Do you think planned parenthood should lose its funding?


  • Ms M. - 9 years ago

    Few women would be worried about mammogram coverage or availability if they knew that, contrary to the official narrative (which is based on medical business-fabricated pro-mammogram "scientific" data), there is marginal, if any, reliable evidence that mammography reduces mortality from breast cancer in a significant way in any age bracket but a lot of solid evidence shows the procedure does provide more serious harm than serious benefit (read: Rolf Hefti's 'The Mammogram Myth' - see outline at TheMammogramMyth dot com - and Peter Gotzsche's 'Mammography Screening: Truth, Lies and Controversy').

    IF women (and men) at large were to examine the mammogram data above and beyond the information of the mammogram business cartel (eg American Cancer Society, National Cancer Institute, Komen), they'd also find that it is almost exclusively the big profiteers of the test (eg radiologists, oncologists, medical trade associations, breast cancer "charities" etc) who promote the mass use of the test and that most pro-mammogram "research" is conducted by people with massive vested interests tied to the mammogram industry.

    Most women are fooled by the misleading medical mantra that mammograms save lives simply because the public has been fed ("educated" or rather brainwashed) with a very one-sided biased pro-mammogram set of information circulated by the big business of mainstream medicine.

  • Greg - 9 years ago

    well if we did not lose the moral compass we would not be talking about this. If people lived there lives the right way they would not have these problems . And its not a right to have an abortion in my mind if there is a heart beet there is a living soul . We have people out there saving the wales and got the tree huggers and these same people who support abortion. Hey heres an idea lets all be gay nobody gets knocked up

  • Doug - 9 years ago

    I can't believe what I read. Someone said there are "too many babies not being adopted out", and "it's a women's right" (to kill a baby). Does this mean more abortions should be done?

  • Brad - 9 years ago

    These same liberials were the ones greeting our vietnam vets when they came home calling them baby killers, How ironic ,They rationalize when life begins so they can have a clear conscience when they abort a baby

  • Mary Lou McGraw - 9 years ago

    Without Planned Parenthood young women wouldn't be getting mammograms or Pap Smears which has saved a lot of lives. They also receive education on Birth Control. There are less abortions thanks to educating the women. Please do not ever cancel this health care that women without health insurance need. Back room abortions cost a lot of young women their lives. I don't want to see us going back 100 years in the treatment of women's health issues.

  • sean - 9 years ago

    Roe V Wade was decided using 70s medical science and the supreme court could not decide when life begins. Today we know much more about fetal development. Can we at least end abortions of pain capable babies at 22 weeks unless the woman's life is in danger. When a baby at 22 weeks needs intrauterine surgery the baby is administered anesthesia.

  • Mary Anne - 9 years ago

    Planned Parenthood is a euphemism for what it actually is--a human chop-shop! They are killing living babies and selling their parts. Dr. Menghella would be so proud. What is happening to our society? I realize that we are now a throw-away society but discarding living human beings is unconscionable! In these abortion clinics they are using ultrasound and actually turning the babies around in the womb to a position that would make it easier to "harvest" usable "parts"-- read heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. This is horrific and against the law! Yet it is being done. These innocent little babies are literally being ripped limb-from-limb in the womb and their parts sold to the highest bidder. Why aren't these women who choose to abort their babies forced to see through an ultrasound exactly what they are willing to abort. I don't want my tax dollars to go to fund this despicable organization and you should feel the same too.

  • sandy - 9 years ago

    In today's world use birth control ! all these babies being born to unwed mothers is out of control! oh the state will take care of us lets have a couple of more!!! never ending!!

  • brian - 9 years ago

    Well I voted no and would every time, We already have too many babies that do not get adopted now, so were just going to making it worse and it still a woman's right period!!!!! We loose our individual rights every day, it needs to stop, but in this world where people are sticking their nose in everybody's else's business it will not change. Its a sad world we live in today so if we have global warming lets hurry it up and clean this world of all this stuff and start over.

  • prgrmr - 9 years ago

    I voted yes, and would every time. The killing of babies has to stop. There is always adoption. The birth pain is a small price to pay for a life. I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt.

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