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Do you support providing permanent housing, with services/treatment, for the chronically homeless? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 591

  • Jade Beaty - 9 years ago

    Providing some sort of housing for everyone that wants it is the right thing to do. It shouldn't be that hard, if we get creative: tiny houses, straw bail and rammed earth construction, even a tent city somewhere: what is so difficult about this? Everyone deserves a place to feel safe and stabilized, so that they can get to a place where they can contribute. I'm sad that there are more people in this poll that think we shouldn't help. Nobody understands the difficulties of homelessness until they go through it. It's the most disruptive situation you can imagine, and we need to have more compassion for those that find themselves in this most difficult of scenarios.

  • Frances - 9 years ago

    The homeless do need the services offered and some type of housing. I too, wonder where the money would come from and then I remember the tax that is collected for Fast Tracks and how RTD keeps pushing the date out well I don't think fast tracks is coming here and all we will get is a BART like system, so let that tax stay and do things for us and tell RTD to take a hike.

  • DD - 9 years ago

    Very poor question. Even if you do support services/housing for the homeless, the issue is always going to come down to one thing: Where's the money going to come from to pay for it?

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