Should elected officials follow their party’s platform when it comes to voting?


  • Nana - 9 years ago

    I belong to a party that most closely believes in the life issues that I believe in. If a person belongs to that party, runs on that parties platform, which is what they are saying they are doing when they register with one party on another, than yes, they should follow that platform. If they do otherwise than they are lying to us about their beliefs and the way that they will represent us. If you do not want to affiliated with a party or party name, than it is only fair and honest to run as an independent. I am weary of people saying they are supporting something when it reality, they are not and just say so to get elected. YES, I am talking about those such as are tagged with the name ie: RHINO.

  • John - 9 years ago

    Lets eliminate the parties on the ballots. These representatives are there to represent us, ALL of us, not a party. That is one way to force an individual to have a clue as to what a candidate stands for. When running for office, a party designation only gives an "idea" of what the candidate stands for, but not an absolute. As much as I hate to say it, voting independent in large elections is just throwing away your vote as a protest.

    Lets vote for the individual and not a party as that is the only way WE will gt our voice heard, rather than the elitists that control either primary party.

  • LChad - 9 years ago

    Mike - Run as Independent if you want to BE Independent. Parties are like 'brand names' and those who vote for the brand expect that the platform the party established be adhered to. Democrats certainly and strictly adhere to platform manifesto. Why should the elected Republicans be expected to do otherwise? Unless they were fooling us in their campaign...

  • MIke - 9 years ago

    We elect individuals not parties. If we voted to elect parties, only the party name would be on the ballot.

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