What do you think about the Never Forgotten monument proposal?


  • A proud Canadian - 9 years ago

    Another example of our corrupt government out of control. The crown land was given to Tony along with a few hundred thousand dollars and nobody needs to ask the taxpayers first. Clearly 'somebody' has been filling their pockets to get this monstrosity forced through so fast. Shame on Harper - history will not be kind to him.

  • Paulette Paquette - 9 years ago

    Where to begin?
    This is absolutely awful - we don't need a Canadian Statue of Liberty and certainly NOT one that is reminiscent of the Virgin Mary, masquerading as a War Memorial!
    What point is there to the preservation of National Parks if they can be fouled in this manner? Is it just a coincidence that the politically departed Peter MacKay seems somehow involved?
    I have always wanted to visit the East Coast and still do, however Cape Breton won't be on my itinerary.

  • Lindsay Thomson - 9 years ago

    I'm not of Cape Breton but I have been through this beautiful island only connected by a causeway. The Highlands isn't the spot for it. The area should be kept as natural as possible. The statue should be placed, as one person suggested, near a town that needs the tourists and others in order for it to survive. I would be very dismayed to see something like that in such a beautiful park. Stop making parks to look like those south of the border. Even the war memorial in Ottawa isn't that big or has a huge parking lot. Put it someplace where the people of Cape Breton can actually go to easily and not so huge! Holy moly how high does it have to be? To really see it you would have to go out in a boat. Also who gets the revenue from parking to entrance fees etc,if it's a private enterprise . I like the idea of something but not to that scale or that area.. A plaque would do with a smaller and much better signed statue. It totally reminded me of the state of Mary down in South America not the sacrifices made in the war.

  • Kathy - 9 years ago

    Republicans and Conservatives have an icon Lady Libertas: The other significant female icon in American culture was a representation of Liberty, derived from Libertas, the goddess of freedom widely worshipped in ancient Rome, especially among emancipated slaves. A Liberty figure adorned most American coins of the time,[18] and representations of Liberty appeared in popular and civic art, including Thomas Crawford's Statue of Freedom (1863) atop the dome of the United States Capitol Building.[18]

    Artists of the 18th and 19th centuries striving to evoke republican ideals commonly used representations of Libartas as an allegorical symbol.[18] A figure of Liberty was also depicted on the Great Seal of France.[18] However, Bartholdi and Laboulaye avoided an image of revolutionary liberty such as that depicted in Eugène Delacroix's famed Liberty Leading the People (1830).

    We are not slaves, we are not Romans, we are not all French. Disapprove of using Lady Libertas. How about Glooscap? He was from here.

  • Jitka Zgola - 9 years ago

    Using some of the DIA jargon, The most significant adverse residual effect of this project would the permanent introduction of a 25 meter high statue, that is totally out of harmony with or relevant to the site. It in no way takes into consideration visual impacts nor complements the natural environment to any extent.
    The mission of the national parks is so focused on preserving “the sum total of a visitor’s personal interaction with this protected heritage place and the interaction that awakens the senses, affects the emotion, stimulates the mind and leaves the visitor with a sense of attachment” that it prohibits the removal of wood cut under the power lines for use as fire wood lest this removal disrupt the area’s natural integrity, How much more disruption this project is threatening to impose on a place so protected for its, beauty, nature and uniqueness.
    Yes, the statue would sit on only a tiny percentage of the Black Brook Granitic Suite, but it positioned to cover and destroy the most exquisite part of it.
    As for a site on the eastern coast of Canada, with a geographic bearing that would allow the Mother Canada statue to be situated in a representative alignment to France, in order to underscore its relationship to the Vimy Ridge Memorial, and the Canada Bereft statue, A better alignment could be achieved from any spot along the shore of Labrador or even Gander Newfoundland. If it must be in a Nova Scotia, Halifax offers a better line as Newfoundland Cape Race interferes with the line from Green Cove.
    Certainly there is no want of areas near Halifax that would be under the protection of government agencies in order to provide protection to the integrity of Mother Canada’s infrastructure and message. If it must be in Cape Breton, why not atop of Cape Smokey? It would be seen from by cruise ship and ferry passengers from afar.
    In short, this project has no place in Green Cove.

  • Katherine McDermott - 9 years ago

    We can always find the negative in everything can't we?

    The Mother Canada monument is not about politics and profit.

    It is about honouring the women who lost so much during the wars and they should be recognized.
    So many soldiers perished and were never brought home to them.

    After they sacrificed their lives for us, isn't this the least we could do for them to keep the memory of that sacrifice alive?

    The Mother Canada monument is beautiful and endearing. As a mother I think it reflects how I would want to bring my son home.

    I do not believe this is about profit but know it will bring much needed jobs and trade to the area and from what I have read most people who live in the Cape Breton area are in support of this.

    I wonder if we would have any monuments in the world if everyone was allowed to cast a vote. I am sure it would be held up with red tape forever and nothing would be built.

    Hope this one will be.

  • Ken Jon Booth - 9 years ago

    A pristine area is a monument for all.

  • Dave Kerr - 9 years ago

    There is the 'no' in Nova Scotia for all to see! This is what we do, we cut down people's ideas and inspirations and turn them into political views and cast our own ignorant comments in the absence of knowing all the facts. Or, some of us like to become artistic critics, know-it-alls on anything/everything, just ask us! That said, our heroes fought for freedom of speech, so speak away. Have any of you naysayers even thought about perhaps thanking Mr Trigiani, for his efforts, who is doing this out of love for this country and passion for celebrating our veterans, before slamming the details. Shame on you. In other parts of the world, nations and their people celebrate their heroes. We do it but not nearly as well as most. Remember, every remaining war veteran and their collective families will visit this site, and then some; and increase tourism in an area that showcases exactly what our heroes fought for to preserve and hold safe for us. Not every one can go to Vimy and other monuments offshore. Alas, wait just a bit longer and there won't be any World War veterans alive anymore to think about. Really speaks to what to expect from those at home when our future heroes consider stepping up and volunteering to serve and protect the freedom of their country.

  • Marilyn MacPhee - 9 years ago

    All of our national parks are sacred ground set aside and protected from encroachment by idiots like Steven Harper. He is stealing a piece of our heritage! I support a class action lawsuit against him!

  • Chris Thomson - 9 years ago

    I am not in favour of this project for the many reasons already put forward. I also wonder if any of the planners involved and the artist have actually even been to the Green Cove site. I visited the site on the long weekend. It is nowhere near as large as the artists rendition suggests! For the people shown in the picture to fit on the site, they would have to be a foot tall! A totally ludicrous idea all round for the Green Cove site!

  • Chris Thomson - 9 years ago

    I am not in favour of this project for the many reasons already put forward. I also wonder if any of the planners involved and the artist have actually even been to the Green Cove site. I visited the site on the long weekend. It is nowhere near as large as the artists rendition suggests! For the people shown in the picture to fit on the site, they would have to be a foot tall! A totally ludicrous idea all round for the Green Cove site!

  • Peter - 9 years ago

    Ridiculous. I can't believe this is seriously being considered- and on public land! What is wrong with these people? And pay close attention to the fine print on this deal- tax payers on on the hook no only in giving up the last to place this beast, but also as the holder of the debt in a PPP relationship. That means when the corporate backers drop out (and they will sooner or later) its all of us that end up holding the bill.

    More than 30 million dollars? I can think of more than 30 million things that would better to do with that money.

  • Ann Allain - 9 years ago

    My father was a veteran, and I have many friends who are both veterans, or currently serving in the forces. They don't need monuments in National Parks. Veterans need services in a timely manner; serving members need equipment that works and respect for their professionalism. Statues won't do anything for any soldier, past or present. Not to mention that Parks Canada's mandate is not about building monuments. What will be next, a water park at Lake Louise? The mandate of Parks Canada: "On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations." http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/agen/chart/chartr.aspx

  • margaret young - 9 years ago

    The Never Forgotten memorial is a wretched idea in so many ways. I wish I could believe that the proponents of this plan are well-meaning , but I find it distasteful that they try to buy the support of the local people with the lure of a few short-term jobs and the totally baseless prospect of increased tourism. The Mother Canada figure -- aside from being a massive eyesore that bears no resemblance to the grave elegance of the Vimy memorial -- will bear the names not of our honoured dead but of the corporate sponsors who will enjoy massive tax breaks for their largesse. That's a huge loss to government coffers, a burden that will be shouldered by you and me, the taxpayers.

  • Brenda Dawe - 9 years ago

    Well I may as well put my 2 cents in. I don't think we should close our eyes to the monument idea, but maybe we should rethink it's location. The Highlands are beautiful any time of year and yes many a good Cape Bretoner , died on foreign soil to preserve this great country of ours, but, in saying that, I think they to would wish it would be put in a different place. Did anyone ever consider a town like Sydney Mines or Glace Bay where a monument of that size and stature good bring in tourists and tourists dollars, and maybe give the economy a bit of a boost. Yes we have many homeless people sleeping in the streets and elsewhere, but go to them and they will tell you they like living the way they do because there are no rules. The government has taken many good things from the people of this great country, don't let him take our voice. Stand up and be counted and maybe someday we will have a man or women in office who is not there just for the votes or to be the yes man to every lobbyist who comes through the door.

  • Donna Trefry - 9 years ago

    In a "developed" country such as ours, we have human beings living in cardboard containers over street vents. Some of these individuals are in fact veterans livings with the effects of P.T.S.D. I am so tired of politicians using our tax dollars to create "make work" projects for desperate and economically disadvantaged parts of our beautiful country. Perhaps a viable industrial/manufacturing project for Cape Breton Island would do more to keep/and return many to their home Province.

  • Ruth Fraser - 9 years ago

    I have no objection to a monument to honor those who have served our country in the various wars and peace-keeping missions throughout the world. Isn't that what Nov. 11 is all about? Don't we have war memorials for that reason? However, to place an ugly man-made statue in ANY provincial park is an insult to the beauty of this country AND to the men and women who served to keep it beautiful, safe and free. In my opinion a monument of this type in this kind of location would be an eyesore. Not honorable to those who served or their families.

  • Lisa Mac Leod - 9 years ago

    Mi will try this again and see if my comment gets deleted. This poll is a riot. All u naysayers against it have just kept voting over and over again. You know, u don't need to cheat and lie to get your point across. But hey, I think the numbers at town hall meetings in ingonish spok for them selves. Over 300 people who attended were for it and a dozen against. Anyway koodos to u people against it. Bravo. Would love to see all 900 of you at the opening ceremony. Hugs too you all and God bless.

  • Stephanie Boyd - 9 years ago

    I think this monument is completely inappropriate in a national park. The beauty of Cape Breton is due to its natural environment. Please don't spoil it with this monstrous monument.

  • Malcolm Silver - 9 years ago

    To my mind this is a totally ridiculous idea and would be one of the most grotesque things that could be placed in a beautiful National Park. There are so many areas where amounts of funds are urgently required that a Government that would even consider something like this begs the question of " Why would they consider this and are they just trying to find ways to waste the taxpayers money? " Maybe it's a monument to Stephen Harper. If that is the case build it in Banff National Park in Alberta, Mr. Harper's home province. Don't waste the time and money spoiling the natural beauty of Nova Scotia. We have enough people in our Province who seems determined to do that. We don't need any help from Ottawa.

  • Derek Dubolski - 9 years ago

    A hideous monstrosity and blot on the natural landscape and should never be allowed in such a place of natural beauty (not to mention the obscene cost which could be much better spent on other more important projects of far more practical use).

  • Charles Restino - 9 years ago

    My dad faced German guns and was wounded with the first assault on Omaha Beach. He never spoke a word of his experiences. These were humble, gentle men and women , who risked and gave their lives . This ten story tall pseudo sentimental religious pile of stone is merely a naive monument to its builders collective egos. Its arrogant grandeur demeans the depth of our veterans sacrifices. Most would have much preferred these millions of dollars be spent helping the victims of war, not glorifying them.

  • Glen James - 9 years ago

    To those of you who think there are no monuments in a National Park in Canada you need to guess again and perhaps visit some of the parks.

    To those who think it's taxpayers money - guess again. It is privately funded.

    Going on about the lobster fisherman, do you know of one fisherman in that Zone that has opposed the monument? If so name them

  • Marilyn MacPhee - 9 years ago

    This so- called monument to our war veterans is grotesque, is a gross intrusion into what must be my favourite national park in our country. I fear that not only have our Canadian scientists been muzzled but Harper has now set out to further control Parks Canada and has most surely informed Parks Canada that this is where the laughing stock ugly sight will be . Independent financing?? Taxpayer financing! It has Harper written all over it! Well,Harper, don’t tell me this is what Canadians want as you like to do. In the last election,only 34% of Canadians voted for men and women they believed would male a difference and that sadly,elected you to lead our country. You have already shown us exactly what you think of veterans by treating them as you have.This is a monument to glorify war and Harper.
    "The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members."

    The measure of this government is how it treats its weakest members!

  • John Hardie - 9 years ago

    A ridiculous waste of taxpayers' money. A blight on a pristine landscape. Politically motivated. Reduce the size of the thing if you must have it, and put it at the Causeway, or in Sydney. Or better still, don't build it at all and raise veterans' pensions with what's saved

  • Elke - 9 years ago

    Mary, you have it so wrong - a National Park means - it belongs to the Nation - to each and every Canadian from coast to coast to coast - not only to folks North of Smokey.
    They expropriated land to build the Park - doesn't everyone agree that it so absolutely wrong to give it away to a private enterprise?!
    A monument can be built anywhere, but not in a National Park !

  • Ruth Morris Schneider - 9 years ago

    I oppose the monument although three of the poll questions ask for comments to support the idea - not exactly unbiased. The planned monument goes against Canada Parks mandate to protect natural areas against private interest intrusion for all Canadians, both now and in the future. This monument would destroy a beautiful natural area that is already accessible to those who value our unique environment, and turns it into a political/economic statement for those who hope to brag about their own achievements. And in years to come?". . . on the sand, half sunk a shattered visage lies . . . My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty and despair! Nothing beside remains." (Taken from Percy Bysshe Shelley)

  • Mary MacEachern - 9 years ago

    You have to love the fact that you can simply clear your cookies from computer and just keep voting so to the ones who were up most of the night doing that to get your NO IT'S A BAD IDEA numbers up you must be tired and will need a nap today. Go ahead people - try it - clear your history and cookies and just keep on voting.

    As a previous comment said this is private funded and the only opinions that should count are the people who live in the communities North of Smokey which would be Ingonish to Neils Harbour as it directly affects them. To all the ones who do not live there your opinions should be a moot point.

  • Aaron Schneider - 9 years ago

    This grotesque monument should be nowhere near the Park as it is a glorification of war and a distraction from the peace and tranquillity that the Park is intended to inspire. Also It will destroy green Cove as a unique Geoheritage site. Worse yet, the DIA reveals that they intend to do "site preparation" this year without the funds to complete the rest of Phase 1 (with the statue). That would ruin Green Cove with no funding to continue. After all, $30 million dollars may be impossible to raise. Will they then hold the government at ransom to fund the completion? The Cape Breton National Park appears to be abandoning its mandate to protect its natural assets and has been sold out to the Harper Government to advance its image as a warrior nation.

  • Kathy - 9 years ago

    This is a very badly written poll, I have nothing against honouring our war dead but not in this way. The monument is ostentatious and I think this is an inappropriate approach for the site selected. Hard to believe that Parks Canada is suggesting this monument and that they would create this poll with even less consideration.

  • Rose C - 9 years ago

    The project will have up to 10 years to raise funding for each phase and each stage. In other words, Green Cove will be unavailable to the public for up to 10 years. And if the funding doesn't come through after site preparation - Phase 1, Stage 1, then Green Cove will be ruined for nothing. This is so sad because initially the public were told that ALL money had to be in place before construction can begin. Now Parks Canada are allowing NFNM Foundation to build their project piecemeal. The project can be stopped at any time if visitor numbers are not good enough or the money isn't available, and as far as I could see in the DIA, the honour to veterans with the proposed interpretive centre doesn't happen until Phase 5. In the meantime, there are 3 rare plant species in the proposed development area which will be destroyed, and the lobster fishermen who set traps in Green Cove because it is such a rich area are going to have to fish elsewhere if/when construction contaminant and noise ruin their fishing ground. This statue and everything else that could come with it is an abomination on the pristine landscape and an insult to every Canadian who values this special place. If Harper and Tony Trigiani are so fixed on building this monument, it should be built outside of the boundaries of a National Park which is supposed to have a mandate to protect, not destroy.

  • D Rabel - 9 years ago

    Ugh. An insult to Mother Canada and Vimy. Don't!

  • crisi boucher-maclellan - 9 years ago

    The best way to honor our veterans is to give them the respect they deserve from this country when they get of the plane. Cape Bretoner's are not garish people and the design is garish and very relegious looking. If you have to put something there. why not a beautiful bronsed Maple Leaf something befitting the area. The Cabot trail is beautiful in it's guiet simplicity and breathtaking views. This is a money frab by our goverment..a goverment that has shown in spades their dis-respect for our veterans. There are monuments already in every community. Overall I don't want it, hate the design, and would prefer for our soldiers to be shown respect by their goverment than this over the top statue. I also feel it could provoke a terrorist strike, and the outcome would be ruination to an already beautiful spot in the world. No...I vote NO.

  • Lisa MacDonald - 9 years ago

    Totally in favor of this idea. I will say that voting like this on an opinion poll that is Electronic will eliminate anyone Who doesn't have a computer and can't vote. My Mom would be in that category. She is the wife all the Cape Breton Highlander and also the brother of a World War II vet and is very much in favor of this project. You may be missing out on a few numbers there. Also as Duncan said earlier, I would like to remind people that this project is coming from private funding not government money

  • russell - 9 years ago

    I was kinda forced to vote "It's just a bad idea" because I just don't like the design. I'm all for a monument "It's a great idea to honour our war dead" just not design wise IMO…I am concerned about the environmental impact, but I'm sure they'll do as little harm as possible…and it is in an isolated spot…but that just gives me an added reason to visit.

  • Florence MacDougall - 9 years ago

    Can't wait to see this on my Island. I guess Rick isn't aware of just how many people come to the Cape Breton highlands to take in the Cabot trail and golf at our World Class golf courses which by the way Highland links is not that far away as is Keltic Lodge.

    I would say the ones who think nobody ever goes to area has never been there.

  • Glen Watson - 9 years ago

    A friend sent me this link to read article as come to visit the area every two years to spend time in the Highlands and golf. Great location as I know exactly where it is and think it's a marvellous idea for the area and when it's done I will make sure I plan a visit in late fall so I can be there on Remembrance Day

  • Bernard Penniston - 9 years ago

    I swear some people would be against fire being invented. (shakes head). I make it from the Mainland of Nova Scotia 3-4 times a year to this area and it's a magnificent location.

    In truth it's only the people North of Smoky who should be polled whether they want it in their area. It is privately funded and not on the tax payers back so it's my opinion that the residents have the biggest say not the rest of the world who does not live in area - never been to area nor never will be.

  • christene macnei. - 9 years ago

    I think it is a wonderful idea. Honor those brave men and women who fought for our freedom. We have many of them from our own little area. I have a father and three uncles who fought in World War 11. Come on! Have some patriotism! Dont be jealous because its not going to Halifax!

  • Blanche Robinson - 9 years ago

    As a 8th generation Cape Bretoner and one who lives on the Island I am 100% PRO on this. I am looking forward to the first Remembrance Day ceremony to be held there honouring the brave men and women of Canada who gave their lives or put their lives on the line for our Great Country.

    Both of my Grandfathers were in WW1 and buried in Military Graves here on Island and I know they both would have supported it 100% also and one of my Grampa's was from Ingonish.

    I have been to Vimy Memorial twice in my lifetime and count on me being at this one here in my own country many many times over as I spend a great deal of time in the area.

  • Darcy - 9 years ago

    HORRIBLE idea, forced on that gorgeous location and on the people of Canada. We have a war memorial in Ottawa, where it belongs. This is private enterprise and thrust-down-your-throat government at their worst. Who are the people backing this project - some high profile Canadians, some politicians, some businesses? They should be identified and shamed.

  • Duncan - 9 years ago

    In my opinion, as this is a private enterprise and not funded by the Government of Canada, I am all for it. I for one truly appreciate what our soldiers endured to ensure that freedoms, like freedom of speech, are ours.

  • Del Muise - 9 years ago

    Whoever designed this poll has a rather ambiguous objective in mind. The options are not mutually exclusive. The idea is really an abomination and should be cancelled immediately. Not only is the statue problematic, the entire process is flawed.

  • Carol - 9 years ago

    What is this? Another "look what we are doing project?" Nice way to spoil another work of natural beauty. The idea behind the project is wonderful but not in a National Park.

  • david - 9 years ago

    The Harper government eviscerates Parks Canada funding but loves monuments to war. "Mommy what's that statue for? It's so we think about those people who died while fighting in wars. "Will I every have to go to war?" Let's hope not. Mr. Harper is trying hard to kill all the right people now, before they kill you here in Canada""

  • Rick - 9 years ago

    The only place for this is Georges Island , in the Halifax Harbour , imagine if the Statue of Liberty was in Newark , or the Christ Statue in Brazil was in some out of the way spot ? This ain't rocket science , put it where the most people will see it , duh . GEORGE'S ISLAND , dummies .

  • Paul Strome - 9 years ago

    I live in Cheticamp and visit Cape Breton Highlands National Park a great deal. We have 10-15 guests from all over the world during the summer and we automatically take them through Cape Breton Highlands National Park. The park is a monument to nature's beauty and wonder so I feel a statue of this magnitude is NOT appropriate. A much more subtle monument would be much more appropriate. The parking lot and observation area may be, but not that huge monolith.

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