Was it a mistake to go to war in Iraq?


  • Joey Perry - 8 years ago

    AJC I was once a loyal reader, I love how you led with the Toyota bait and switch to emphasizing the loss of US equipment in Iraq. It is disturbing however I feel the politicians particularly our President is solely to blame for our current debacle in Iraq. He pulled out at the worst time and don't give me this about that's the condition he found it in that's simply not true. He shouldn't have taken on the job if he couldn't handle it and thats exactly what he did. Totally unqualified and ill advised decisions made by him and his administration created a terrible situation but that was his plan from the start. He has ruined our foreign policy and we are the laughing stock of the world. Shame on the American people that voted for him and shame on you AJC for the "survey" you slipped in at the end of your propagated story. You have supported and endorsed his administration so you share in the blame and blood that's being spilled there. Your still a liberal rag I see!

  • WK - 9 years ago

    I've supported our troops but never supported the Iraq war. Thought it was crazey just talking about it then we went and did it. Our worst terror enemy was in afghanistan at the time. Greed and nothing more caused all of it.

  • miron - 9 years ago

    "Was it a mistake to go to war in Iraq?" ..there should be "Is the G.W. Bush a total idiot", this is the right question.

  • David Marsh - 9 years ago

    It is all Obama's fault, I am sure of it! Bush should have ran for governor of Texas again; like father like son, piss poor presidents. AT least the schmucks that voted for those 2 don't appear to backing this other idiot from Florida. "TRUMP for PRESIDENT"

  • KI - 9 years ago

    More importantly , where are they getting their weapons from?

  • SupNDemand - 9 years ago

    Supply and demand. You can make a fortune when you have both. That is all this war was. Created one hell of a profit margin.

  • John - 9 years ago

    @Lol. I'm one of those idiots that voted no. My brothers in arms did not die in vain. There was an abundance of good that happened in that country.

  • bob - 9 years ago

    It was a disaster from a moral perspective and glorious from the perspective of Dick Cheney and Halliburton, which was the point. It achieved its purpose well.

  • sumjuanelse - 9 years ago

    you did multiple tours with your brothers who died for people only interested in raising profits from war, and then you tell someone not to blindly do something. classic. food for thought?

  • BK - 9 years ago

    No, it was not a mistake. My company for instance, has been profitable because of the war.

  • sumjuan - 9 years ago

    @KT, it was a mistake. There was not one legitimate reason the US invaded Iraq and ISIS is the fallout of piss poor planning by the US leadership. We had a plan to destroy Iraq. No planning past that and that is where it sits today. Destroyed.

    Food for thought. I was a Marine that served in multiple tours in Iraq. My brothers died so those who owned stock in private military firms could profit. Maybe don't blindly defend others actions and take a step back and look at things from another perspective.

  • Pber - 9 years ago

    KT brah you should seriously try out for the US olympic team. The mental gymnastics you must have to do on a daily basis just to be you are probably pretty spectacular to witness.

    Yeah, after Iraq submitted to UN inspections of their facilities and no WMDs were found, after it was known that Iraq had literally nothing at all to do with 9/11, it was still a good idea to go to Iraq. Yup. That makes complete sense, you utter moron.

  • SSD - 9 years ago

    I can only see this poll going one way

  • LOL - 9 years ago

    I was wondering who were the 477 idiots who voted "no."

    It seems there is at least one here!

  • KT - 9 years ago

    It wasn't a mistake to go to Iraq. It was a mistake to leave Iraq

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