The local water supply has had a metallic taste lately. Do you drink tap water?

1 Comment

  • MMetzger - 9 years ago

    If anyone thinks that your tap water is safe to drink had better take a good hard look at what is being put into your tap water . First there is Fluoride , Fluoride comes from the build up inside smoke stacks you see with the steam coming out of the tops well just like your fireplace flue it builds up and has to be scraped off that is Fluoride . Now how about the Lithium being put in the water . Just the combination of soap or shampoo mixed with hot water and Chlorine makes a toxic mix that is part of the reason for lung cancer as these chemicals in the soap mixed with Chlorine and hot water create a toxic mix that is giving people lung cancer . Have you ever asked how did so and so get lung cancer when they never smoked ? Ding dong !
    Every county is different when it comes to putting things in the water some put more poison in it than others do but in either event tap water is one of the leading causes to cancer and a study recently released said that study found drinking Fluoride causes at least a 20 point loss in our IQ's . So please check out what is being put in your water it is easily done and they have to report it to you but be smart filter your water or drink spring water but don't drink the tap water ........

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