Do you agree with the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of same-sex marriage?


  • notopotatos - 9 years ago

    A. Bible thumpers learn history the bible has been re written by man over and over the orginal transcrpt of god is lost has been lost hints new testament. Secoundly god loves everyone according to the bible gay race no matter what. Third if u were truly christian youd except anyone for anything and forgive but what i see hear is a bunch of potato redneck idiots that obviously are afraid gay is a virus im married to a women not gay bi iam a stright ex army medic oif tour twice fought for ur stupid ass freedom and yet still u alabama civilians disrespect eachother makes me relize i fought for nothing but a bunch of teenage retard dependas grow the fuck up does this affect u what was made legal does it make u lose money does it affect ur life right now are u dying from it is it affecting anything seriously shut up man im sick of retards hear in alabama no wonder why the south lost u mofos were more worried about cotton then fighting. So i suggest yall go about ur shit lives and shut the fuck up about o its agaibst god no ur fucking exsistence and stupidity now thats defintly against god

  • w - 9 years ago

    God is Sovereign -- His opinion matters. States are higher than the Federal government and 'we the people' are over that. The mouthy minority is louder -- and it's about time they were stopped...

  • Alden - 9 years ago

    You bible thumpers do know that the only time in the New Testament that is was clearly spoken that no man should lie with another man was from Paul. Who also stated that women should not speak in the church.if we want to go Old Testament then we can say that you should not eat pig or, on certain days, fish. Read the bible before you try to pin some words in Gods image. Because that is the exact opposite of respect for your Lord.

  • T. R. - 9 years ago

    Some say the SCOTUS ruling this is "tyranny," but if that tyranny is allowing persons to marry whom they love, you can call me an advocate for tyranny.

  • T Geri - 9 years ago

    Shove your god and your beliefs right up your rear. You don't care about anyone else's beliefs, after all. It's ironic, in a sick kind of way, how you religious freaks talk and talk about how the "gays" will push their gayness on you all while your steady trying to force your ridiculous beliefs down everyone's throats.
    Well, I had my time with religion, until I learned more about the science and reality of our existence, amongst other things like the true human origin of your bible, and realized religion was a creation of people's need to have something to hold onto and to be led. These days I'm ashamed to realize how arrogant and close minded I was, just like the majority of the bible thumpers on here. And tell me, where the hell did you all get that homosexual prosperity would be the end of us all? If you are so hardcore you should know that the end is prophesied to happen in revelations and all of you perfect Christians will be whisked away by the rapture. So, again, why do you spend your time bitching about what other people are doing instead of loving your neighbor like you were told to?

  • deon ard - 9 years ago

    God has spoken on the issue of homosexuality. He spoke it so I believe it we don't get to pick and choose what we want to take a stand on if God speaks on it then that is done and on this issue he has spoken and clearly he destroyed Sodom over it that is pretty clear how he feels and just so there is no mistake he states that you can feel however you don't get to act on those feelings marriage is reserved for one man and one waman it is past time that we as Christians stand up for that love the sinner but hate the ain

  • Tiffany - 9 years ago

    So what y'all are saying is God is unhappy with us? Let me tell you something. Every Christian knows that only God may judge you when the time comes. As a lesbian, God will judge me based on how he feels I should be judged. I don't judge anyone because that is not my job. That is Gods'. When you people become God let me know then I will gladly listen to your ignorance. Marriage is just a commitment between two PEOPLE to spend the rest of their lives together to prosper and cherish God if they wish to do so. So before you start throwing the hate banner at people, why don't you actually look to God ask him if it is right for you to judge someone just by Who they love? What if someone was to come up to you and start saying things like " eww, you worship God? " You love God right? So be what is the difference. LOVE has no bounds for height weight race or SEX. The fact by hat a gay person has shown you this is probably blown your mind. Have a great day.

  • grenda - 9 years ago

    Change u can beleave in.

  • Erica - 9 years ago

    We may as well allow ppl to marry animals or inanimate objects or grown ups to marry children or sisters n brothers to marry. Lord have mercy on our country.

  • brend - 9 years ago

    GOD have mercy on all of us. We the people was loss.Very sad day in the US.

  • JCF - 9 years ago

    "Equal Justice Under Law": that's what SCOTUS re-affirmed today. No more and no less!

  • Chris - 9 years ago

    You don't have to agree with it, it's the law lmao

  • MJ - 9 years ago

    There are more important things in this world we need to focus on, like drugs, child molesters murders Ya kno stuff that affects us as a whole community. if you wanna be gay be gay, just be respectful of others & small children. Just like every other human being.

  • Chandra Johnson - 9 years ago

    The BIBLE WILL NOT BE re-written to say "PARTNERS"!!!!!!!!!

  • Dj - 9 years ago

    Technically, from a biblical standpoint, marriage is not a big wedding and it has nothing to do with government approval. In the bible marriage is two people committing their lives together and consummating their marriage.

  • Sandie - 9 years ago

    I myself and Happy for the results why shouldn't they be as miserable as the rest of married couples lol.. I myself am not worried about Gods wrath I married a man :) live and let live

  • Nikola - 9 years ago

    Judgement day is coming!

  • Barbara Denham - 9 years ago

    This is morally wrong. When God made a companion for man, he made a woman! God is not happy, he says its wrong and everyone will feel his wrath. I pray for our Country!!

  • Emma - 9 years ago

    What, exactly, is there to "analyze" about the ruling? Gay marriage is legal. Period. Full Stop.
    Open the offices now.

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