Who do you think won Wednesday’s debate of the top-11 Republican candidates for president?

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  • Jim Bondcos - 9 years ago

    Hard to believe that anyone, let alone a majority of respondents thought Christie won. He insulted his home state, proposes tax and entitlement reforms that would harm middle income families and seniors to the benefit of the wealthy. Sure, he wants to leave fantasy football gambling alone because he is a supporter of all forms of online gambling. Then, in his closing statement applauds the "wonderful" job he did as governor of NJ. Why didn't he tell the audience about the state's horrible fiscal position, massive foreclosure rate, broken promises on the homestead rebate and property tax cap that has more loopholes than the federal tax code, how he left thousands of Sandy victims homeless after three years and how there is so much wealth fleeing NJ that the state had to enact an exit tax so they could steal even more money from residents trying to get out. He is a bum and should be kicked out of this office not elected president.

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