Is Christine Being Too Hard On Adam Or Just Doing Her Job?


  • judith broden - 9 years ago

    i don't understand how she is the da she shouldn't be

  • kathleen - 9 years ago

    The reason why I said not sure, is because,there are a lot of mixed feelings here for her,you have to remember,chris and paul just lost a child in a car accident, not too long ago. Those feelings never go away, she still wants justice, for what has happen to her, and I think that she is taking it out on Adam, it is her way of having some closure, but the only way that will happen is that she comes to terms of losing her baby, something that she still has not been able to do. is chris doing her job? to a point let us not forget as well, it was also a Newman that made chris lose her baby, so she is out for blood and going after a newman no less.

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