Who won the CNN Prime Time debate?


  • Doug - 9 years ago

    In my opinion Trump wins the debate. Carly did very well, yet I feel she is too regimented. She doesn't
    have the personable touch that that Trump has, which is the mark of a true leader. Dr. Carson is a nice
    guy, but not affirmative enough for President. He passed up a few opportunities to make a stand. I
    think the poll results tell it like it is. The outsiders are the front runners. Trump going higher and higher,
    Fiorina moving up and Carson moving down. The others are not even hopeful. Too bad about Jeb. He would have been my first choice before Trump. The country is changing; no more career politicians.
    I'm ready.

  • Cindy - 9 years ago

    Carly is just another "PRETTY FACE". One of many. We need more than a pretty face.

  • Peter - 9 years ago

    Go Trump! This is obvious that corrupt media is trying to show negative points about Trump, but no matter what they say or what come people write here, poll trends show popular support for Trump and his clear ideas to make America great again. He won the debate last night and Carly had a great performance as well. Others just showed how incompetent they are to be a president for this country. This is not a joke, you want to elect a president.

  • JLC - 9 years ago

    I just voted 10 times for Carly. I wonder if I have just unlocked the secret of Donald's polls success. Let's do the math: pay 1000 people to vote 100 times each in an hour = 100,000 votes. Hey! I am up to something. Dump the Trump.

  • JLC - 9 years ago

    I took a "woman" to put the doll headed freak in his place. How can people want this empty headed Donald Dump?
    What's happening to my Republican Party? Are we so abundant in ignorant people. Can you see the lack of knowledge and lack of substance this idiot has. Republican vote because they are smart. Don't be stupid! Drop the Duck, Dump the Trump.

  • Gordon - 9 years ago

    One comment suggested that Ted Cruz reads from a script. That of itself is disingenuous because Ted Cruz is among a few who are gifted with a keen intellect. Ted Cruz has been saying the same things for a long time. His record is in keeping with his speaking. Morphed, as a charge against Ted Cruz is an attempt to reverse the table. We all know, that Ted Cruz is the most conservative of all the candidates running so those of us that know this that re real conservatives understand that such a comment is completely bogus. Now here is was we are faced with, most everyone on stage in the second debate brings to the debate an actors face. That is a serious charge, but it is backed up with facts. A person's past is all we have to gauge a person on. Their present conversation is as Ted Cruz has pointed out from the beginning, when political season rolls around the majority of Republicans become "Campaign Conservatives". So the genital man who basically accused Ted Cruz as the one who changes face is intentionally trying to miss lead readers, the facts speak against this person false comments.
    His comments are rhetoric – but Ted’s are Truth, Facts, and A Record of Consistency.
    If voters want a True Conservative, a man that has and is presently working to defend the Constitution then the only one on that stage that has a record to prove his words is Ted Cruz. No one can refute that, a man of character, purpose and a direction that is rooted in the Constitution. He is Mr. Conservative. So if this is what you really want then Ted Cruz is the one you should be supporting.
    Ted Cruz is the total package. I would put Bobby Jindal second and Scott Walker third. I have no use for the rest. I want true change, a real conservative in the White House.

  • Robert - 9 years ago

    I didn't watch the first debate and went into this second one without any idea who I'd vote for. I was open to anyone, and as someone who was able to watch this without any leanings beforehand I'll tell you right now Carly Fiorina won it hands down. She was strong, intelligent, and witty.

    I can't believe so many people think Trump won. He basically admitted he had no idea what was going on in the world but would know more when it comes time for him to take office...great. Having said that if ALL you want fixed is the economy I do think Trump would take care of it better than any other candidate, but I'm not sure that makes up for all the other areas of the presidency where he'd be a huge liability.

    I love Ben Carson. His views represent mine and he seems to be the most down to earth and honest candidate, but he's so soft spoken. I'm not sure he'd be able to come off strong enough to win votes from left and independent voters.

    I was very impressed with Rubio. I think he'd do great with foreign policy but I worry about the economy with him.

    Every time Ted Cruz had the floor his face would almost morph into the character he wanted to portray and then he'd go into recall mode, regurgitating the statement for each individual issue that his people had written out for him. It came off very fake.

    Jeb Bush had too many moments where he tried to say something once, he'd mess up and try to say it again, then he'd say it a new way just to get it out... reminded me way too much of his brother (shame on...shame on you?...) and NO democrat or independent will give him their votes.

    Chris Christie I also thought did an excellent job. Strong, intelligent, and with a fairly solid track record.

    The rest of the candidates left no lasting impressions on me.

    1. Carly Fiorina 2. Mark Rubio 3. Chris Christie 4. Trump 5. Carson 6. 7. 8....11. Jeb

    Having said all that winning a debate means you're good under pressure and in front of a camera, it doesn't mean you'll make the best president. I think Fiorina has the best chance of beating both Clinton/Biden. She'd beat Biden because women would jump ship from the left to vote for the first female president and she'd beat Hillary because she's just as strong, just as intelligent, but she doesn't have all of these recent judgment issues. My only concern with her is what Trump brought up about her last two companies. If they were failures like Trump says whereas Trump has been successful with pretty much everything he tries.... eh. But right now I'm not so sure the greatest threat to our economy is internal. We can endure debt and endure unemployment for a while, but if we don't work to stabilize the rest of the world, one attack by a maniac with or without a nuclear weapon can do far more damage to our economy/way of life.

  • Nick - 9 years ago

    Ben Carson? Give me a break. I refuse to listen to someone who claims that Obamacare was the 2nd worst thing since slavery...

  • Aruna mettler - 9 years ago

    Dr. Carson missed his opportunity to shine. His comments on 2 minimum wage exhibit was confusing. Some of the governors have done well in their states but do not come across well on TV. Jeb bush has class n experience but he carries the baggGe of not one but two presidents. His father and brother. He should v been president before them. He can do the job. Carly, stood her own. She is bright, knowledgable, dignified, and pretty. I can see her as a great president. She has class. She knows how to talk to world leaders. Our losses make us grow. She has suffered n understands suffering of others. Christy had a shot. He has lost respect due to some of his actions. No is a tuff state to deal with he does ok here. Trump is full of hot air. He feels he will hire experts to do jobs in different areas. Wrong. He came across as the most ignorant candidate . Felt he clearly does not have experience or knowledge about world affairs, foerign policy, economics, women's issues, education, health etc . His nich is immigration and with a an that is impractical Has scaresd many immigrants. He Better respect bilingual institutions. I work as a substitute teacher in a bilingual school system. He has no right to mock people for speaking Spanish or their native language. I am proud of Jeb that he can speak spanish.

  • Jorge Rodriguez - 9 years ago

    I definitely didn't see any clear ideas from Mr. Trump other than criticizing others. To suggest something does not imply it's an idea which to me is a subject he lacks on. As a business man you build an objective path based on facts that may be initiated by an idea or not I'm having a very hard time getting the facts from Mr. Trump and believing his suggestions. People has gone as far as to say that as an engineer he can do anything.... really? get your facts straight BS/D in Electrical Engineering will not give you the knowledge or experience to build a bathroom never mind going for a 100's of miles wall or great, great wall like he calls it . It leads me to believe that most of his followers are blind sighted by his charm, money and power of being politically incorrect and this is not enough for me to vote for him.

  • Robin Brodosi - 9 years ago

    Ben Carson gained 300,00 facebook likes and raised 1 Million dollars in small donations and received more twitter followers than anyone else. " During the debate" In the areas that count he was the winner.
    #BC2DC16 #WinBenWin

  • Don Rutter - 9 years ago

    I too have been dazzled by Trump and I am glad he is running. He is the booster shot the party needed badly. BUT, my sensibilities are with Marco Rubio. I believe he is solutions oriented while being realistic, even practical.

  • Barbara Jensen - 9 years ago

    When I think of who has the skills, abilities, and gravitas to work with some tough world leaders, I don't think of one of the soft and PC candidates; I think of Trump.

  • Jules miller - 9 years ago

    I guess Trump was right about Carly. Her persona is angry and bitter. Trump 2016

  • LAG - 9 years ago

    before you hang your hat on Carly, you might want to check out who she really is. See the web dress below. Interesting stuff.

  • LAG - 9 years ago


  • Val - 9 years ago

    Trump very poised and looks presidential. Fiorina to mean looking failed business couldnt run a hotdog stand let alone be president.

  • Carlos Santiago - 9 years ago

    Latinos for Trum. Every poll has a landslide ,TRUMP. Drudge, 62% Trump Carly 15.2%

  • Maggy - 9 years ago

    That Trump won this debate? Please wake up America, You're very wrong, voting for this clown , what may know this person from politics or about, he can know about beauty or misses or be an image for business, Peolple realize it is not his money, it's like banks you think banks has money? Who have their money in there banks? Is us, but well that is his business, wasting time fiddling with each other for the same party sucks, they should work together and live the hate, he is so stupid saying that USA spend 200 m a year on immigrants, how much money USA spend in black and white getto people who live from the country, people who do not pay taxes, they don't even know well is the way it looks like that we have 2 borders, Canada and mexico, how about cubans who come from the caribe are they gonna build a wall there too at the ocean, please be realistic, this is a joke people open your eyes, being a business man that doesn't mean you can know how a run a country he is a big ignorant, and he thinks he is better then anyone, well is in his blood, he got german blood, this person doesn't know were he is standing. The only thing he is doing is splitting the party. By the way I like Fiorina, Cruz, Rubio and Bush.

  • shannon powell - 9 years ago

    I didn't Think Carly was so great. She said what Trumps been saying for three months. She has a chip on her shoulder and shes thin skinned she had her nose sticking up so far it was on her forehead. She's not worth talking about she's not going anywhere.

  • Mike - 9 years ago

    Trump is the big winner. He tells it like it is and pulls no punches. Trump has my families vote (5) Trump is spot on with our Borders and Business. He will put people in his cabinet and agencies which will make America great again. He is a strong leader, honest, and intelligent person who wants to give back to the United States of America.

  • DRo40 - 9 years ago

    Trump is ahead in this pole? Must have paid a few thousand people to vote for him...like he paid Hillary to go to his wedding...

  • TruthBeTold - 9 years ago

    Fiorina was quick on her feet and did gave few punches to Trump but should we really vote for someone that lost a kid to drugs and destroyed one of the biggest companies in the world. If Trump did report bankruptcy, which he possibly couldn't, cause he's still worth around 6-7 billion dollars, but for the sake of the argument, let's say he did, than he only ruined his own business, unlike Fiorina, who ruined HP. I'm not saying that she's a bad parent but some questions should still be asked - like, why did her kid reached out to drugs and overdose? Maybe, just maybe, his mom was too busy making business deals instead of focusing on what's really important, her kid! So, for me Trump is still no.1 choice cause after all he did manage to make money and raise 5 smart, intelligent, successful kids. For me that means he's able to accomplish everything he sets his mind on and I strongly believe he will make this country great again.

  • jk - 9 years ago

    Congratulation CNN well done Interesting fact, Hillary has spent 18. 2 mil on her campaign so far . The closet GOP is Ben Carlson with 5.8 mil.

  • Jan - 9 years ago

    Mike - FYI - We had Spec Ops guys in Afghanistan going after BinLadin within 2 days of 911. He was hiding in the caves of Tora Bora and we bombed the crap out of them & brought those mountains down. Took years of digging to search for him. Don't believe that crap about him being killed in his compound. He was dead long before. No visual body. Buried at sea? Muslims aren't buried at sea. He would have never survived the caves, especially without his dialysis which he needed every couple of days.

  • June - 9 years ago

    Carly is a mean nasty person....never mind her face. I would hate to have her representing our country

  • Mike - 9 years ago

    I'm not sure there was a winner. Trump attacking Paul as he did showed a total lack of respect & class. Rubio did very well but what Bush said about his brother really bothers me about having kept the country safe. 9/11 happened on his watch & he made no attempt to find BinLadin, but attacked Iraq. He even said he didn't think about him much. Fiorina didn't impress me much or the others.

  • Real - 9 years ago

    who cares about obamacare. someone has to pay the bill. before or after the care.
    we have the best health care system in the world but it comes with a cost.

  • Mike - 9 years ago


  • Jessica - 9 years ago

    It scares me to see so many people driven by "reality-show" jokester Trump. Yes, his ability to voice his opinion without "fear" is entertaining but his opinion will not lead America for a better future. He talks, but cannot present facts. His propositions are unrealistic and cannot provide concrete facts, only words. Stop wasting our time Trump! Also, Trump like everyone else in our country can call ourselves Americans regardless of the fact that our families were once immigrants. Legal or illegal, it depends who you ask and in what period of time. Bottom line we do need to fix our broken immigration system, we do need to secure our borders, key word here is BORDERS both the South border and the Canadian border, but claiming to deport millions of people is just unrealistic. Our poor country is just heading downhill with these politicians at large, neither Democrats nor Republicans can truly assume the leader seat without being driven by their own self-interest. May God bless us all.

  • Jack - 9 years ago

    Fiorina, is very interesting, i'll start paying a lot more attention

  • Nick - 9 years ago

    Trump won hands down. We need someone who's business minded and a leader that has a no nonsense no bullshit attitude. He is right about how political correctness is crippling America. As a nation were more concerned about not offending people than actually solving problems. Especially financial and economic problems which are issues that effect EVERY American. And Trump is the man to execute that along with other matters effortlessly. I trust him. He's been around the block, he knows what he's talking about. Too bad people just label him as a "racist" or "sexist" even if he was which is really highly unlikely. I'd prefer him than fucking Hillary who turned her back on the Americans at Benghazi and her association with sketchy people like Marc Mezvinsky...

  • Joe - 9 years ago

    Go Trump the last thing the country needs is a women that is menopausal one minute crying and next ready to pull the trigger

  • monte - 9 years ago

    rubio by far won this debate!!!

  • Natalia Ermakov - 9 years ago

    Ted Cruz is the BEST!! You shouldn't shut him down. You cut him. He couldn't finish his points

  • Natalia Ermakov - 9 years ago

    Ted Cruz is the BEST!! You shouldn't shut him down. You cut him. He couldn't finish his points

  • Peggy - 9 years ago

    Still Trump all the way.

  • Charli Brown - 9 years ago

    I don't hear much about Marco Rubio here, but I think he was amazing in the debate. Honestly there is something about Trump I don't like. He would be much better than Hillary but he has no idea on foreign affairs and he wants to raise taxes. Not very comservative at all. Carson is one of my favorites but I don't think he did great tonight. Carly is too vague imo. She tends to dart away from questions.

    I think Rubio did the best, and Huckabee also had some great points.

  • Juan Carlos - 9 years ago

    Trump right to the point and make things happen and Fiorina Inspires me. Carson is an Intellectual and Cruz knows everything about the constitution. They need to work together to bring this country back!!!!! We can do it!!!!

  • Myriam - 9 years ago

    Donald J Trump! 2016-2020 Great Leader! Great Talent! I believe and have faith Any Better? NO NO NO! Only Trump Clean and Class! Clean Soul! Nice heart!

  • Del - 9 years ago

    CNN gave too much opportunities to Trump during and after the debate to be seen and heard. I got SICK of him. If Obama is so bad and doing things wrong, why is there no move to impeach him?

  • Phill - 9 years ago

    What a ridiculous bunch of clowns! What a clown show. Not one of them is fit to be a dog catcher, let alone
    a President. Overall, an amazing group of liars, salesmen, con artists and corporatists. God help our country!

  • James Morris - 9 years ago

    Mike Huckabee has the best tax plan no one is talking about. A federal sales tax with exceptions on food and limits on basics would vitalize the economy and bring in more than enough revenue. His final statement was the most inspiring and comprehensive.

  • Dee meet - 9 years ago

    Trump. Won big time........

  • theez nutz - 9 years ago

    Winning .........Trump

  • linda - 9 years ago

    i thought he did great considering, we already knew it wasnt going to be fair... they've been on here for 2 weeks bragging about what they were going to do, they were acting like 3rd graders- one good thing came out of it where i work, 33 co workers of mine are now changing and voting for Trump. they said we need adults in the white house not children.....Trump 2016

  • Matt - 9 years ago

    Trump is a fool. How does he lead in the polls?

  • Vickie K - 9 years ago

    Trump is anything but a regular guy, unless you are a billionare! Those who say they will do away with Obama-care, what are they alternatives. I couldn't afford healthcare until Obama-care!

  • VIckie K - 9 years ago

    Carly Forina appears to be the strongest and most knowlegable of the group. She speaks firmly and unemotionaly.

  • Donald Trump - 9 years ago

    Carly clearly won on substance and solutions. Trump tell the truth?? Majority bof what he says are for shock value NOT Truth..people read a fucking newspaper and then off the reality shows. AMERICA needs solution nor kardashians, janye or Trump..

  • that_random_guy - 9 years ago

    Deez Nutz 2016.I truly think Deez Nutz can fix our country!

  • ModMaker3000 - 9 years ago

    I voted for Deez Nutz...

  • Mary Ann Smith - 9 years ago

    Donald Trump is what America needs! I truly believe he can and will turn the United States around. No more career politicians.

  • Kacy Ann - 9 years ago

    Trump 2016 is not a politician. He's a regular guy who tells it like it is. I don't want PC or pandering, Carly's word she couldn't back-up, I want a person who isn't afraid to tell America what they need to hear not what they want to hear. More of the same oh, same oh BS

  • Vic - 9 years ago

    Carly. Articulated precise solutions NOT soundbites. Carson was flat, but articulated his positions clearly. Trump is a flash in pan..bully, doesn't have temperament, experience to win. Hes's a train wreckvwhobhas declared bankruptcy 4x, been martiedc4 x and his money doesn't qualify him.just my opinion

  • Mary - 9 years ago

    I think trump

  • Collin - 9 years ago

    Trump can't win this election. He isn't specific enough on his policies, and is repetitive in his arguments. Fiorina is much more like able and extremely straightforward with her policies and ideas. Be smart republicans! Trump wins republican primary- we lose the election

  • Kermit - 9 years ago

    I want to write in a candidate. His name is Deez Nuts.

  • Peter - 9 years ago

    Trump won the debate because he tells the truth, he is the man for job. This is why people prefer him over those politician liars. Fiorina was good but absolutely does not fit a president position, while she is much more credible than Hillary, the worst secretary of state in the history.

  • Cecil Frizzell - 9 years ago

    I say Trump won and I prefer Trump, but I could vote for Cruz, Fiorina and Carson. They were all great

  • Julio - 9 years ago

    Marco Rubio!!

  • Condi - 9 years ago

    As usual-trump dominates and wins this debate! Ted Cruz was awesome also!

  • Beth - 9 years ago

    Rand Paul!!! He's the only one making points without pointing fingers! Just research him and you'll understand why he just wants to help people. #standwithrand

  • Deric - 9 years ago

    TRUMP is winning. Jeb bush is a liar and an idiot. TRUMP 2016

  • JSMITH - 9 years ago

    TRUMP 2016

  • pat - 9 years ago

    Love Trump Ideas!!!!!!!!!!.

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