a famous family (with problems just like everyone else) does not mean they don't have feelings and insecurities like every othere 18-20 yr old girl. That was very cruel and they didn't do anything to deseve that. That was flat out mean. They are two young ladies growing up in a very unconventional family / lifestyle. They are beautiful and amazing for handling themselves the way they did.

  • Chloe - 9 years ago

    Why is everyone jumping to conclusions?! How do you know the audience were booing at the Jenner sisters? they could of been booing because they could tell Kanye West was the next act. Yes, the sisters are spoilt brats, which are stuck up their own ass, but they are Fabulous!!

  • Chanelyn - 9 years ago

    So many names are thrown at this family yet they're still making money.

  • Hanns - 9 years ago

    I love Kylie and Kendall and they didn't deserve the booing on the stage. People are just jelly about them. Because their family has money and they are part of something that normally people don't know . How you feel if someone boo at you. Shame on you rudes!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jordan - 9 years ago

    all of these rude comments make me sick. its just a bunch of disgusting people who probably have an IQ lower than 100. lol. of course they should not have been booed. they are people and have feelings. after all of the hate they already recieve, being publicly booed like that is embarrassing. espcially with Bruce coming out with his news, give them a BREAK!!!! they get hate all the time but they are people too and just because YOURE ignorant butt doesnt agree with me, keep your mean comments to yourself. what good are you doing...? you're not changing anything LOL.

  • Steph - 9 years ago

    They shouldn't have been booed at all, all these ppl are just haters just because they're living it. I'm sure there are ppl like them out there as well probably even worse, but the only difference is that they're more famous.

  • Nacy - 9 years ago

    They deserved it, they are not artists. I'm really what does Kylie do for a living? Fake lip! They deserved it.

  • Dana - 9 years ago

    I have never watched the show but I think it is a little suspicious that they are getting booed now, after their father came clean about his gender preference. It seems to me that people are reacting badly to that situation which is upsetting especially in 2015.

  • Julie - 9 years ago

    I think at this point everybody is just sick of them. They are all like a train wreck we DONt want to watch.

  • tuti - 9 years ago

    17 year old dress like that and run around with a 24 year old child molester...all these K Hoes need to sit down

  • kimsacow - 9 years ago

    yeah, they deserved to be booed, two ho's, and they can't read dummy cards!!!!! KANYE should have been set on fire. the piece of sh*t

  • sonotafan - 9 years ago

    are you serious????? those two underage, uneducated, talentless hobags, did not belong there! for what? to look like two sluts walking the red carpet? Why? for what reason, they can't sing, can't act, and for sure NO role models in ANY of the kartrashian sluts, especially the motherslut. their success is in their asses, literally. THATS NOT HARDWORK!!!!!

  • anonymosme - 9 years ago

    both the JENNERs had no business being there, they're not STARS! ESPECIALLY KENDULL, who fell into the modeling, NOT because she climbed the ladder and worked for it!! she deserves all the bullying thrown her way! Kylie, well SHES just a junior version of KIMSLUT! fake lips and botox and NO education!!!! both girls are illiterates and both should have stayed home with a babysitter. two sluts who had a great teacher, their slutmother! they absolutely deserved booing and their talentless narcissist brother in law as well. doctor of what???????? N O T H I N G! dropout, uneducated, just like his whore of a wife, the success of that trashbag family is SEXTAPES!!!!!!

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